Talk:Cabo Sunnibel

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Is this region stabilizing or are there still widespread "tent-cities"? Seth 07:10, 10 March 2009 (UTC)

It's stable, and comparatively prosperous. The "tent-cities" are being replaced with somewhat better planned "prefab-towns" (for want of a better phrase) as part of public works programmes, where local areas are provided with the resources to replace their tents with prefabricated wooden housing more or less along the lines of what the Floridians would have been living in before, but with a small number of standard templates. Alongside that is the paving of the dirt streets in the tent cities, along with electricity, sewage, and water. Similar projects have been active right across SW Florida. --Kgaughan 10:51, 10 March 2009 (UTC)
It is my feeling that the whole of the Irish section is pretty much back to "normal" in that they have local government functioning's just the "national" level that's crazy, still. I think that I will defer to Keith if he says otherwise, though. BoArthur 14:01, 10 March 2009 (UTC) (and I see that Keith has already agreed with me).