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Birthdate | 6 June 1985 |
Birth Place | Viridan City, Oregon |
Current Residence | Castreleon, Kemr and Sulescoed, Dumnonia, Kemr |
Member Number | 56 |
Hi, umm... what does one write on these user pages? I'm Quentin "Ipsissimus" Smith, Nº 56 on The List, titled Wandrer, Maker of Tangents, by Padraic. (Presumably that's a compliment). I can be a little thick at times, and I'm relatively new here, so please talk slowly.
Things to do, that I need to finish;
Copper 1/4d 11 3/4lc 27 lc 1/2d 11 3/4lc 38 1/8 lc 1d 11 3/4lc 54 lc Silver 3d 12lc 138 3/4 lc 6d 17lc 165 lc 1s 24lc 196 1/4 lc 2/6 36lc 253 1/4 lc 5s 36lc 358 1/4 lc 10s 36lc 506 3/4 lc Gold £1 6lc 168 lc