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Rzeń Wenedór
Kingdom of Veneda
Conventional short name:
Local: Weneda
English: Veneda
Flag of Veneda
Motto: Dziew, Onórz, Potrza "God, Honour, Fatherland"
Subdivision of: Republic of the Two Crowns
 Official: Wenedyk, (in Galicia) Ukrainian
 Others: Low Saxon, Lithuanian, Prussian, Kashubian, German, Yiddish, Silesian, Slvanjek
 Capital: Warsina
 Other: Łódź, Kordyn, Czytać Leoniór, Siodawa, Męć Rzegały, Męć Bowiny
Head of state: His Elective Majesty King Witold IV Jagiełło
Prime minister: Kazimierz Janać
Population: 44,950,507 inhabitants (2005)

Veneda is nowadays part of the Republic of the Two Crowns. Most of its inhabitants are Veneds, but it also has sizeable Low Saxon, Ukrainian, Kashubian, Prussian, Ruthenian and Silesian minorities. It consists of fourteen provinces, four of which together form the Ukrainian Autonomous Region of Galicia.

For centuries it was a separate country in personal union with Lithuania. In 1569 the Union of Liublin was concluded, and the two merged formally into one state, the Republic of Both Nations. During the Interwar period (1918-1939) Veneda and Lithuania were separated, and Veneda once again existed as an independent state. After the Second Great War the union with Lithuania was restored, giving birth to the Republic of the Two Crowns.

Veneda is IB's equivalent of Poland, but *there* the proto-Polish tribes were assimilated by the remnants of Roman population of former Roman Empire colonies (Boiohaemia and Panonia) and thus romanized (similarly to Rumanians and Slevans). Further significiant differences happened as late as 18th century and they belong to RTC's history.

The official language of Veneda is Wenedyk, in Galicia also Ukrainian. Several other languages exist as co-official languages on a regional level.


Administrative Divisions

Veneda consists of thirteen provinces. Go here for details.


The state structure of Veneda is in many respects similar to that of the entire RTC. It has its own government that has almost the same authority as the central government, except that Veneda and Lithuania usually do not pursue their own foreign policy, do not have embassies abroad, etc. The elected king of the RTC is also the elected king of Veneda.

The government of Veneda responds to the parliament, called "Sejm", not to be confused with the Sejm of the RTC. Unlike the latter, the Venedic Sejm has 374 members. Half of the representatives (187 members) are elected according to a majoritarian system, the other half according to a proportional system. And unlike the Sejm of the RTC, these two halves never operate separately.

The last elections for the Venedic Sejm took place in September 2006. Its composition can be found here. The composition of the previous Sejm, elected in 2002, was as follows:

Party name % Prop. system Maj. system Total
UD-DS Democratic Union 13.94 28 46 74
WWPS Venedic Unified Socialist Party 13.24 27 41 68
BR Republican Bloc 9.97 20 23 43
UNDO Ukrainian National-Democratic Organisation 8.52 17 24 41
DN National Democracy 6.84 14 12 26
OLD Alliance of Democratic Left 5.05 10 5 15
WPP Venedic Peasants' Party 4.08 8 3 11
BNSP Neutral Bloc for the Support of Reforms 4.06 8 2 10
Labour Union 3.73 7 1 8
UChN Christian-National Union 3.08 6 2 8
PKRDK Communist Party of the RTC 3.42 6 6
KRN Confederation for an Independent Republic 2.76 5 1 6
SVP Saxon People's Party 2.11 4 2 6
LiD Freedom and Democracy 2.66 5 5
ORVIL Organisation of Ruthenes in Veneda and Lithuania 0.95 2 2 4
DPWiL Democratic Party of Veneda and Lithuania 1.51 3 3
WPG United Party of Grand-Veneds 0.56 1 2 3
OC Central Alliance 1.46 2 2
FUN Front of Ukrainian Nationalists 1.44 2 2
SDPH Social-Democratic Party of Galicia 1.37 2 2
PROB Republican Party of Beer Friends 1.23 2 2
SOW Self-Defense of Venedic Farmers 1.11 2 2
NG Our Galicia 0.81 1 1 2
DSEP German-Saxon Unity Party 0.69 1 1 2
SPB Society of Baltic Prussians 0.49 2 2
Wierdzi The Greens 0.96 1 1
PChD Christian-Democratic Party 0.71 1 1
PKL Liberal-Conservative Party 0.65 1 1
MPR Movement for the Republic 0.63 1 1
FP Free Premaria 0.32 1 1
DMŚ Democratic Movement of Silesians 0.30 1 1
jałtrze other parties 1.35
nieolgaci Non-aligned 0.00 15 15
Total 100.00 187 187 374

For an explanation of the political parties, see: Political parties in the RTC. In this table:

     Conservative parties
     Nationalist parties
     Centre-right parties
     Centrist parties
     Centre-left parties
     Lefist parties
     Regional and minorities' parties.

As a result of the 2006 elections, the centre-left government of prime minister Floręć Drakoń (supported by UD-DS, WWPS, BR, BNSP, and UŁ) lost its majority. Subsequently, in October 2006 ŻŻŻ leader Kazimierz Janać formed a right-wing coalition government of ŻŻŻ, Demokracja Noconała, Sułodziefięca, Lista Liberała, Blok Rzejpybiełkany and BNSP, which is supported by a narrow parliamentary majority.


See the page about the History of the RTC.

Flag of the RTC   Provinces of the Republic of the Two Crowns   Flag of the RTC
Lithuania | Veneda
Galicia (autonomous area) | Venedic West Africa (overseas territory)
Great Veneda | Hałycz | Karpatia | Kujawia | Leonina | Lesser Veneda | Liublin | Mazowia | Olwarzyn | Polesia | Prussia | Przemarz | Samogitia | Sątakrucz | Silesia | Suślewia | Volhynia | Wilnia