Princess Anne of Argyll

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Princess Anne of Argyll (1787-1800) was the last child of King Henry VII of England and Scotland and the first of the Stuart line to exhibit hemophilia (the first evidence of this mutation in the family).

She was always a frail child and lived a highly protected life, especially given the stillbirth of every royal child following her as well as many that had come before. These circumstances, coupled with her own prettiness, fostered a personal popularity with the English and especially the Scottish public (she had been born in Scotland).

The young princess died from bleeding after a fall at Holyrood Palace. She lingered for several days, and according to legend her spirit still lingers there. Her state funeral sent the entire city into mourning and her tomb at St. Giles Cathedral continues to be visited by tourists and well-wishers.

A fair number of stories, plays, novels and other works have dealt with Princess Anne of Argyll. It is believed her death also gave rise to this rhyme used in skipping rope:

Bonny Nanny bode at the Ruid
Bonny Nanny cowpt ower the wuid
aw the Keengs doctors
and queans o the toun
coudne swaible her bluid
that rint doun!