Prince Tomohito

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Tomohito Xinnò
Relation to present Emperor 1st cousin thrice removed
Imperial Ancestry Grandson of Emperor Taixò
Line of Succession to Micasa House 1st
Relation to Present Prince Micasa Son
Date of Birth Xòwa 14, Djùnigaçu 1
January 5, 1946
Profession None

His Imperial Highness Prince Tomohito is the eldest son of HIH Tacahito, Prince Micasa and heir-apparent to the house.

Prince Tomohito graduated from the Department of Political Studies at Quiòto Imperial University in 1968, and studied at Oxford in the Federated Kingdoms between 1968 and 1970.

Prince Tomohito is president and honorary president of various organisations that concern themselves with cancer research (the Princess Tacamaçu Cancer Research Fund), having himself suffered from the disease in 2003, and various sporting-organisations (ski, billiards, rugby, etc). He travels extensively abroad with the princess on charity and support missions that concern matters of illness and welfare.

Prince Tomohito was a noted opponent of the law permitting female succession, at one point publically proposing that Prince Hiro take a concubine to attempt to produce a male heir.

On August 25, 2006, his eldest daughter, Aquico married the Comte des Ozarques, Antoine II Bourbon-Le Moyne, dauphin (pretender) of France and Louisianne.


He married ??? in 1980, and had two daughters and one son by her.

  • Aquico Bourbon-Le Moyne (born Saisei 30, Jùitxigaçu 16 (December 20, 1981), married Gacudai 3, Xitxigaçu 20 (August 25, 2006))
  • Yuco (born Sasei 32, Cugaçu 20 (October 25, 1983))

Preceded by:
Tacahito, Prince Micasa
Succession to the Chrysanthemum Throne Followed by:
Princess Yuco
Preceded by:
Succession to the Micasa House