Albert Didier

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Albert Didier
Order: 15th Prefect of Nouvelle Cournouaille
Term of Office: 12 Frimaire, CCXIII (MMDD/2005); 5 Sans-Culottide, CCXIII (09/22/2005)
Predecessor: Padrig Maughan
Successor: Johannes Yager
Date of birth: ()
Date of death: None
Place of birth: X, X, Nouvelle Cournouaille, Louisianne
Profession: Politician,
Political Party: Christian Conservative Legislators (Législateurs de la Moralité Chrétienne)
Relgious Affiliation: Catholic

Albert Didier is a former party boss of the Parti Républicain Libre, PRL, but has been deeply entrenched in the Législateurs de la Moralité Chrétienne. When Padrig Maughan resigned his position to head up the investigation for Arsenic poisoning in the Rivière du Sang, Albert Didier was tapped as his replacement. His nomination was confirmed in the few days following.

M. Didier is a questionable character and many in the Council question him as a replacement.

M. Didier was involved heavily in past campaigns for Marc-Albert Mitterand, and is thus his public career is clouded with questions of graft. Many outside of Louisianne say that his nomination is just proof that the government will never rise above the graft and corruption of its ancestors.

A heavy race has been fought for the seat of the Prefecture on the Council. The actual vote will come in about a fortnight's time. Currently, M. Didier was leading the polls by a small margin, but on 13 Fructidor CCXIII (31 August, 2005) allegations surfaced that M. Didier had visited Jaime Bush, ex-leader of Florida-Caribbea, and that blasting caps stolen from mining sites in the Alpes-Argentés had been used in the destruction of levees in Nouvelle Orleans.

Preceded by:
Padrig Maughan
Prefect of Nouvelle Cournouaille
Succeeded by:
Johannes Yager.