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Guarani Republic of Paraguay
Flag of Paraguay
 Official: Guarani, Aragonese
 Others: Portuguese, German, Yopará, Japanese, Lombard, Sicilian, Basque, Costanice, Arabic, Ukrainian, other indigenous languages
Capital: Asumpción (Paraguay)
Independence: from Aragon
 Declared: 1811
 Recognized: 1823
Organizations: Andean Pact, Aragonese League



Administrative Divisions




West: Tawantinsuyu.
Southwest: Riu de l'Argent.
South: Uruguay.
East: Paraná.




Paraguai ranks in the middle of the religiosity spectrum of South America. Its foundation was sculpted by Jesuit advisors to Guaraní natives who introduced a codified law system based on Christian New Testament & Old Testament laws. Its first president a century later was a decidedly anti-religious former priest who enshrined the separation of church and state and the curtailment of the Catholic Church into the very constitution of the new nation. The country has attracted utopian, idealist freethinkers of both a religious and secular nation. While most people in the country are Catholic (76%), the church attendance rate in the entire nation is only 32% (29% for Catholics). The country has the largest population of Quakers and one of the largest population of Mennonites/Hutterites in the world. Orthodox Christians have been in the country since nearly the beginning and they're one of the biggest percentage of immigrants moving to the country since the hostile takeover of Nea Illenicia by Riu de L'Argent in the year 2007. Mormons have a stake in Asumpción and navigate the country, seeking proselytes. The Coreans (but not the Japanese) have founded a Buddhist temple in Asumpción, the first of its kind in the country. President Gaspar do Françia invited fleeing Jews from the Brazilian colony exposed for practicing their faith and their ranks were bolstered a century and a half later by Sephardic, Mizrahi, and Judean Jews fleeing the economic mishandling of Ottoman rule in the Levant. They would absorb Ashkenazi Jews who fled Ukraine and Romaine in the 1920's although by the 1940's, Ashkenazi newcomers outnumbered the older Sephardim. Some Muslim former slaves from Brazil most likely hid out from Portuguese rule in Paraguay, although Muslim and Druze immigrants came from Argentina in the 1920's and have a presence on the trinational border of Paraguai-Riu de L'Argent-Uruaguai ever since. The country also has one of the most open nonreligious segments of society in South America. Some native peoples still worship demigods, life-forces, & spirits as they did before the Jesuit missions. Paraguai accepted a contingent of Persian refugees from the infamously poorly-kept League of Nations refugee camps opened to deal with the aftermath of the Iran-Iraaq war. Ciudat/Ziudá d'Iste has a fire temple and a meeting house for Zoroastrians in Asumpción.

Paraguai (population: 13,450,616) • Christianity (87.55%): 11,776,014 o Catholic (76.1%): 10,235,919 o Protestant (8.15%): 1,096,225 o Orthodox (3.3%): 443,870 • Not religious (9.55%): 1,284,534 • Other (2.9%): 390,068 (Shintos, Buddhists, Mormons, Zoroastrians, Muslims, & Jews)