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Ducato di Massa
Duchy of Massa
Flag of Massa
Motto: n/a
Subdivision of: Italy
 Capital: Massa
 Largest: Massa
 Other: Carrara
 Official: Italian
 Others: Corsican
Duke: Luigi III

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Area: 129 sq. km
Population: 120,000 inhabitans (2005)
Established: 1816, Ceded to Cárolina Appiani and Gian Gastone Ludovisi-Boncompagnani.



The head of state is the Duke/Duchess. Massa is a parliamentary democracy. A prime minister is elected by the parliament every 4 years. The parliament is composed of a 25-member senate and a 71-member chamber of delegates. Senators are elected for 5-year terms by popular votes, whilst delegates are chosen for 4-year terms by a single transferable vote. The current Prime Minister, Lorenzo Altamirano of the local Liberal Democratic Union, was elected on June 23, 2004.


The Fregoso family exchanged territories with the Genoese Republic in 1198. The Fregoso family occupied Carrarra and gave Genoa several feuds in the Marches as well as the castle of Albenga. By the 14th century they had concentrated and conquered some land around it, including the small town of Massa. In 1463 the last Fregoso ruler died, leaving the then principality to their neighbouring Dukes of Lusignana of the Malaspina family. In 1528 they were confirmed as Dukes of Massa and Lusignana. In 1707 Lusignana was conquered by Lucca. Napoleon conquered it in 1805 and Massa became part of the Duchy of Lucca. The Massians in turn overthrew the Luccans upon Napoleon's fall, proclaiming a unified Duchy of Massa, which was maintained. The Italian Constitution was drawn-up in Massa, and Massa became the first Italian nation to ratify it.



Massa is bordered by:
North: Liguria
West: Tyrrhenian Sea
South: Tuscany
East: Parma


Massa's main industries are shipbuilding and marble production.

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