Batavian West Africa

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Batavian West Africa is the former name of the Batavian colonies in and around Guinea in Africa. It included the current Batavian territories of Leeuwenbergland and Batavian Kongo, and the former Batavian possessions in the Gold Coast of Guinea.

Flag of Batavian Kingdom   Primary Divisions of the Batavian Kingdom   Flag of Batavian Kingdom
Brabant | Friesland | Gelderland | Holland | Limburg | Overijssel | Utrecht | Vlaanderen | Zeeland
Overseas Territories and Colonies
Atjeh | Arakan | Batavian Antilles | Batavian Guyana | Batavian Kongo | Ceylon | Leeuwenbergland | Malediven | Nagapatnam | Tsjinzoerah