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Principautés Lointains
Mobile and Biloxi Bay
Subdivision of: Louisianne
 Capital: Biloxi
 Largest: Mobile
 Other: Fort Louis
 Official: Francien
 Others: Biloxien
Gouverneur: Alphonse Rochambeau
Population: 100.000 persons
Established: 1697, Royal Mandate

Often called the twin-cities of the gulf-coast, and a renowned resort area that is rebuilding itself after the Florida War.



The Pays-Lointains are the only Governorship in the country of Louisianne.

Administrative Divisions

Each city is divided into arrondisements, which are governed by a local council. A representative of these councils attends the city councils, which are presided over by the Governor.


In 1697 Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville continued his exploration of the Gulf Coast around Louisianne and charted more fully the mouth of the Mississippi, establishing in the process the colonies of Biloxi Bay in 1698, and Mobile Bay in 1700. He returned home to his native France, and entrusted the colonies to his brother, returning in 1704. While d'Iberville was away, de Bienville was left second in command, and the Sieur de Sauvole lead. While Sauvole maintained the original fort of Baie de Mobile on the lower part of the bay, de Bienville was commanded to establish a fort at 26-Mile Bluff. While fortifying the stronghold, Sauvole and the others were attacked and killed by local indians, and command fell to de Bienville.

In an attack of Chickasaw indians in 1706 d'Iberville was saved by a visiting investor, who later died of arrow wounds, though the crown continued to give its support to the fledgling colony. In 1710 de Bienville held both forts of Biloxi and Mobile, and strengthened them, while d'Iberville strengthened the growing capitol of La Salle.

Biloxi et Mobile had been largely populated by Francien speaking Lousiannais until the influx of Creole speaking Whites and Melangés from Hayti. From that point forward began the development of Biloxien.

Biloxi et Mobile remained in the hands of Louisianne until the War of 1828 with the North American League, when they were wrested from Louisiannan control. They were returned along with the Préfecture of St. Onge a few years following.

In the early 1980's Biloxi et Mobile were stripped from Lousiannan control by Florida-Caribbea, during which time a concerted effort to supplant the creole was undertaken, although this served not to actually destroy the creole, but rather enforce it in the minds of the people.

Currently, Biloxien is under threat from the new influx of Haytian refugees due to the F-C occupying force. It is hoped by language-purists that a peaceful establishment of the Saint-Domingue Empire that the Haytians of Biloxi-et-Mobile wiil return to their home island. The Colonies of Baie-de-Biloxi and Baie-de-Mobile, or together known as Baies de Biloxi-et-Mobile.

Currently lead by Gouverneur Alphonse Rochambeau. Gouverneurs are allowed to sit in on meetings of the council, but generally don't in keeping with long-standing tradition.

Hard hit by the Furicanos of summer 2004, reconstruction efforts do continue, rebuilding of cultural treasures destroyed during F-C Occupation. Scheduled for completion this summer is the Maison de Ville or le Mairie as it's known locally. It is expected that it will be ready for the Fête de la Révolution this summer.



Pays-Lointains is bordered by:

Mobile and Cherokee Nation surround the twin cities.


The Pays-Lointains were tourist locations prior to the Floridian aggression, and are largely becoming so again. Gambling also flourishes within the city, with Beau Rivage being the most notable casino.


A mix of French and Caribbean culture, many compare the Pays-Lointains to New Orleans.

Flag of Louisianne Administrative Divisions of Louisianne Flag of Louisianne
Préfectures of Louisianne
Nouvelle Cournouaille | Nouvelle Gaulle | Nouvelle Navarre | Osage | Saint-Louis | Saint-Onge
Départements of Louisianne
Alpes-Argentés | Alpes-Rocheuses | Aurillac | Bretagne | Côte de Châtaigne | Côte d'Or | Daquota | Dordogne | Garonne-Neuve | Gascogne | La Salle | Les Ozarques | Loire-Neuf | Mississippi | Mizouri | Nyobrara | Omara | Oto | Paris-sur-Mizouri | Pays-Lointains | Pont-Chartrain | Rocheuses | Saint-Louis | Terre Platte