Summer Revolution

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From the time of the installation of the Directoire in France, Louisianne had adopted a government similar to the government of the Republic, ruling as Le Directoire Louisiannais. This directory, instituted prior to Napoleon's rise to power continued through his reign. Following the lachement as France released Louisianne to its own devices following the 1828 War and the Royalist coup, the Directoire was destroyed and Le Consulat Louisiannais was instated. Because Napoleon had essentially cut Louisianne adrift, the Consulate had run the affairs of Louisianne as a semi-benevolent government. As time passed, however, the Consulate realised that they were the undisputed rulers of Louisianne.

As the saying goes, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, and thus the Consulate quickly became corrupt and began levying heavy taxes against the plantation owners seeking to "better" Louisianne with lavish public buildings that would, in reality, only serve for the Consulate.

By the summer of 1832, following the terrible 1828 NAL-Louisianne War, the populace of Louisianne was incensed. The Consulate had planned a lavish government complex in Saint-Louis but still ruled from Baton Rouge once it had been restored to Louisianne. An armed mob descended on the Palace in early Germinal (March/April) and surrounded the Consulate, who were taken in chains and imprisoned.

For a time it appeared that the Consulate would suffer the fate of the French Nobility, death by guillotine. They were spared this fate, but were exiled from Louisianne, settling eventually in the NAL, France and New Francy.

Following their expulsion from Louisianne, the constitution was deemed unfit, and a consititutional convention was convened, resulting in the Second Republic, with Armand Beauvais serving as First President.