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- 11th African Battlegame Championship
- 11th East Asian Battlegame Championship
- 11th West Asian Battlegame Championship
- 1755 War
- 1805 and All That
- 1828 War
- 1931 Russian Invasion of Turkestan
- 1994
- 2006 Assassination
- 9 1/2 weeks later
- ALFA Lorena
- Aaron Moore
- Abbreviations page
- Abdoregalism
- Abdul Karim Qassim
- Abish Taylor
- Aboriginal Rights
- Abram Lincoln
- Abyss
- Academy Prime
- Accueil
- Aceh
- Act of Return
- Action Francaise
- Action Française
- Administrative divisions of the MR
- Admiral Yamamoto Land
- Adolf Hessler
- Adolf Hitler
- Adullamite Republicans
- Aedul
- Aer Lângaeth
- Aerolt
- Aeroplanes
- Aeroscrafts
- Aerostats
- Aerotowers
- Afghanopakistan
- Africa
- African liberation
- African regions
- Afroes
- Agent Doomov (Fictional Character)
- Agnette von Johannes
- Agnès von Johannes
- Air Louisianne
- Air Transport in Dalmatia
- Airships
- Aitvaras Geležinkelietis
- Aitxi Province
- Ajodhja
- Al-Basra
- Al-Jazarya
- Alae Joevae
- Alan Turing
- Alba
- Alba Nuadh
- Alba Parish, Carolina
- Albania
- Albert Arnold Gore, Jr.
- Albert Arnold Gore, Sr.
- Albert Didier
- Albert I of England and Scotland
- Alberto Gonzalez
- Alberto Santos Duval
- Albrecht II
- Albrecht III
- Alcohol Production in Ill Bethisad
- Alcohol in the MR
- Alcohol of Louisianne
- Alcohol of Montrei and Alta California
- Alcohol of New-Francy
- Alcohol of Turkestan
- Alec Lloneir
- Alegoric the frank (fictional character)
- Aleisandr Edwardd Croly
- Alexander Rickman
- Alexandra, Duchess of Sparta
- Alexandre Mouton
- Alexandru
- Alexandru I
- Alexandru II
- Alfonso Joseph I of Castile and Leon
- Alfonso XIII of Castile and Leon
- Alfonso XII of Castile and Leon
- Alfonso XIV of Castile and Leon
- Alfonso XI of Castile and Leon
- Alfonso X of Castile and Leon
- Algeria
- Algonquian
- Alhastri
- Alia Valentina
- Alister Sharpton
- Alliance for Public Decency
- Allied Powers
- Allow Me In
- Almaliq
- Almalıq
- Almastu
- Alouicious Dobbs
- Alpes-Argentes
- Alpes-Argentés
- Alpes-Rocheuses
- Alphonse Joseph I of Castile and Leon
- Alphonse Lambert
- Alta California
- Alter-Gen
- Alternate History
- Altun Adam
- Alyaska
- Alyeska
- Amagawa Hoxi
- Amazon (comics)
- Amelie-Marie Earhart
- AmeriGroup
- American Broadcasting Corporation
- American Coats of Arms
- American English
- American Leadership Conference
- American Orthodox Church
- American Snorist Party
- Americano Guerra
- Amy Rose Carter
- Amérique
- An Graveth
- Anais Michelle Bouvier
- Anais Michelle Bouvier Young
- Anarexo-Monarchism
- Anaïs Michelle Bouvier
- Andaman Islands
- Andean Pact
- Anders And
- Anderson Parish, Carolina
- Andorra
- Andrangheta
- Andre Vaschon
- Andrei Vlasov
- Andrew Jan Volstead
- Andrew Morris
- Andrew Smith
- André Bienvenu Roman
- André Bullant
- Angelique Jones
- Angelita Diaz
- Angli
- Anhalt
- Anima
- Anira of Muntenia
- Antanas Audronis
- Antanas Smetona
- Antarctic Dependency
- Antarctic Lithuanian
- Antarctica
- Anti-Mormon Party
- Anti-Snorist Movement
- Anti-Spam League
- Anti-airship fighter
- Antioquia
- Antisemitism
- Antoine II Bourbon-Le Moyne
- Anton I
