Who's Who in Turkestan
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A guide to some of the people, past and present, of Turkestan. Entries for deceased individuals are in italics.
- Abaı Çu: Half-Chinese, half-Qazaq captain of the Almalıq Wolves Kökbörü team.
- Addaı Tomajan-ulı: Rector of the School of Samarqand.
- Anuşeh İsfarani: Head of the Heart of Asia Coalition.
- Araı Qorbanbaı Xan-qızı: Inventor of the Ring Game; daughter of Qorbanbaı Azat-ulı Xan.
- Ardaq Sapor-ulı: Author of additional books in the Arslan Bahadır series conceived by Çoqan Aytmaş-ulı.
- Asxat Akan-ulı: Minister of the Treasury; Head of the Liberal Alliance.
- Azıza Şahıdı: Foreign Secretary; Head of the Transnational Party. First cousin of Murat Şahıdı.
- Mar Äbdiyeşü XVII: Catholicos of the Holy Assyrian Catholic Church of the East.
- Ämir Qanat-ulı Xan: Current Xan of the Great Horde Qazaqs.
- Balğır Danıyar-ulı: Editor-in-Chief of Haqayat News.
- Bereke Äbdireş-qızı: Wife of Marat Jandos-ulı.
- Boris Fyodorevich Lavrev: Up-coming Timür Chess player.
- Çoqan Aytmaş-ulı: Original author of the Arslan Bahadır books.
- Däwlet Maqtağalı-ulı: Current Timür Chess national champion.
- Dılbohar Timür-qızı: Lone Keņesçi representing the Green Carnation Party of Turkestan.
- Dost Süleymän Xan: Current Emir of Buxara.
- Enver Nuravoı-ulı: Governor of Üzbekistan Vıloyat.
- Enver Timür-ulı: Bass guitarist; member of EastWest band.
- Eprem Timür-ulı: Home Secretary; Head of the United Way political party.
- Ernur Süleymen-ulı Sardar: First commander-in-chief of the Turkestani Air Force.
- Gurbanğalı Maxambet-ulı: Governor of Türkümänistan Vılayat.
- Gülnara Rustam-qızı: Rubab player; member of EastWest band.
- Gülnora Sultan-qızı: Diplomat; eldest daughter of Sultan Qasım-ulı Ilxan.
- Ğanı Timür-ulı: Actor.
- Hamra Maxambet-ulı: Ilxan of Turkestan, 1980-1984.
- İliyäs Enver-ulı Tarxan: Commander-in-Chief of Turkestani campaign forces during the Qaşgar War, current head of Turkestani Army.
- İmän Yunus Xan: Xan of Qoqand, 1927-1941.
- Jalan Quyrat-ulı: Ilxan of Turkestan, 1948-1969.
- Jomart Nasreddin-ulı: Reporter, Haqayat News.
- Jomart Nurlan-ulı: Asatayaq player; founder of Dala Dausı band.
- Kärim Tumutoı-ulı: Folk musician; founder of EastWest band.
- Läylä Sultan-qızı: Diplomat; second daughter of Sultan Qasım-ulı Ilxan.
- Läzzät Säken-qızı: CEO, Yoltaı Motors.
- Mahmud Ğulam Xan: Emir of Buxara, 1911-1944.
- Marat Jandos-ulı: Minister for Trade and Industry. Leader of the Partıya Turan.
- Mııras Çoqan-ulı: Spokesman, Campaign for Ethical Government (a leading anticorruption group).
- Mırjaqıp Bolat-ulı: Novelist. Wrote A Year with Almastu under the pseudonym Dr. Ibrahım Razov.
- Mızar Aman Beğ-ulı: Ilxan of Turkestan, 1969-1980.
- Miyä Sultan-qızı: Artist; youngest daughter of Sultan Qasım-ulı Ilxan.
- Murat Şahıdı: Leader of Pamir Liberation Front political party. First cousin of Aziza Şahıdı.
- Muşır Davud-ulı: Husband of Läylä Sultan-qızı daughter of the Ilxan.
- Nağıma Erbolat-qızı: Spokeswoman for Home and Hearth Party.
- Näzgül Rahman-qızı: Controversial film actress, daughter of Rahman Äbdireş-ulı Imam.
- Nuraslan Näzbek-ulı: Current Keņesbaşı of Turkestan; Head of the Progressive Party.
- Petir Saloman-ulı: Author of additional books in the Arslan Bahadır series conceived by Çoqan Aytmaş-ulı.
- Qasımjomart Toğaı-ulı: Governor of Qazaqstan Vılayat.
- Qorbanbaı Azat-ulı Xan: Xan of the Great Horde Qazaqs, 1919-1939.
- Qunduz Davud-qızı: Author of additional books in the Arslan Bahadır series conceived by Çoqan Aytmaş-ulı.
- Qunqasıım Mııras-ulı Baı: Wind power developer; first Turkestani ambassador-at-large to the League of Nations.
- Rahman Äbdireş-ulı Imam: Conservative imam in Taraz, father of Näzgül.
- Rasul Oybat-ulı Tarxan: Current head of Turkestani Guards.
- Raza İris Baı-ulı: Ilxan of Turkestan, 1984-1989.
- Ruslan Selim-ulı: CEO of Ortaz Munaı.
- Rohıla Orun Baı-qızı: Political analyst.
- Selim Enver-ulı: Rector of Avicenna University.
- Somıd Sardar Xan: Early commander-in-chief of the Turkestani Air Force; later Xan of Qoqand.
- Sultan Qasım-ulı: Current Ilxan of Turkestan.
- Şapar Aqniät-ulı: Founder of Wolf Brotherhood political party.
- Şırzad Qamran-qızı: Concert violinist; founder of EastWest band.
- Talğat Äbidyeşü-ulı: Major in Turkestani Air Force; test pilot.
- Timür Mevleni Tarxan: Current head of Turkestani Air Force.
- Torğaı (Yıldız Beriktaş Baı-qızı): Professional dancer.
- Tulmaı Ağa ("Brother Tulmai the Qazaq"): Stablemaster of the Monastery of St. Thomas, MR.
- Tumutoı Aka ("Brother Timothy"): Head Gardener of the Monastery of St. Thomas, MR.
- Turwan Hafez: Jalan Ilxan's head of Department of Homeland Security.
- Ţamat Xarızı: Chief of Aşğabat police department.
- Vadim Korşakov: Guitarist; founder of EastWest band.
- Yörük Gayrat-ulı: Head of Wolf Brotherhood political party.
- Yunus Islam-ulı: Author of additional books in the Arslan Bahadır series conceived by Çoqan Aytmaş-ulı.
- Zulfiya Sulemeyni: Ney player; member of EastWest band.