Jorge Bush
George Walker Bush better known under his adopted Castilian name of Jorge Bush was born in New Haven, Connecticut, NAL-SLC on July 6, 1946. He died in late 2004 (the date is somewhat uncertain) following a military tribunal in Mejico. Jorge Bush is known the world over for his dictatorial rule of 15 years in Tejas.
Early Life
During GWII, the George H. W. Bush family, famous in the NAL as developers of oil and helium reserves around the world, migrated to Tejas in order to establish natural resources firms in that country. Jorge Bush was enrolled in a private school in Tejas where he adopted the culture quite readily. Surrounded by the children of his father's loyal associates who had also migrated to Tejas, Jorge Bush was somewhat isolate from the plight of the average Tejan. His parents proudly brought their children into participation in Tejas's social circuit. Jorge in his short memoir spoke of watching his father hatch plans to better utilize the resources of Tejas.
Military Career
Jorge Bush enlisted with the Tejas Army after graduating from his private school's officer training corps. By 1988 Jorge Bush had gained the rank of major or colonel in the Army. To the surprise (and dismay) of the international community, Jorge Bush successfully leveraged a coup against the ruling junta and installed himself as leader of Tejas. His father prior to the coup decried the idea, saying that it "wouldn't be prudent" as the political state of Tejas was "such a greasy mess". Despite several months of uneasiness, Bush was quite skillfully able to navigate the treacherous political waters and assume full control.
Some biographers have suggested that Bush largely bought his rank, rather than earned it through effort, citing this as a reason behind the poorly prosecuted war with Alta-California that ended his regime.
Years in Power
see also: Bush Regime.
At first, his rule was firm but fair as a typical benign dictator. Under his leadership the role of Tejas grew in the region, business boomed and the economy strengthened. Unfortunately, even as he turned Tejas into a fairly successful country, his own appetites became more expensive and expansive. His motives soon became less than noble as troubles began to brew anew with Alta California. He found himself ever on the brink of war and had to gear his economy towards that sector, to the ultimate detriment of the country.
By the mid-90's civil liberties of the Tejan people were entirely removed and the whole country was prepared for the Big War with Alta California. The war effort was hampered by the dissident Felipese, which were treated harshly during the Bush regime. With the Tejan treasury being sapped by Bush's extravagant tastes and the preparations for war the Economy began to decline.
In 2000, George H. W. Bush, tiring of the state of affairs in Tejas pulled his companies from the country, adding a nigh fatal blow to the already ailing economy. Jorge appointed in 2000 Ricardo Tcheni as Supreme Commander of the Army, and Carlos Rojas as his Vice President, and began preparing for total war with Alta California. Mejico and Louisianne both restricted trade with Tejas, fearing a failed attack on Alta California could produce a rebound against their borders. The official restriction of trade from Louisianne didn't stop gun runners from crossing the river into Tejas and selling their wares during this period, however, and much of the munitions used by both sides in the 2003 war was Louisiannan in origin.
The 2003 Tejan War
The propaganda machine of Jorge Bush's junta under the leadership of Carlos Rojas went into full bore weeks before the attacks that initiated the war. Bush had already tried to establish a personality cult for himself, and Rojas pushed to further establish this feeling in the Tejan peoples.
Early successes in the war were touted with press releases1 claiming that Tejas was going to win and split the spoils with Montrei. Jorge's location during the course of the 2003 war is not attested in historical records, but public commentary places him in and around Santa Fe.
As the short war was brought to a close in May, Jorge and his junta realized their impending fate. Rather than leave witnesses to their departure, Ricardo Tcheni issued an order to have the city and suburbs of Santa Fe gassed.2. Officials estimate that 1/3 to 1/2 of the population of Santa Fe was killed in this attack. Jorge and his junta were evacuated from Santa Fe via zeppelin, and were at first rumored3 to be in Havana, with his brother Jaime. These rumors were later found to be true, as Jaime shipped his brother to Mejico City to face trial.4
Jorge was later executed by a military court in Méjico in early (2004).