Who's Who in the RTC
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This page contains a complete list of all people pertaining to the Republic of the Two Crowns ever mentioned on web pages or in news items.
- Żowan Krzysztof ALBIN-AŁBODURZYN (b. 1951), chancellor of the RTC (1991, 1992), former leader of the party Liwartać i Demokracja, governor-general of Venedic West Africa since 1999
- Marek ALDENDORF (b. 1949), former general of the Republican Airforce, commander of the RTC's armed forces in Southeast Florida (March 26-29, 2004), currently chancellor of the RTC (since Jan. 13, 2006)
- Vytenis Povilas ANDRIUKAITIS, elder of Vilnija province
- Kazimierz ANIÓŁ, minister of Industry and Trade (2002-2006)
- Antanas AUDRONIS, Supreme General of Pakštuva (1942)
- King AUGUST VI the Henpecked (1904-1973), King of the RTC, 1958-1973
- Krzysztof BACH, DN deputy
- Jużeń BAMBARYŁA (b. 1936), former army general, governor-general of Southeast Florida (since 2006)
- Maciej BAMBARYŁA (1943-2006), professional boxer, repeatedly RTC champion and world champion at heavyweight, involved in the Olęca Siekrzota. Brother of Jużeń and Szczepan. Died in a Louisiannan prison under mysterious circumstances
- Szczepan BAMBARYŁA (b. 1938), Roman Catholic priest, former army chaplain, did a lot of missionary work in Gambia. Brother of Jużeń and Maciej
- Roman BARTOŁYCZY, chairman of the Blok Rzejpybiełkany
- Wiktar BIELAHALAWIEC, deputy chairman of the ZBRDK
- Ana BŁAŻEJANA (b. 1971), bass tuba player
- Iza Bocy ("Iza B8"), Venedic superstar
- Holger BOLLE, upper mayor of Danzig
- Paweł BOŚCICIAŁU (b. 1964), former chairman of the Sejm committee for Economic Cooperation with Southeast Florida, minister of Floridian Affairs (2006-2008), minister of Foreign Affairs (since 2008)
- Jerzy BOŻ-PAPICA, former RTC chancellor
- Edward BRANIK, interior minister (2001-2006)
- [first name unknown] BUNNY, ambassador of Louisianne to the RTC
- Frydryk Frączyszek CHOPIN (1810-1904), composer, pianist
- Adam CHOROSZYNIK, organist
- CIOZURARZ family, noble family, owners of an estate in Fierza Włątać
- Olivier DE CRÊVECŒUR, ambassador of France to the RTC
- Paweł CZEKOW, editor-in-chief of Wita Warsinie
- Bartłomiej CZELINY, vice-marshall of the Sejm
- Frańczyszek CZYRAZ, nobleman, chairman of the Foundation for Florida (2004), chairman of the Foundation for Asia (2005)
- Katarzyna DANIEC, violinist
- Jan DARWIN-BOKKE, leader of the UPR, former NAL emigrant
- Dodo, Venedic singer and megastar
- Floręć DRAKOŃ, prime minister of Veneda (2002-2006)
- Marek DUKŁA, president of Wenedyk Hindenburg S.A.
- Algirdas DVARIONAS, Chairman of the Committee for Scientific Research (2001-2006)
- Ignac DYNACZ, founder of the Demokracja Noconała (DN)
- Szczefan DZIAKOŃ, physian, close friend of Chopin
- Piotr DZIEŻDAŁY, pianist
- Jóżef ELSNER (1769-1854), professor at the Music Academy in Warsina, professor of Chopin
- Ramon FAŁKONIK, BR deputy
- Waldemar FIORARZ, host of the radio programme Mąd par Ura (later: Mąd par Siemiura and Mąd par Kodrzęta Minutar)
- Charles FRANKENSTEIN, ambassador of the NAL to the RTC
- Mirzeła FRENU, minister of Transport and Martitime Economy (2001-2006)
- Aitvaras GELEŽINKELIETIS, first vadovas (leader) of Naujojo Vilniaus apskritis in Africa (1934-1936)
- Żyścina GOLANA, Finance minister (since 2006), vice-chancellor (since 2008)
- Jadwiga GRADZINA, mezzosoprano
- Marek GRADZINY, president of Venedair S.A.