- Antonia Guelph
- Ançec
- Ao Whetuma
- Aosta
- Aotearoa
- Aotearoan Antarctic Dependency
- Aoun Brewery
- Ape World
- Ape World Apocalypse
- Ape World Exodus
- Ape World Genesis
- Apex Productions
- Apo Mekhanes Diathekon
- Apollinarianism
- Apotheosis
- April
- Apskritis
- Aq Suyuk
- Aq Süyük
- Aquanishuonigy
- Aquarianism
- Aquarius DSV
- Aquico Bourbon-Le Moyne
- Aquico Yamamoto
- Aquihito, Prince Comaçu
- Aquilea
- Aquita Province
- Aquonishuonigy
- Arab Community
- Arab Rebellion
- Arab Snorism
- Arabic
- Aragon
- Aragonese
- Aragonese Africa
- Aragonese Guinea
- Aragonese League
- Arakan
- Araucania and Patagonia
- Archimandrite, MR
- Archimandrites
- Archimandrites of the Serene Monastic Republic of the Holy Mountain
- Archipélago Revillagigedo
- Archives
- Archqueens of Scandinavian Realm
- Ardscoil Náidhiúnta Eolaíochda
- Ardscoil Náidhiúnta Eolaíochta
- Arembarg
- Armand Beauvais
- Armed Forces of Uyguristan
- Armenia
- Armorica
- Army ranks in the interwar Lithuania
- Arnold Shicklegruber
- Arslan Bahadir
- Arslan Bahadır
- Artvir Klaric
- Arvorec
- Aryanica
- Ascension Island
- Ash-Shams
- Ashanti
- Ashgabat
- Asia-Pacific Trade Union
- Asimoupoli
- Asperanza Rius
- Assassination of James Wainwright
- Assyrian Church
- Assyrian Hospitals
- Assyrian Monasticism
- Assyrians in Iraaq
- Asterix
- Astronomy
- Asturian
- Asturias
- Asxat Akan-ulı
- Atacama War
- Athanasius, Saint
- Athena
- Athonite Beacon
- Athonite Grammar II
- Athonite Irregular Verbs
- Athonite Language
- Athonite Swadesh List
- Atjeh
- Atlanta
- Atlanta Wells
- Atlantic Air War
- Atmar
- Atmaranos
- Atomic Weapons
- Attiki
- August
- Augustinas Voldemaras
- Aukštaitian Governorate
- Aumaetruc, S. A.
- Aurel I
- Aurel II
- Aurial Ybl
- Aurillac
- Australasia
- Australasia and the Pacific
- Australasian Penal Company
- Australia
- Australia (Novel)
- Australian English
- Austria
- Austrian Anschluss and the Helvetian Takeover
- Austro-Dalmatia
- Austro-Dalmatian Football Championship
- Austro-Prussian War
- Austronesian League
- Autogiros
- Automotive industry in Bohemia
- Automotive industry in Japan
- Automotive industry in Russia
- Autonomous Prefecture of Yanbian
- Auxlangs
- Avatar (comics)
- Aviarca
- Aviation in the MR
- Avicenna University
- Avions Dassault-Breguet
- Awadh
- Awadh, Constitution of
- Axe-Throwing
- Ayaco, Princess Oca
- Ayaco, Princess Òca
- Azande Chiefdoms
- Azerbaijan
- Aziza Shahidi
- Azores
- Azıza Şahıdı
- Aşğabat
- B3 (band)
- BCFCB Classification System
- Babai the Great
- Babiche
- Babylon's fight
- Babylon 5
- Babyloń 5
- Bac
- Baden
- Bahamas
- Bahia
- Balagtas Alphabet
- Balear Islands
- Balearic Islands
- Balenzia (Country)
- Balhaijoñ
- Baliaru
- Balkan Campaigns
- Balkan Defense Agreement
- Balkan Football Championship
- Balkans
- Baltic Langauges
- Baltic Languages
- Baltic League
- Baltic States
- Banaba
- Banat
- Banca
- Banco Nacional de Tejas
- Bandes-Désinées D.M.
- Bandes-Désinées Trois-Rivières
- Bandes Dessinées Trois-Rivières
- Bangal
- Banyaluka
- Ban̊gál
- Baphomex (fictional character)
- Bars Hıpırbazar
- Basketball
- Basmachi Revolt
- Basmaçı Revolt
- Basque
- Batavia
- Batavian Antilles