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Australasia is a federation of four territories (the former British colonies of Geireinti, Kingsland, New South Cambria and English Australia) on the Australian continent, Van Diemens Land to the south of the mainland, the Kingdom of Aotearoa to the east, several island groups in the Indian and Pacific Oceans and the Antarctic territories of English Australia and Aotearoa.

Australasia is famous for its separatists. The remote nature of the Outback and the inaccessability of much of the northern coast have given rise to a number of "principalities" and "kingdoms" which are generally little more than self-aggrandised agricultural stations or small towns. For example, one small town along the north coast has sought for the last decade or so to secede from Australasia and submit to the Emperor of Ethiopia.

One small group of separatists in Hobart, Van Diemens Land, caused a bit of a stir in 2005 by calling for the province's secession from Australasia and then joining the Scandinavian Realm instead due to the marriage of a local girl to the Scandinavian heir apparent.


see also: Philately in Australasia

map of australasia
Flag of Australasia

Australasia began as a group of unrelated penal colonies in the south Pacific, mainly on the island of Australia. The settlement of prisoners occured throughout the 19th century and though the governance was through penal companies, the population became largely composed of freemen as convicts became enfranchised.

For largely economical and defence-related reasons, the various colonies came closer together as the 20th century neared and formed a commonwealth in 1901 under the leadership of the Australasian Penal Company (APC).

As a result of the Cambrian Treaty of 1921 giving sovereignty to Ireland, the southern part of New Kemr di'll Ostr, inhabited primarily by people of Irish descent, became a separate province named Guereintia in 1923.

During the Great Wars, Australasia contributed to the war effort through the ANJAC (Austral Nations Joint Army Corps), a military contingent made up of volunteers from commonwealth and non-commonwealth nations.

Later on, the formerly independent island of Aotearoa joined up as a freely associated state, keeping complete internal rule.



The Commonwealth is also composed of a few aboriginal nations in the Great Corridor Territory and some outlying islands with varying status associated with or under the protection of one of the provinces.

See also: