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Languages | |
Official | English, Brithenig, Dutch, Riksmål, Ladino, Scots, Pennsylfaanisch, Castilian, Algonquian, Cherokee, Inuttitut |
Other | Gaelic, Greek, Kerno, Wenedyk, |
Capital | Philadelphia |
Important Cities | Balafor, Chicago, New Amsterdam, St. Louis, Victoria City, Atlanta, Toronto |
General Moderator | Eugene Levi (Covenant Loyalist) |
First Viceroy | Ben Nighthorse Campbell |
Area | ... |
Population | |
Independence | from various |
(declared) | 1803 |
(recognized) | |
Currency | SLC pound |
Organizations | Commonwealth of Nations, Scandinavian Realm |
National Song | "THey Comes!" (til 1814); "Wafts Still the Old Blue Sheet" (since 1814) |
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The NAL-SLC is a federation of former British colonies, Native states and two Scandinavian colonies in North America, capital at Philadelphia. Due to economic and political conditions in the 17th and 18th centuries, citizens of several British North American colonies moved to gain more independence; and so issued the Solemn League and Covenant on 2 July 1803, under which the former colonies secured independence of commerce and defense yet remained subjects of the Crowns of England, Scotland and Kemr. The French colony of New Francy was invited to join, but opted instead to pursue full independence, forming the independent Intendancy of New Francy which is surrounded by the NAL. The chief non British colony, New Sweden, hesitated but eventually joined two decades after the initial membership.
The North American League and Solemn League and Covenant is the largest country in the North American continent. It comprises most of the territory east of the Mississippi basin (in the south) and east of the Stony Mountains (in the north). Politically, it is a democratic republic that owes allegience to the Federated Kingdoms and is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations.
Short History
See History of the NAL.
Some notes on America
Basic Functioning
In practice the NAL has always functioned as rather more than a commonwealth or alliance but just a little less than a unitary state. Had the different provinces not in some sense needed each other and been more-or-less well-bordered on all sides this might not have worked out. However, though Louisianne has improved itself in recent years as an essentially stable neighbor in terms of the not-threatening-the-NAL; this was not always the case. It has never been fully trusted and even into the XX century, it was looked upon with mistrust due to the 1828 War. The proximity of Deseret, Oregon and Alyaska have proven to be of little impact upon the actual life of most Americans. This happy state of affairs is of course not always the case with Florida, though that situation qualified more as an inconvenience rather than much of a threat. It came as a great blow to the young country's constitution when imperial Castile and Leon seized the territory, and the NAL found itself unable to retake it by force or diplomacy. It is only in the early XXI century that Florida and Tejas have been dealt with to satisfaction.
As a result, the extremely diverse nature of the NAL has become a strength rather than a weakness. For this reason it played a subtle but important part in both the First and Second Great Wars--a huge resevoir of manpower and resources far from the center of conflict, with a correspondingly safe industrial infrastructure.
The simple process of keeping such a diverse nation functioning, plus the existence of what continues to be a large frontier, has also helped in making the NAL something all its neighbors should be grateful for--not very expansionist at all.
Possibly the single greatest threat to the NAL is also its internal diversity, which sometimes flares up into feuds and intense argument. Different religions are often at the epicenter of such, especially with regards to such "moral" issues as abortion, the status of established religions, the definition of marriage and gay rights. The matter of teaching evolution and other controversial (to some) scientific principles have also been a point of argument, though rarely prolonged violence. Yet some claim--and not without justification--that such is merely to be expected in a large, diverse country and that the League's very stability makes such tensions possible but also manageable.
An example of this might be found in the tension between Jante's Law and the Pioneering Spirit as well as the concept of Top Nation, and has resulted in--among other things--a new cultural ideal dubbed "Less Is More."
The Government
Territorial Expansion
The NAL has always maintained a policy of denying it the possibility of territorial expansion by means of war. It has been speculated that America could encompass every territory from Alta California to Alyaska and over to the Mississippi River, had there existed the desire to conquer those lands. Given its resources, the outcome would probably not have been in doubt. Throughout its history, the NAL has been content to "live and let live".
All territorial expansion is accomplished via a well defined progression of local referrenda and proto-provincial work sessions (attended and counseled by an American embassy); the presenting of formal credentials and desire for admittance to the Council Fire of the Natives in Aquonishuonigy; upon acceptance by the Elders, formal submittal of proposals to the Parliament and acceptance or denial by same.
Most provinces are governed by an officer styled Lord (or Lady) Governor who is elected for a term set by the province's constitution. Most serve for five year terms, some may run multiple times other provinces limit the number of terms a governor may serve.
Furthermore, each province seats its own legislature and holds its own courts of law, based on the legal system of its home country in the case of the original provinces. In the case of newer provinces, their justice systems are taken from the provinces that in turn colonised them. The several Aboriginal Provinces (Cherokee Nation, Nunavik, Aquanishuonigy, etc) each have legal and legislative systems that mix European and Native tradition to some degree.
The Name
That's a ruddy mouthful, and is usually called "North American League" or simply "America", to the satisfaction of Americans from Carolina to New Iceland, from the mighty Mississippi to the frigid waters of Baffin's Bay, and to the chagrin of all those other Americans from Tejas, Mejico, Guiana, etc. "Solemn League And Covenant Of North America" is the formal name of the North American League, and also of the agreement which created it.
According to W. Cowan's History of the American Nations, the "The name 'Solemn League and Covenant' refers firstly to the documents that form the basis and foundation of the country called the 'North American League'; and secondarily to that country itself when it is seen as a League of independent States. When the League is seen as a unitary State, showing a single face to the world, the name 'North American League' is more often used."
People of the NAL refer to themselves as "Americans" and that usage has spread to their European motherlands as well. The flag of the NAL is the Plough in white stars on a dark blue background and is called the "Old Blue Sheet".
The North American League is an incredibly linguistically, ethnically, and religiously diverse place. There are hundreds of Native American languages spoken around the dominion, primarily in provinces which still to this day are majority Native, including but not limited to Aquanishuonigy, Miami, Illinoise, Mascoutensi, Ouisconsin, Utawia, Nunavik, Mobile, West Florida, and the Cherokee Nation. The Germanic language family holds the largest share of speakers by raw numbers. English is the dominant language—of central government, of commerce, of mass media. There are German speakers in every province of the country. German immigrants have been coming to the North American continent since the foundation of its first English and Dutch colonies. Pennsilfaanisch, a blended dialect of West Central German, is unique to the New World, having gotten its start in the very German Province of Pennsylvaania. Scots, which is either its own language in the Anglic family or merely a dialect of English depending on who one asks, is most spoken in Alba Nuadh but there are many speakers of it in Jacobia, the only other Scottish member of the League. Batavian (Dutch) is a particularly common language in New Netherland (Castreleon New) but there are pockets of speakers still proudly utilizing the language of their colonial ancestors in New Sweden, Kent, and Oxbridge. Icelandic and Swedish are the official languages in New Iceland and New Sweden respectively. The only Celtic language that made its way to the country is Gailege, which although incredibly common in Ouisconsin (particularly in Chicago) and especially Mascoutensi, is most prominent in the Cambrian colony of Ter Mair, along the mid-Atlantic. The Romance languages are incredibly common, both in the Gallic and Brythonic varieties. The French Empire left an indelible mark on the NAL. Despite having taken most of the former colonial power’s land away from it in 1828, the are French speakers were from Les Plaines in the west to Massachusetts Bay’s holdings in Maine in the east and Mobile in the Deep South. Brithenig, like French, has speakers all over the country but mostly in the midwest. Its brother languages in the Britanno-Romance sub-family, Breathanach and Kerno, are mostly relegated to just Ter Mair. Finally, in the Iberian family, Ladino is the primary language of New Spain (Nueva Esefarad), although after two centuries of isolation, it diverged rapidly from the Ladino of the Jews who stayed in the Old World, primarily formerly-Ottoman Greece, Xliponia, and North Africa. Immigrants with no ties to imperial powers have brought a long list of languages with them to the NAL with varying degrees of surviving and thriving.
The name
In the various Official Languages of its Provinces
- Brithenig:
- Castilian: la Liga i Alianza Solemnes de Norteamérica
- English: the Solemn League and Covenant of North America
- Ladino: la Liga i el Kontrato Solemnes de Norteamerika
- Riksmål: Det Nordamerikanske Høgtideligt Forbund ok Pakt
- Scots: The Solemnit Leagge an Covenant o North America
- Francien: La Ligue et le Concordat Solonnel Nord-Américain
Official and colloquial names in Foreign Languages
- Corean: Puñmi Doñmaiñ (popular)
- Japanese: Hocubei Catai Dòmei to Seiyacuxa (official); Hocubei Dòmei (popular); Beimei (abbreviation)
- Wenedyk: Liga i Askrodamię Soleń Amerycze Miódnocali (LiASAM; official); Liga Miódnocałoamerykana (LMA; popular)
- Elbic: La Llega Norteamericanna i la Cconcorzà Solenne (LNCS, official)
- Bohemian: Té Nórta Amérika To Hóchpuntnis (NAH; official), Ten Hóchpunt (popular)
Less flattering term sometime used to address NAL citizens:
- English: Covee, Covey (as in "Covee go home!").
- Riksmål: Forpachtere (probably).
- French: nalien (sounding like n'a rien, meaning has nothing)
- Castilian: gringo (derived from griego "Greek" as in the sense of the phrase Para mi es griego (It's all Greek to me))
Neutral terms for American citizens
- Corean: Puñmi Saram
- English: American, North American
- French: Élènien (taken from LNA, the initials of the country in francien)
- Japanese: Hocubeidjin (literally "North American")
Map: [1]
Melting Pot, Land of Fusion
(will need expansion)
Cultural Imperialism
Interestingly, a few sociologists claim that the NAL is an example of a new form of Imperialism, which is not at all military in nature but rather cultural. They point out to the pervasive nature of NAL's media and its economic ties worldwide. "The position of the NAL, particularly in the post war period, has been one of rampant cultural imperialism. In every aspect of culture, be it music or the visual arts, the NAL is a rapacious exporter and imposer of its own cultural artifacts. [...] Take the mass popularity of Jass and the moving picture series War in the Heavens as fine exemplars." (Craven & Ross, 2003) Most academics are not so quick to aggrandize the NAL's effects on world culture, citing the relative parity of cultural influences in the world as a whole. In other words, "Proponents of the claim that America is culturally imperialistic have at every moment failed to take into account the influence of many exporters of cultural artifacts (moving pictures, music, literature, works of plastic arts, foodways, etc.) Even relatively small countries like Montrei, Jervaine and Madagascar have been able to impress something of their own cultures upon the American experience. [...] It can not be sustained the notion that the NAL is a net exporter and imposer of culture upon the world." (Larson, Jones and Smith, 2004)
National Symbols
National Songs
The NAL's first national song, "THey Comes!", was composed in 1803 to honour Richard Whittington and Georges Clinton, two of the chief "Fathers of America", upon their triumphal entrance to New Amsterdam after the ratification of the Solemn League and Covenant and subsequent Royal Accession to the same. It is sung to the tune "He Comes, the Hero Comes!":
1.THey comes! þey comes! The heroes comes!
Securd the Peace for all our homes,
THeir rankes advance in bright array,
THe heroes of Americay.
2.He comes! tis mighty Whittington!
Word failes to telle all he has done;
Our hero, guardian, father, friend!
His fame can neuer, neuer end:
3.He comes! he comes! tis Clinton comes!
Justice her ancient seat resumes.
From shoar to shoar let shoutes resounde,
For Justice comes with freedom crownd.
4.O word! o word! o mighty pen!
Neuer to dulle like swords wrought by men,
From south til north let all folk say,
THe Sol'mn League of Americay!
5.Now Freedom has our wishes crownd,
Let flowing goblets passe around;
We'll drinke to freedoms fav'rite Son,
Health, peace, and joy to Whittington.
(Henrhig Car, from the New London Gazette, 12 December 1803)
In 1814, after the death of Governor Clinton and after several victories at sea over pirates in both the Caribbean and Mediterranean seas, "They Come!" was retired the new National Song, "Wafts Still the Old Blue Sheet", written by Ter Mair native Ffrensisc S. Keyes, a prisoner rescued from Caribbean pirates, who witnessed the Seige of Kingestown, Jamaica. This anthem has been set to a couple different tunes over the years, one being To Anacreon in Heaven. Most Americans are familiar with the setting to the old hymn tune Near the Cross
1.O, say can ye see, by þe dawns early light,
What so proudly we haild at the twilights last gleaming?
Whose deep blue and bright stars, þro the perilous fight,
O'er þe ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And þe rockets red glare, þe bombes bursting in air,
Gave proof thro þe night þat our flag was still þere.
Wafts still þe Old Blue Sheet, o'er þe sea and o'er þe wave,
O'er the land of þe free and þe home of þe brave?
2.On þe shoar, dimly seen þro þe mists of þe deep,
Where þe foes haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is þat which þe breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blowes, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches þe gleam of þe mornings first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines on þe stream:
Tis þe humble brave Blue Sheet! O long may it wave
O'er the land of þe free and þe home of þe brave.
3.O! þus be it euer, when freemen shall stand
Between þeir loved homes and þe wars desolatioun!
Blest with vict'ry and peace, may þe heav'n-rescued land
Praise the Power þat hath made and preservd us a nation.
Then stand bold we must, when our cause it is just,
And þis be our motto: "In God is our trust."
And þe determind Blue Sheet in triumph shall wave
O'er þe land of þe free and þe home of þe brave!
Catherine Lee Bates's "O Beautiful for Spacious Skies", written in 1904 to the tune "Materna", is often thought of as the NAL's "unofficial" National Song, on account of its instant, intense and deep seated popularity. It was written in a time when the natural wonder of America was being opened to the masses through the Royal Geographic Society's magazine "American Geography" and the moving pictures of Thomas Edison and others. The Great War, which would break over Europe within the decade brought out a resurgence of patriotism and military spirit, which secured the position of "Wafts Still the Old Blue Sheet".
1.O beautiful for spacious skies,
For ample woodland spyres;
For lofty mountain majesties
Above þe farms and byres!
America! America!
God shed His grace on þee,
And crown þy good with brotherhood,
From plain to crag to sea.
2.O beautiful for heroes provd
In liberatand strife,
Who more þan self þeir country lovd,
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God þy gold refine,
Til all success be nobleness,
And every gain divine.
3.O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond þe yeares
Thine alabaster cities gleam,
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God mend þine every flaw,
Confirm þy soul in self control,
Thy liberty in law.
The national holiday
2 July is called Convention Day or Diwrn ill Testafent, and marks the formal declaration of independence from the British homelands.
The Old Blue Sheet
The flag of the NAL is called the Old Blue Sheet, and dates to the early 19th century rebellion that led the British colonies in North America to declare their constitutional independence from England, Scotland and Kemr. When Richard Whittington began casting tea into Baltimore Harbour, in protest to various Kemrese stamp taxes, a Philadelphian seamstress, Bettina Rosen, wife of Pennsylvaanish statesman Heinrich Rosen, made a flag to commemorate the cause. Locals noted that Rosen cut up white napkins into stars and stitched them onto a blue sheet from the local Oxhead Inn; and it was popular decree that named the new flag the Old Blue Sheet. Of course, Richard Whittington later went on to become the first General Moderator of the new North Americal League, and proposed Rosen's flag as the banner of the new country.
Coat of Arms
Folk Traditions
A common folk song in Britain, Aiken Drum has his American counterpart too:
1. There was a man lived in the Moon, in the Moon, in the Moon;
there was a man lived in the Moon, and his name was Aiken Drum;
2. he wore a kilt of rushes green, rushes green, rushes green;
he wore a kilt of rushes green, with a tick tock took tack tum;
3. his hair and beard knew never comb, knew never comb, knew never comb;
his hair and beard knew never comb, for his name was Aiken Drum;
4. some say he was a soldier, a soldier, a soldier;
some say he was a soldier, and his name was Aiken Drum;
5. but the bairns played harmless round his knee, round his knee, round his knee;
but the bairns played harmless round his knee, with a tick tock took tack tum;
6. and he played on a ladle, a ladle, a ladle;
and he played on a ladle, with a tick tock took tack tum;
7. and he rode on a horse of white, a horse of white, a horse of white;
and he rode on a horse of white, with a clip clop whackalally dum;
8. and with him rode a lady, a lady, a lady;
and with him rode a lady, with a clip clop whackalally tum;
9. and she played on a ladle, a ladle, a ladle;
and she played on a ladle, with a tick tock took tack tum;
10. and they two rode all in to town, all in to town, all in to town;
and they two rode all in to town, with a tick tock took tack tum;
11. and in the town their troth they plought, troth they plought, troth they plought;
and in the town their troth they plought, with a ring ring whackalally tum;
12. and they played on two ladles, two ladles, two ladles;
and they playon on two ladles, with a tick tock took tack tum;
13. in time they had a bairnocky, a bairnocky, a bairnocky;
in time they had a bairnocky, and his name was Johnock Drum;
14. and he played on a ladle, a ladle, a ladle;
and he played on a ladle, with a tick tock took tack tum;
15. one day they went to the parish fair, parish fair, parish fair;
one day they went to the parish fair, with a hog dog whackallaly tum;
16. and they played on three ladles, three ladles, three ladles,
and they played on three ladles, with a tick tock took tack tum;
17. and all the parish laughed and sang, laughed and sang, laughed and sang;
and all the parish laughed and sang, with a hey and a hoe and a tum;
18. the prester came down from the church, from the church, from the church;
the prester came down from the church, with a bell and a book and a drum;
19. he blessed them by the Trinity, the Trinity, the Trinity;
he blessed them by the Trinity, with his bell and his book and his drum;
20. at eveningtide they all rode home, all rode home, all rode home;
at eveningtide they all rode home, with a clip clop whackalally tum;
21. and they played on three ladles, three ladles, three ladles;
and they played on three ladles; wife and son and Aiken Drum.
see NAL Currency
Basic Overview
The NAL has generally pursued one of the utmost levels of Economic freedom in the world a rather market-orientated economic system. Although in recent years has fashioned an official agenda of government expansionism in the Economy. As of 2006 onwards the nationwide unemployment rate stood soaring at 9.3% and growing. As the economy leisurely lingers to recovery from the sharp decline of industrial activity since the recession’s prolonged slump of 2002, it remains unclear right now of the nation’s economic path. Whereas politicians and economist are now recently arguing the case of an Economic Boom, by tapping into the inclusive reserves of energy resources that make up a concrete portion of the NAL Economy.
Transnational trade is a promptly growing aspect of NAL’s Economy. In temperament it is particularly concentrated on its natural resources in contrast to the intermediately recovering secondary sector. It is now understood that agricultural, energy, forestry and mining exports accounted for more than 62% of NAL’s actual total exports. The Fishing industry as a whole has long been a central to the character of economic growth to NAL’s Atlantic Provinces. With modern demand increasing many Atlantic Regional provinces have called for a conference in which terms regarding the calendar of several annul limitations on the fishing industry to avoid impending depletion of fish.
A channel of workers have structured the health of the NAL economy, moreover it has helped translate to the years of Economic prosperity once faced by the nation. NAL has experienced a stable growth of its labour force. The also recent rise of Labour unions, has tempered with the very fabric of its influential productivity. The erratic immobility of its labour force is usually compensated with the flood of workers migrating to the work force. With healthy conviction from the general media and common man, it gives the economy the capacity to adapt to the ever-changing dynamics of its modern economy. NAL’s consumers have a powerful effect on the economy, much more so than *here*, primarly the consequence of external trade barriers. The common consumer consumes about 3/5ths of the domestic production.
Economic development & history
Economic history and development of the NAL by virtue of social, cultural, and economic lineages is dated to the early European sponsored settlements of the 16th, 17th and 18 centuries. These early American colonies underwent massive and radical transformation from an assembly of small colonial settlements to small independent rural powers of the North American constituency. The economic development in colonial times was based on the materialistic doctrine of mercantilism. This policy sought to derive and infer the maximal material benefit from the colony, for the homeland, with a minimum of imperial investment in the colony itself by mainly exporting to fuel the back bone of the imperial nation, at the same time sustaining internal and domestic development by commerce with the industrialized market of the motherland.
Fur trade was a key point in development of the colonies into having an abundant supply of money and possessions of value. Clothing in Europe was dependent on this trade as the pelts had assumed very fashionable and valuable, and thus the bonanza in forests of North America were home to many of the creatures that were required in doing such. The trade called for sales to their European counter part by selling the pelts to Europeans in exchange for guns, textiles, and luxury items like mirrors and beads, only manufactured in industrial nations. This trade was mainly dominated by the Native American’s whose tribes were experts in hunting down these animals.
The acquisition of timber became a prominent industry and in playing a role in the economy of the colonies. This also created large diligence in the peripheral industries, the most significant of these being agriculture. Unlike the fur trade, the timber industry saw its trades in a large workforce of men enclosed into one location for a substantial period of time. The lumber camps and the lumber towns needed to be supplied with food and other provisions. Much of these supplies In the early years of the trade, was much of the food, was shipped from European nations. Especially for such young and developing colonies the shipping costs were high; this created a common market for locally-produced goods and service. As the loggers pushed ever westwards into mid west and beyond, farmers exploited this captivated market. Some of these farms failed after the loggers moved on, but many found new markets and became permanent settlements for many of the people.
Banking and finance grew rapidly as the colonies began developing which would become the dominant school of thought of economic development, which further more evolved from the economic activity of the wealthy colonial businesses, formulating the backbone of its financial sector. One of the most crucial expressions of this new political orientation was the creation of an indigenous financial system; this was in part to keep independence from the tight European Banking cartel. Many Markets oversaw perks in the booming commercial investment, which rushed to the country inviting a lot of Capital into developing a strong economy, investments were made in new businesses, infrastructure; in transport of roads and railways. This commerce fueled an industrial revolution.
In the aftermath of this modernised economy an affluent, high-tech industrial society and highly productive middle and wealthy class, the NAL emerged, resembling other developed economies. The domestic commerce made it easier in its market-oriented economic system, pattern of production, and affluent living standards which even now continue to develop. Since both the World Wars, an impressive growth of the manufacturing, mining, and service sectors has transformed the nation from a largely rural agricultural based economy into one primarily industrial and urban, over the large market demand in the continental commerce in North America and mainly from Europe. An economic boom resonated the economy. After the financial collapse of the banking system in 21st century Major Banks, however, emerged from the financial crisis of among one of the strongest in the world, owing to the financial sector's tradition of conservative lending practices and strong capitalization and trust in the system. In its role around the leading the world’s economy with its vast imperial system of resources dominating the countries of Europe, and continues to grow its exports to Europe and around the world, however, the country also aims to develop its diverse energy resources while maintaining its commitment to the environment.
The NAL retains to this day one of the most institutionally refined workforces, lingering behind only its European counterparts (e.g. Federated Kingdoms, Scandinavian Realm, etc…). The employment policy of the modern NAL labour market is a beacon for accommodating foreign migrant workers. Much of what is today the migrant workforce is concentrated around the primary sector, a lot of whom have years of expertise in the field prior to entering into the NAL market.
The aftermath of the Recession of 2005, the NAL is in part dependant on the cost efficiency and skill offered by the typical migrant worker. It is presently not serviceable for migrant workers to access employment assistances, owing in share to public opinion and government attitudes. It is still not clear whether government explores to criminalise or invite immigration. It is the mixed messages that have made unclear of their standpoint. Government employment is generally proportional to the share of the private sector employment and accounts for 7% of current employment figures. A much more controversial topic subjects debate involving unemployment figures and the extent of its growth rate.
The energy sector in the NAL continues to remain a key tenant in the Economic emergence and success of the nation. It has harnessed overwhelming momentum in its renewed investment, trade, income generation, consumption and employment by the energy sector. The energy sector represents an emerging number of investments and employment in the NAL but is marked by the signature variation in energy production and consumption amongst its regions within its provincial constituencies.
History of Energy in The NAL-SLC
Historically, an abundance of energy in the Northern parts of the country has stood as a brand of the country's economy, the apparent dominance of coal and wood has been noted as the major source of energy in the illustration of energy in the domestic market. Financial and industrial production has fueled the prospects of domestic energy production, broadening all over, especially in the institutionalised transportation system, initially it was guaranteed as a benefit of the native people (who by large were housed in land housing an abundance of fossil fuel energy), but later to their disadvantage in terms of housing. Subsequently the progress made in the development of energy resources, similarly coal, gas and petroleum, is invested into a parallel and in some cases preceded large consumer markets in the mid-eastern provinces, mainly the large industrial-zones. The energy reserves in Northern parts of the North American league, focused mainly in Alberta, lie right up-ahead of the rocky mountains to the west, forming beside the bottomless-swamps brooding the North-American shield towards the east (above the industrialized provincial land mark, and to the north a vast land-space of the boreal forest. This protects the land mass from Louisiana (which has disputed the rights of the resources in the nearby territory). Although, geographically contained from the rest of the country, it is easily accessible from the markets in the industrial power-house of the mid-west heading south from the energy bonanza. The Oil-sand deposits in the NAL are by far greater than the world's total supply of conventional crude-oil estimated roughly at around 1,700 billion barrels. The oil in the country is greatly cheaper than foreign supplies who account for a small 10% of domestic oil consumption, while the North-American oil market (in Alaska, Florida, New-Francy and Oregon) is dominated by the cheaply accessible and refined oil from the NAL.
