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Friday, 20 January 2023, 03:27

For mar þan tean gearen, IB has west a colaboratif mier in þe bowdande o dealt-unifersen. Tagl alternatif-histwar, tagl concultyr, Ill Bethisad is an alternatif taidlin, cre be a dedie grup o Concultyristen. Arf ge sin unfreanden wið hið, sion ge bittæ be þis corte descripsiown or, beter, besecon ge þe Homsidan.

Þis is þe Ill Bethisad se Wiki: hið is an alltaid waxande, efe mar detaile perspectif o þe alternatif taidlin o Erð, cre be Andrew Smith. Ill Bethisad Memberen sceoldon filan fre to macan þat hwat þeg willon mið þis resours. Gesten ære infitetað to comentan. Arf ge ne sin a member, mæ willon ge to tregan, first færon ge bittæ her to here þe Concultyr list, stellon ge sceolf til grupan, bliccon ge be þe lincen sidan, IB-se websidan ond þen lærnon ge hwo we funcsiownon als a grup. Þen, owerprofon ge ideien geowe ond stellon ge þem til grupan, to sian hwo goð fitton þeg. Be þis point in taid, þe typen o ideen þat ceonnon fittan miðir IB, ære senimend limite, forðan þe grot mence o worc þat has don west, to unnerstondan hwo þis alternatif taidlin funcsiowneð. Mæ proposisiownen ære syrlic welcumman.

Ognablic, we hafon 3,688 articlen!

Arf ge sin ufant mið Wikis in-cgeneral, besecon ge Help:How does one start a page ond Help:Editing. A fuhl list o Help topicen is to foundað wesan be Help:Contents.

Hoft secsiownen o þe Ill Bethisad Wiki:

Links page: Lincen to resoursen o Ill Bethisad an Internetan.
Abbreviations page: Ocortingen ofte brugheðe in Ill Bethisad.
Archives: hos for ald, forworfeð Wiki spul.

Notis to editeoren: Þis Wiki mæg wesan brughað in mange forscidene manneren: to macan proposisiownen or sucgesiownen, to fragan endweorð, ond þe holding o þis fact informasiown n’ære heoldað in flere IB-relaterað websiden, hwilc mac þe hoft owtgones material. Arf ge macon a proposisiown ond ge willon hið to wesan lesað als a proposisiown, ne 100% factuel, forgon ge bittæ textan {{proposal}} be open o sidan. To betenan owtgones material, macon ge saman, mæ ersetton {{proposal}} mið {{source}}. Sion ge IBWiki:Templates for mar informasiown.
We fragon þat alle memberen o Listan macon a regelmesic fyw o þe Proposisiown to segan þere meningen o owagtingen insendingen. Notis: Þe content o þise siden is Copyright (C) be createoren o þise siden. Þeg mægon reserfan alle righten ensel or mensom.

Notis: Þe content o þise siden is ficsiownel. Plasen, caracteoren, insidenten, ond dialogen ære produiten o auteoren se imacginasiownen. Ænig licnes to actuel plasen or persownen (liwende or deoð) or efenementen is fuhlig tofældig. Hið seg þen, hið wos intendað, in hwilc folð, n’ænig bedalling wos tofældig.

"Oh my gosh, they open-sourced history!" -- Damian Yerrick
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