Talk:Diplomatic Relations in the Gallosphere

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I imagine that NF's new government will change much of this, correct?

If the French-speaking Chief of the Four Nations, an important little place on the fringes of the Gallosphere, can do anything to aid the greater cause of Gallospheric friendliness, he is willing to help :-) Benkarnell 15:16, 4 July 2008 (UTC)

Yes, the relation between France and New Francy will probably get better in the next few months.--Marc Pasquin 14:11, 5 July 2008 (UTC)

Guess diplomatic relations between France and New Francy are something like *Here's* PR China and Taiwan ROC. I believe some countries, inside and outside Gallosphere, recognise one and not both as legitimous government while others, more neutral, recognise both. So, which one is represented in the LoN? France or New Francy? And what about relations with the NAL-SLC? Possibly both France (one of the largest economies in the world) and New Francy (which I believe to be an important north american economy) maintain relations with the NAL.--Pedromoderno 11:06, 30 March 2009 (UTC)

Actually, I think they're at odds with each other, but the international community couldn't care less about their squabbles. They're both involved with the LoN, just as is Louisianna. At this point, France has the attitude of "Let them bury themselves if they wish." They've got enough to worry about with their own fractious politics without pining for former territory. BoArthur 15:52, 30 March 2009 (UTC)
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