Timeline of Aviation History

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This article is source material

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Significant events in IB's aviation and space exploration history:

Those in italics are QAA from the primary world and may need IBifying (in some cases, definitely need IBifying)

Before 1900



  • 1910 – Henri Fabre makes the first flight of a seaplane (France)
  • 1911 – First appearance of military aircraft in the Italian-Turkish war (Libya)
  • 1912 – Juan de la Xierva builds his first aeroplane
  • 1914-1917 – First Great War
  • 1919 (June) – Capt. John Alcock and Lt. Arthur Brown complete the first crossing of the Atlantic by an aeroplane (FK)
  • 1919 (July) – H.M.A. R34 completes the first crossing of the Atlantic by an airship (England)









  • c. 1995 - VfR clandestinely begins preparing to launch a satellite based on GWII-era rocket designs.
