Let's hear some ideas on how this should work. Especially if it's supposed to be a modern syncretism. It's interesting, mind. Elemtilas 21:33, 20 July 2008 (UTC)
- To do that, I'll have to do a lot of research on Buddhism. Such as, can their priests get married, do they even have priests, what's their religious ranking (What I mean is priest, Bishop, Archbishop, etc.), their srchitecture, and most importantly, their doctrine.
Misterxeight 01:41, 21 July 2008 (UTC)
- We do a lot of research here! Wikipedia is your friend, and there are a lot of other online resources on Buddhism. I think Buddhist monks are typically celibate -- but there are exceptions (I think mostly in Japan and Korea). They don't have priests per se; monks serve all religious roles. I don't think Buddhism has a central leadership or hierarchy like Christianity does. As for doctrine, check out the Eightfold Path. The present Dalai Lama and monk Thich Nhat Hahn have written many easily available (and readable) books. That should provide you a good place to start. Elemtilas 03:33, 21 July 2008 (UTC)
- Indeed, it would be interesting. And indeed, before drafting proposals, we do quite a lot of research. But before we start delving into the theological details of such a religion, I'd like to know a few basic things. Like: who adheres to this religion, how did it come across, why is it called "Greco-Buddhist", etc.
- For the time being, I think you should remove the "Proposal" template, because in its current state this is not an article: it's only one sentence that barely gives any information, so there's not really anything to talk about. Let's hear first what else you can tell us about this religion! —IJzeren Jan Uszkiełtu? 18:57, 21 July 2008 (UTC)
Really how did the British Invasion/Hippie Revolution go down here? This Greco-Buddhism religion would have been started by "Greek free-thinkers" that were attracted to the whole "peace, love, an Buddhism" thing that weant down *here*, but were still a bit hesistant to give up their old ways. So they were have some sort of hierarchy, though not as many ranks as in E.Orthodoxy, there wouldn't be the "sure you can get married and have kids, as long it's before your ordination of becoming a deacon", being there was no form of abstinence in the 1960s, however the celibacy of the monks and priests keeps in check. As for Christianity being monotheistic (don't think I spelled it right, feel free to fix it) and Buddhism being polytheistic (sure I spelled that one wrong too), who would they worship? Plus architecture might be a bit of a problem too. Misterxeight 23:39, 10 August 2008 (UTC)
- Well, if it's a movement from the 1960s, especially of the "free love" type, you probably won't have to worry too much about architecture -- realistically, such a small group won't have much of an impact. His All Holiness, the Guru Swami P. Papadiamantopoulos might have a mixed-style compound somewhere; but I think that Grecco-Buddhist temples on every block in Constantinople are highly unlikely. This sounds much more like a fringe or sideline phenomenon than a serious contender in Greece's religious life.
- With any luck, this fad would at least point true seekers onward to actual Buddhism. Elemtilas 00:02, 11 August 2008 (UTC)
- Or become a sect of one of them. It most likely be Buddhism, no? I have to admit, us Christians aren't very accomodating. I was only going for no more then 15-20 temples accross greater Greece. Misterxeight 00:25, 11 August 2008 (UTC)
- If this had much to do with any version of the "Free Love Movement" then it would likely be linked politically to the Anti-Snorist Movement (which is what IB had instead of protests against the Vietnam War). Zahir 00:40, 11 August 2008 (UTC)
- Yes, as I said, it would be Buddhism. Such a movement will not be looked upon favorably by any orthodox Christian sect. 15 to 20 temples, probably not of very great size, and possibly a number of them being "storefronts" in cities, is I think quite reasonable. Elemtilas 22:47, 11 August 2008 (UTC)
But who would they worship? Christians worship 1 God in 3 forms, and kind of Saints but not "worship, worship". Buddhism, I have no idea. Misterxeight 23:33, 11 August 2008 (UTC)
Woah. Buddhists have no creator God, how do I deal with that? Mr.X8 Talk Contribs13:58, 13 October 2008 (UTC)
- Same way everyone does here? And/or by taking the tenets of Buddhism and applying them through a Hellenistic lens. For example, assuming that Christos (Jesus) was a Buddha, perhaps specifically the Buddha of Infinite Compassion (Boddhistva)? Zahir 00:00, 12 August 2008 (UTC)
So is we said that (if there even is one) the Supreme Buddha (God) gave a woman who threw the years purified herself through her actions a Son Xristos aka Boddhistva who traveled the world helping everyone he came in contact with until he sacrificed himself for the good of the world? Then the Saints could be like lesser Buddhas? Misterxeight 00:13, 12 August 2008 (UTC)
- Um. No. In Buddhism, there is no God. There is only the supreme and transcendent mystery out of which we arise and towards which we seek to return. All Buddhas are equal, and the goal of Buddhism is to help each and every soul to achieve that state. (There was a Catholic theologian who said something similar when he said "Of what use Gabriel, your message to Mary?/If you could not say the same even onto me?/That I might carry the Christ child somewhere inside of me?" which if anything also harkens back to ancient Gnostic Christianity). THE Buddha was simply the first to find the way and tell others. The Boddisatva is the Buddha who refused to leave to world and enter Nirvana, but instead turned to the rest of the cosmos and "You first--I will not leave even the least of you to suffer, alone." Hence it is said the Boddhisatva "joyfully embraced the sorrows of the world" (much as St. Augustine said Jesus approached the Cross as a bridegroom does his wedding bed).
- If you identify Jesus as the Boddhisatva, then the saints and angels simply become either fellow Buddhas or simply holy people, those who have gone very far along the Path, even if they might not have reached their destination yet. Or perhaps they have and wait with Jesus for all of us to catch up.
- The central tenet of Buddhism in practice is to expand one's soul and heart beyond the confines of the world. In this matter, I believe either Eastern Orthodoxy and/or Gnostic Christianity are probably the most amenable to Buddhism, at least in terms of philosophy and practice. One can easily imagine Christian prayers serving as a form of meditation. I strongly suspect a blending of Orthodox ritual with Gnostic texts (a treasure trove were discovered in 1949) would be a basis for what you're describing. Maybe. Zahir 00:36, 12 August 2008 (UTC)
- Very nicely done! I would only add that the concept of "God" could easily find its place in this hellenised Buddhism as a manifestation of that "mystery from which we come and to which we seek return". After all, isn't that what rather what Christians hope for when they eventually go over the river and enter heaven? It will be much harder to reconcile Christianity's personal God -- God who actively loves and desires a relationship -- with pure Buddhism's non-theistic position. But we also have to recognise that Buddhism is amenable to change and modification in the lands of many peoples, and not all them have abandoned the concept of gods! I think that the real world example of native Christianity in China shows us that such an amalgam is possible, and perhaps can go quite far. Hopefully, it will be more than just a bunch of free loving hippies in love with the idea of Buddhism, and would become a deep and true experience of both. Elemtilas 03:06, 12 August 2008 (UTC)
Now that we have who they worship worked out, mind if I use your words, David & Padraic? Misterxeight 03:12, 12 August 2008 (UTC)
- Sure, go for it. Zahir 03:50, 12 August 2008 (UTC)
Wow I've learned a lot on Buddhism in religion class this past week. Just does anyone know what the word "Patriarch" would be in Sanskrit? Misterxeight 02:27, 20 September 2008 (UTC)