User:Kgaughan/Reference Material

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I haven't really had time to do any work on it lately, but for some reason, it's been on my mind lately. I'd been going on the presumption that Michael Collins died *there* as well as *here*. But I realised recently that's completely wrong. In fact, the Civil War was a completely different beast *there* because there was nothing even remotely like the North to cause the same degree of friction between the pro- and anti-treaty factions.

*There* there were two civil wars in close succession. So close, in fact, that *there*, they're usually not differenciated between.

The (first) ensuing civil war was between the pro-treaty forces, lead by Collins, and the anti-treaty forces, nominally lead by De Valera, though really under the control of the Army Executive. *There*, the Irregular forces crumbled far quicker than *here*, having even less support than in this time line. Beal na mBlath simply never happened. In fact, Cork was awkward enough with those ecotopians and never really figured greatly in the war.

In the disarray of the first civil war, unionist paramilitary groups, mostly concentrated around the area of Dublin, formed an alliance to try to win independence from the Free State and become part of the FK once again. This is actually what finally brought the first civil war to a close some time around late July and early August. Regulars and Irregulars saw the seperatist forces as being a far greater threat to the nation than either of each other was.

Fighting was centred around the area that would later become known as Laighean. The second civil war raged until around June 1923, at which point Unionist forces and State forces brokered a peace deal which that turned the Free State into a federal state of 5 provinces and 1 autonomous region: Connacht, Mumhan, An Mhí, Laighean, Uladh, and the People's Autonomous Ecotopic Region of Cork.

And by the way, I've no idea who blew up Mallow Bridge...Actually, scratch that. My current theory is that the bridge was blown up by the father of former Poet Laureate Michael D. Higgins.

Higgins lasted in the position for three months and left the post after an angry lynch gang almost managed to hang him after the publication of his poem 'Ode to Me'.

Michael D, Michael D,
High-Density Polyethylene.
Look at me! Diddle de de!
Michael D, Michael D.

Needless to say, it was a political appointment...

The Blue Hussars

I want to flesh out some constitutional details of Ireland, and part of that is that I'd like to see the Blue Hussars still in service *there*. *Here*, they were disbanded, rather unfortunately in my mind, but I'd like to have them continue in service *there*. Seeing as the Hussars were a form of cavalry that originated in eastern Europe and spread westwards, I'm not sure if Kemr would have Hussars, which is a precondition to Ireland having them. --Kgaughan 07:31, 7 December 2005 (PST)

Why wouldn't they? I think it would be very IB for countries to copy exotic cavalry units more so than *here*: Hussars, Uhlans, Bosniaks, Cossacks, etc. Boreanesia 09:03, 7 December 2005 (PST)
Me, I like it. I was assuming there was a similar kind of Oltenian Princely Guard. Zahir 09:16, 7 December 2005 (PST)
Given the Blue Hussar's origin here, it's unlikely that they would have been copied that directly. The existence of some kind of similar Kemrese unit really is a requirement, so I really need some word of assurance from Andrew or Padraic first. --Kgaughan 12:55, 7 December 2005 (PST)
I agree -- the Romans copied exotic cavalries too after all! It's really up to Andrew, but for my part (and not knowing what their origin *here* is), I certainly wouldn't mind. Elemtilas
Worst comes to worst, I can always go with a Mounted Escort that actually used Sean Keating's original--and far more 'irish' looking--design. But I'm not that great an artist and can't see myself being able to do justice to it. --Kgaughan 08:50, 8 December 2005 (PST)
Bother! I meant to look up the dictionaries while I was in town to see if I could find an equivalent for Hussars in Brithenig. It will have to wait until Monday. We know that the Chomro prided themselves on being horsemen (ill marchag in Brithenig). The companions of the Emperor Arther were horsemen after all, traced back to Sarmatian troops who were stationed in Britannia in the Roman age. I guess that they would have developed their own traditions of knighthood and cavalry. Sorry I'm being slow on replying to this. Suggestions for Kemrese cavalry traditions are now open for commission - AndrewSmith 00:09, 9 December 2005 (PST)
Looks like Brithenig has borrowed Hussar directly, or calls them Marchsollteir, horse-soldier. - AndrewSmith 01:13, 12 December 2005 (PST)