- Karół GRĘDZINY, inhabitant of Kawalin
- Queen HELENA (b. 1937), queen of the RTC (since 1973), wife of King Witold IV
- Witold Jędrzej HELIN, singer (bass voice)
- Żyrardzina IZŁARZANA, pop singer
- King Witold IV JAGIEŁŁO (b. 1926), King of the RTC since 1973
- Onorat JAKRZYCZ, Sejm deputy for the PKRDK
- Kazimierz JANAĆ (b. 1949), duo leader of the Olęca Centrała, twin brother of Leoń, currently leader of the ŻŻŻ and prime minister of Veneda (since 2006)
- Leoń JANAĆ (b. 1949), duo leader of the Olęca Centrała, twin brother of Kazimierz, minister of Justice (2006-2007), currently chancellor of the RTC (since 2007)
- Ferdzik JANICY, son of Jętuń Janicy
- Jętuń JANICY, inhabitant of Turoń who was given a job 34 years after his death in 1974
- Grażyna JĄZIERZ, minister of nationalities and religious affairs (2006- ), member of Nostra Galicja
- Jędrzej JEKŁA-SASINY, leader of Nostra Galicja
- Szylwia JELCINA, journalist of the Wita Warsinie
- Roman JOKÓR-IŁÓR, vice-chancellor and minister of education (since 2006), leader of the DN
- Grzegorz KANTRA, education minister (2001-2006)
- Wanda KAPTAŃ, cellist
- Chrystyna KARAWANŚKA, Minister of Environment Protection and Forestry (2001-2006)
- Jaków KASPARU, conductor of Sinfonia Varsina
- Krzysztof KAWALINIANY, mayor of Męć Rzegały
- Marek KĄP, minister of Labour and Social Affairs (2001-2006)
- Krzysztof KIEŚLINY, cineast
- Wilem KLĘTOŃ, stagair in Florida, had an affair with Monika Łewynśka
- Karol KOŁĄBLANY, senator, cleric, known as "the red priest from Kronin"
- Iryna KOROWKO, member of the UNDO, vice-chairwoman of the Galician High Council
- Paweł KOSZTADZIANU, Chairman of the Central Plan Bureau (since 2001)
- Roman KOŚCIOŁANY, president of the Oficz Dziefięce Statu since 1989
- Olesądr KOŚCIÓŁNOWY, major of the the Gwardza Rzejpybiełkana in Southeast Florida
- Wójt KRAMAR, leader of the KRN
- Feliks KRANC, ambassador to Louisianne
- Stanislaw KROS, chairman of Czeskaa Cesta
- Emanuel KROWIRANDA, army general
- Wit KRYSZKOT, justice minister of Veneda
- Arvydas KULPĖ, CEO of Žemaitijos Oro Bendrovė
- Głurzan LEMBAŁY, sci-fi writer
- Kazimierz LEONIK, chairman of the WWPS caucus in the Sejm (2002-2006)
- Colonel Stasys LOZORAITIS, commander-in-chief of armed forces in Florida (since March 29, 2004)
- Monika ŁEWYNŚKA (b. 1973), head of the housing committee in Southeast Florida. Arrested in 2006 are being charged with espionnage for Ireland
- Alina ŁOCYK, saxophone player
- Rzenata ŁYCZĘŻANA, journalist, presenter of Echo Dzei
- King MARCIN I the Snorist, King of the RTC, 1951-1958
- Colonel Antoń MARCINU, security chief to General Aldendorf in Souteast Florida (March 2004)
- Antanas MAZULIS, health minister (2002-2006)
- Antanas MERKYS, burgermeister of Vilnius Free City (1947) (never assumed power)
- Grzegorz MĘDA, deputy governor-general of Southeast Florida
- Edmund MIELĆ (b. 1959), defense minister (since 2002)
- Żowan MIELIWŁYDY, popular linguistics professor
- Grzegorz MILCZANY, head of the department for the sale of land to immigrants from the RTC in Southeast Florida
- King MINDAUGAS II (Wilhelm Herzog von Urach, Graf von Württemberg) (1864-1928), king of Lithuania (1918-1928)
- Karół MISZCZAŁU, head of the education department of the city of Turoń
- Tomasz MISZCZUK, ambassador to Minsk (Belarus)
- Jaków MOLINY, ŻŻŻ deputy
- Leszkyk MÜLLER, OLD leader till 2005
- Emil NAGARZYNY, criminology professor at Siodawa University
- Maja NAZAŁA (b. 1944), pianist, Veneda's most prominent chamber musician
- Ryszard NOWICZ, pianist
- Povilas OGINSKIS, governor ("duke") of the province of Žemaitija
- Wójt OLANIK, leader of the OLD (since 2005)
- Jóżef OLICZYN, former chancellor, former OLD leader
- Małgorzata OKITKA, pop singer, leader of the band "Łombard"
- Annika ØSTERBJERG, SR ambassador to Warsina
- Kazys PAKŠTAS (1893-1936), Lithuanian geographer and intellectual, minister of colonisation, father of the Lithuanian colonisation program in the 1930s
- Orest PALICZNY (b. 1964), governor of Volhynia, leader of the RWU
- Petro PALICZNY (b. 1961), pianist, brother or Orest
- Katarzyna PARYDŻANKA, minister of Culture and Arts (2002-2006), leader of the WWPS
- Waldemar PAWLIN (b. 1959), former chancellor, leader of the WPP
- Ołena PETRUSZENKO, minister of Nationalities and Religious Affairs (2002-2006)
- Krzyścina PFAJLER, soprano
