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This work won't progress very much in the foreseeable future but what stands here is pretty definitive. [BPJ]

State flag of Slevania
National motto:  !
Official Slvanjek (Slevan)
Other Hungarian, Rusinian, Romany, German
Capital Kasovlja
Important Cities OTHER CITIES
President Florján Vljavlján
Prime minister Gerard Hrodzán
Independence from Hungary
(declared) 1948
(recognized) 1948
Currency 1 Avrej (A) = 25 Djenary (D) = 100 Szestreti (HS)

General information

Slevania: (Slvanjek Slvanja): Central European country located south of the Republic of the Two Crowns, north of Hungary, east of Austria and south-east of the Bohemian Kingdom. It was for many centuries part of Hungary, to become an independent country under SNOR hegemony only after Great War II.



Slevania is a republic with a president (prezident) elected for a five year term by a general vote. The parliament, Kúhrés, is elected every third years in a general election. The Kúhrés in turn elects the prime minister, primár, who appoints the cabinet. In SNORist/FNLS times there was also a Senát, which was abolished in the democratic constitution of 1991.

The incumbent president is Florján Vljavlján of the SSDP, and the incumbent prime minister is Gerard Hrodzán of the VAS. The main action in Slevan politics is these two arguing with each other, interrupted by the occasional bout of sluggery between Donát Prszán from the PFLS and Ljulján Kustúc from the FNLS.

BPJ 15.6-2004

Proposed list of Slevan political parties

  • Póply Front pru Liberacune Slvanje (PFLS, People's Front for the Liberation of Slevania): a radical communist party. Acted as an armed resistance movement during the SNORist period. Current leader Donát Prszán.
  • Liberal-Soczalistjec Partít Slvanje (LSPS, Liberal-Socialist Party of Slevanja): a small Anarchist party. Current leader: Sabrína Hlurana.
  • Slvanjek Soczal-Demokratjec Partít (SSDP): Slevanian Social-Democratic Party. Current party leader: Florján Vljavlján.
  • Partít Liberale Slvanje (PLS): Slevanian Liberal Party. Current party leader: Lavrénc Lczenj.
  • Vynjune Ahrarúr Slvánjcúr (VAS): Slevanian Agrarian Union. Current party chairman: Gerard Hrodzán
  • Múta Slvánjca Chrsztán-Demokráca (MSChD Slevanian Christian-Democratic Movement): the main conservative party with Catholic affiliations. Current party leader: Karol Mracelín.
  • Demokratjec Partít Slvánjczi Póply (DPSP, Slevanian People's Democratic Party): a smaller conservative party without particular religious affiliation. Current party leader: Tomás Mászmín.
  • Front Nacunale pru Liberacune Slvanje (FNLS, National Front for the Liberation of Slevania): started out in the 1880's as a Liberal movement for independence from Hungary. In the 1940's, during the Second Great War, party leader Haljér transformed FNLS into an aggressively nationalistic and chauvinistic movement which after the Russian occupation in 1948 was suitable to form a puppet government for the SNOR. They remained in power until the fall of SNORism in 1990, wherafter they 'reorganized' and tried to play the rôle of a democratic nationalistic party. Current party leader: Ljulján Kustúc.
  • Rusnackyj Narodnyj Ruch (RNR, or in Slevan Rusnáca Póply Móta): the interest party of the Rusnak minority. Leader: Ivan Onufrjak.
  • Magyar Néppárt (MNP, Magyar People's party, Partít Póplare Modjorúr): a Social-Democrat party of the Hungarian minority. Leader: Papp, Simon.
  • Magyar Egység Pártja (MEP, Magyar Union Party, Partít Vynjuni Modjorúr): a conservative-nationalistic party of the Hungarian minority. Leader: Németh, György.
  • Romano Drom (RD, Cigánjca Vljata "The Roma Way"): a party for organizing the Roma of Slevania. Leader: Roman Lovar.
  • Deutsche Bund Schlewaniens (DBS, Soczetate Dzremánjca Slvanje): a small party organizing the German minority of Slevania. Leader: Hermann Schumacher.

The current government is a VAS-MSCHD coalition supported by PLS and DPSP, and to its own embarrassment most of the time by FNLS as well.

Administrative Divisions


The Dark Ages

Saint Glorian (Sút Hlurán)





Most Slevans are Roman Catholic. There is also a sizeable Protestant minority as well as small groups of adherents to other religions, mostly resident foreigners, recent converts or their children. Most ethnic Slevans in Hungary—about 107,832 people—are the descendants of converts to Lutheranism during the Reformation. Like the Germans of Hungary but unlike the ethnic-Hungarians, the Slevans of the Pannonian basin did not continue on to Calvinism like the ethnic-Hungarians. About 30% of Slevans in the north whose ancestors would have been subject to the Counter-Reformation chose to remain Lutheran.

See also


See also: FNLS, PFLS, Mrac