Energy & the NAL economy
The energy sector is a subject of reflecting national trend. The early 2000’s marked a time in history of economic recovery for the NAL. Financial conditions again set out to profit, much of domestic commodity prices rebounded during the course of the year. The Employment figures in conclusion also went through a much favourable expansion phase. Consumer and cooperate expenditures brought about much needed growth in contrast to the decline of the late 1990’s.
Domestic energy production fostered a surge in net energy exports, which now accounts for a 2% annual rate of growth of exports. Crude, oil, petroleum and coal products translate for more than half of NAL’s net export revenue. National energy production of coal, petroleum, and wind is being partly responsible for a projected 4/5 of annual production increase. Industrial and transportation stresses for the most prominent demands for energy. Residential demands for energy on the other hand are inconsistent, and estimated to decline for years now, induced by the warmer climate. Overall total domestic secondary net energy consumption of transportation and industrial practice has grown.
The road system of the NAL is a hodgepodge of provincial roads, roadway Trails and League subsidised Post Roads, such as PR-1 or PR-66. Numbered roads are assigned a distinctive shield depending on which authority is responsible for it. The signs above are all found in Ter Mair, a way north of Georgetown, except for the yellow sign which is in Baltimore. The rectangular shield indicates Ter Mair provincial road; the fancy shield indicates Post Road. The NAL has no system of limited access highways, such as Louisiana's autoroutes, though many stretches of the Post Road system are limited access throughways. The old system of Trails -- roads that are given quaint and descriptive names like "Adirondack Trail" or "The Old Coastal Highway" -- is slowly disapearing as these roads are imporved to meet the guidelines governing the Post Roads. Some of the names linger, however: PR-1 is called "America's Main Street"; PR-40 is called "Old West Pike" and the "Old National Road"; PR-66 is called the "Mother Road" and is famous in song and popular culture. Some veritably ancient portions of pavement from these older roads have been removed and preserved in museums in different parts of the country. See an article on roads for more detail.
A portion of the Transcontinental Highway runs through the NAL on its way from north to south. The NAL's portion begins in Rousses Point, in New Castreleon, which is a major Customs node between the NAL and New Francy, as it lies along the route that major roads and railways follow between New Amsterdam and Montreal. From Rousses Point, the TCH heads south along Lake Champlain and the Hudson River, along the Adirondack Trail (pending status as a future PR-9) until it reaches New Amsterdam; then it turns to the southwest and follows PR-1 and passes through Philadelphia, Balafor (Baltimore) and Castregeory (Georgetown). At Georgetown, the TCH heads west following the PR-66 through Charleston, Louisville and ends at St. Louis City, on the east bank of the Mississippi. From there, it passes into the Republic of Louisianne and heads to the southwest, passing into Tejas and ultimately into Mejico and the rest of Iberian America. A new alternate route sticks to PR-1 out of Georgetown and at St. Augustines City in East Florida turns west to follow the PR-90 into New Orleans.
See Railways of the NAL.
See Also
The official website for the NAL
The page on the Commonwealth of Nations is here: [2]
And NAL Provincial Flags.
| |||
English Members | |||
Calcutta | East Caribbean Province (including Montserrat, a part of Ireland) | England | English Australia | English Guyana | Gibraltar | Hong Kong | Kingdom of Mauritius | Mosquito Coast | Providence Islands | The Salomon Islands | The Seychelles | Socotra | Somer Islands | Southwest Africa | Swan Islands | Wallace Cay | |||
Scottish Members | |||
Bombay | East Caribbean Province | Kingsland | Scotland | |||
Cambrian Members | |||
Ascension Island | Cambrian Arctic Ocean Territory | Cambrian Guyana | Cambrian Indian Ocean Territory | Kemr | New Kemr di'll Ostr | Madras | Mutapa | Tortuga Islands | West Caribbean Province | |||
Other Full members | |||
Aotearoa | Cyprus | Fiji | Grand Fenwick | Indo-British Union | Madagascar | Malta | Margarita Islands | NAL-SLC | South Africa | Tahiti | Toga | |||
Associate Members | |||
Alyaska | Armorica | Bharatij Samrazj | Bengal | Ireland (including Guereintia, excluding Montserrat) | Oregon | Thiruvithankur | Xrivizaja |