- Krzyścina PIERACIK, dancer
- Marek PIETRZYN, journalist, correspondent of Wita Warsinie in Latvia
- Waldemar PILOŃ, minister of youth and sports (2002-2006)
- Olwarz PINIATYK (b. 1954), foreign minister, leader of the BR (2001-2008)
- General Povilas PLECHAVIČIUS, vadovas (leader) of Naujojo Vilniaus apskritis (1936-1939), Supreme General of Pakštuva (1940-1942)
- Liwia POLANA, correspondent of several RTC media in Louisianne
- Ewa POM-RADYCZ, pianist
- Gracana PONIATKA, princess, lover of Chopin
- Głurzan III PONIATYK "Nieposibły" ("the Impossible") (1867-1937), King of the RTC, 1918-1937
- Darko POPCZUK (b. 1963), leader of the UNDO, chairman of the Galician High Council
- Katarzyna PROWANA (b. 1950), government plenipotentiary, head of the civil administration in Southeast Florida until 2006, former ambassador to Florida-Caribbea
- Olek PUGMAN, chief ("vrchnj naaczelnjk") of the Czech sokols
- Jaków PULINY, prominent member of the ŻŻŻ, minister of Colonies (2008- )
- Mindaugas PUSTYS, prime minister of Lithuania
- Wilem PUSZANY, rector of the University of Łódź
- Gediminas RADVILA, duke of Vilnija province
- Leoń RYWIŃ, former media magnate and lobbyist, hero of the so-called “Rywiń affair”
- Zbaszczan RZEGIELA, famous cardiologist
- Jan SACZ (b. 1939), chancellor of the RTC (2001-2006)
- Andrzej Sasiny, army colonel, high-ranking functionary of the Centrały Biuro Antyterroryski en Florydzie
- Żowan SASOMĘTANY (June 5 1965 - ) Outspoken Professor of Linguistics, interim chairman of the Inicjaciwa Czywiła Kętra Okupaceń Florydzie, presented a South Florida exit strategy to the Sejm.
- Antanas SMETONA (1874-1948), prime minister of Lithuania, 1926-1939
- Jewan SOBOCINY, journalist, presenter of the radio programme "Echo Dzei"
- Zbaszczan SOLURZ, owner of STATVED
- Šavane SOUTLIKINE, actress
- Erik VUN SÖYST, finance minister (since 2002)
- Onute STANISZKIENE (b. 1946), director of the Institute for Foreign Relations of the WiLASz
- Jan VAN STEENBERGEN (b. 1970), ambassador of the Batavian Kingdom to the RTC
- Jóżef Michał STRACZYNIK, cineast, creator Babyloń 5
- Alfred SWISS-OBERG, president of the Central Bank
- Ludwik SWOBODA, leader of Swatowaacslawskaa Legie, president of a self-proclaim snorist government in Bohemia
- Jaków SYRIUSZ-BOWINY (b. 1948), minister of Foreign Trade (2002-2006), UD-DS deputy (since 2006)
- Jadwiga SZCZEPANIK-RAPINA, mezzosoprano
- Piotr SZEMICA, political correspondent of Wita Warsinie
- Adam SZKUTYNIEK, chief editor of Gazeta Jeleconała, owner of the FUR Media Company
- Algirdas SZNIECKUS, interior minister of Lithuania
- Wanda SZYSZKO, writer, Nobel Prize winner
- Henryk ŚPIAŁA, Venedic nobleman, "ducz" of the Grandduchy of Veneda, 1948
- Kazys ŠKIRPA, leader of Tautos Garbės Brolija during GW2
- Nikołaj TALÓRZ, journalist, editor of the Wita Warsinie
- Krzysztof TERENIK, well-known newsreader of Mszatka
- Jan UCZOŁUN-PASZCZYNIK, jass musician, presents the radio programme Trze kwadransie jass’u
- Kazys URBAITIS, minister of Agriculture and Nutritional Economy (2002-2006)
- Witold URSANIK, Chief of the Bureau of the Council of Ministers (2002-2006), currently chairman of the UD-DS caucus in the Sejm
- Angela URTENBRAUGEN, president of the Danziger senate
- Tamara VAIČIULIENE, justice minister (2002-2006)
- Aitvaras VARNELIS, assasinated by TGB in 2004
- Augustinas VOLDEMARAS (1883-1980), defense minister of Lithuania, 1926-1939
- Tomasz WALĘCINIK (b. 1986), geology student in Czytać Leoniór, member of Jewnia Galicja, shot Darko Popczuk in 2006
- Żowan WEBER (b. 1923), musicologist
- Jerzy WENEDZIK, prominent member of the ŻŻŻ, cabinet chief of the chancellor (since 2006)
- Wacław WODYCZKA, ambassador of the RTC to Japan
- Marek WOLINY, reporter for the Wucz Florydzie
- Orest WOŁOSZCZUK, minister of Housing and Spatial Policy (2002-2006)
- Walęcin WRANICZ, minister of Communications (2002-2006)
- Stefan WROCZ, writer, leader/founder of the MFW (interbellum)
- Artūras ZUOKAS, elder (= chief executive) of the province of Žemaitija
- Paweł ŻAKLIN (1881-1964), leader of the Armia Pazana, after GW2 leader of the Kongres Wyńtacie Noconalej, chancellor of seven successive governments
- Marczół ŻOWANU, leader of the DN (until 2006), interior minister (since 2006)
- Georgi ŻUKOW, Russian marshal, military ruler of Vilnius Free City (1947-1949)