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Big question, where on IB would the equivalent of Anne Rice & Poppy Z Bright come from ? --Marc Pasquin 09:55, 28 October 2005 (PDT)

With any luck there will be no IB equivalent of Anne Rice -- just MHO -- BPJ 10:06, 28 October 2005 (PDT)
Well, I thought Annabell Thrace was a pretty obvious "take" on Anne Rice (and she--Annabell--is from Boston). But then, there's something kinda Anne Rice-ish about V.A.Howard as well and she's from Maine (although there's also something slightly V.C.Andrews about her). If you'd like to contribute a New Orleans writer, feel free! Zahir 10:08, 28 October 2005 (PDT)
Not realy into that type of books, just curious.--Marc Pasquin 10:20, 28 October 2005 (PDT)

Source of Vampire *here*

I was under the impression that the Vampire *here* was Romanian in origin, and was simply a wandering spirit. I say this, because there was a program about Count Dracula on one of the Discovery Channels not too long ago. --Sikulu 06:02, 13 March 2006 (PST)

Vampires or variations thereof are an ancient and nigh-universal legend. In ancient Greece there was the Lamia, in Babylon Lilitu, the Chinese had the Weng Chiang, etc. The distinguishing thing about a vampire is that it is some kind of ghost or demon that feeds on the blood of the living. Zahir 06:47, 13 March 2006 (PST)

Term Vompire

Originally from Talk:Traci the Vompire Hunter

The Question I have is, what's the origin of our word Vampire? If it's from any of the central-european languages, it could be something different, much like Kawar. BoArthur 21:43, 14 Aug 2005 (PDT)

According to the Wikipedia article - English vampire comes from German Vampir, in turn from early Old Polish *vąper' (where ą is a nasal a, and both p and r' are palatalized), in turn from Old Slavic *oper (with a nasal o) or Old Church Slavonic opiri. According to Slavic linguist Franc Miklošič, the word ultimately comes from Kazan Tatar ubyr "witch".
I might suggest that the IBEngl. analogue goes Kazan Tatar > OCS (or some other old Slavic language) > Old Venedic > Old Low German > English. So, how would an OVen community deal with a Slavic borrowing *õper/*õpiri? I would submit: vo,pr. > vompir > vampire. ;) Elemtilas
Or Vompire, for a little bit of difference.  :-) Jan would best be able to tell us what it would become in Old Venedic. Nik 13:22, 15 Aug 2005 (PDT)
I would like to add some comments. Because of my deep interest in vampires (who saw my teethy smile knows why ;) I made a general research in it and here is the origin of word _vampire_: It was the Serbo-croatian version of the old Slavic name for these beasts, vampir, which entered West through media (newspaper) due to the popularity of vampire affairs during 1725-1731 in Medvedija in Serbia. It settled down in French and English as _vampire_ and in German as _Wampyr_. The original Slavic form seems to be either *o.pyrI or *vUperI. Jan II. 9:24, 16 Aug 2005 (CEST)
That sounds more plausible to me, too. Very interesting, this whole subject. Now I regret a little that I never saw a single Buffy episode, but I guess that's life. Anyway, if we should go for the wikipedia explanation (Tatar > OCS > Old Polish etc.), then "vompire" is fine: remember that Polish ą is nasalised o, not nasalised a. If we have Old Polish/Old Venedic "wąpir" or somesuch, then "vompire" seems like a valid equivalent. And I guess even in the case of a Serbo-Croatian background "vompire" can work fine. --IJzeren Jan 12:09, 19 Aug 2005 (PDT)