Organisation of American States

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--I certainly doubt there is an OAS.[CTh.]

Certainly not like the OAS *here* anyway.[PB]

--With the ongoing war between Alta California and Tejas, the rivalry between Florida-Caribbea and Castile-Leon, etc, it would be very difficult to have an hemispherial organization.

It could be currently dysfunctional. While Tejas and California have been at it for decades, it was a regional power with a moderate government until the 1970s rise of the Bush brothers. While Florida has always been expansionist; it was a rational and scarcely violent expansionism until the early 1980s when the Bushes expanded their influence.

Until that time, a pan northamerican organisation would be quite workable. And don't forget that there are also Oregon and Alaska, not to mention Claifornia and Montrei that are quite keen on east-west trade and cooperation.

--Mind: Florida-Caribbea would block any organization in wich the Kingdom of Castile & Leon were included and would also reject recognizing New Granada and the Central American Community as American states ("They are just colonies of an European kingdom", they would say).

That they would say. Of course, they also say that of Louisianna and the NAL!!!!!

--OTOH, the Member Republics of the Castilian Commonwealth (Alta, Peru and Chile), would solidarize with the Kingdom and would not join any Pan-American organization that rejecets NG and CAC.

Then it looks like a north-south split may have occurred in the OAS.

--I guess Florida-Caribbea is not alone in their position. Tawantinsuyo, Charcas and Mejico would feel that the Kingdom of C-L is not American enough, and I guess the SLC still distrust a little C-L (or at least some of their members).

Nah. Mueva Sefarad might, though they really have nothing to fear from Castille. Like the US *here*, we no longer distrust Spain just because we fought a war with them a century ago and are still paying the tax for it.

--Alta and Tejas would not reject on principle an OAS that includes their enemy, but they would not promote it either.

Mind you, Tejas hasn't really had "enemies" until the last couple weeks or so. Rivals, yes, and very aggressive ones, but not enemies. F-C has certainly had enemies over the years; but apparently not willing enough to actually fight.

--So, who would promote the hemispherial integration?

The NAL would certainly be the northern anchor. It has the size and economy, and the interest in the hemisphere to work at such an organisation.

--The SLC-NAL, probably. They would gain little with South America,

I don't know about that - but only you can tell us what they might gain! I had rather hoped the NAL would find in South America a few strong trading partners. Certainly the strong Native element in the NAL would make a natural partnership with Tawantinsuyu, for example.

--but having closer ties with Louisiana and NF would be for their best interest. But I guess that if it is only La and NF, they would rather thing about integation of these states into the Solemn League, than just joining a club of three.

Don't forget Oregon and Alaska! Anyway, while the NAL is surely open to incorporation of these other other states, it is not a thing actively sought. It is a founding principal that states seek admission to the SLC; they don't go in for acquiring territories.

--And this would be the reason NF and La would be afraid in stablishing closer ties with the NAL, unless there is a counterweight...

The counterweight being that the NAL has no territorial interests in any other country.

--This would either mean Tejas, F-C, C-L or Alta California. If you have the four of them (plus La, NF and NAL), you have the OAS, but you will not have the four of them. Louisiana might be the most interested in such a relatioship, either a North American or a Pan American organization.

Then let's say that there _is_ an OAS with Tejas, A-C, Oregon, Alaska and perhaps C-L; but that in recent years it has become increasingly ineffectual and fragmented. South American states had long ago given up on the North and its troubles; seeking in stead to concentrate on their own leagues as you describe below.

I could see C-L tightening its own relations with Europe; the fighting between Tejas and California could alienate both from the other states. That would leave, effectively, NF, NAL, LA, ORE and ALA.

--South American Integration should be little problem: The Andean Pact, the Castilian Commonwealth, the Lusoamerican Union and the Aragonese League do not have currently any problem in working together. But they are not realy seeking a further union between leagues. They might accept an OAS rathern than an OSAS, but they lack the key North American partner.

Troubles in North America!

--Hmmm. South America seems to be politically more stable than North America *there*.

So it would seem! Over the next decade or so, it is projected that the North will settle down. Perhaps then it will be possible to ressurect the OAS as a truly hemispherical organisation.

--RE: Troubles in North America:

--Well, with Tejas, Alta California, Oregon and Alaska we would have workable a North American organization. If it includes the Kingdom of Castile & Leon (or at least her American constituents: the Central American Community and the New Kingdom of Granada), I thing it is very feasable to include Peru and Chile as well, as American members of the Castilian Commonwealth. Now, given that mix, the other Andean Pact nations: Tawantinsuyu, Charcas, Paraguay and Araucaria, would be willing to join. As this is becoming an hemispherical organization, the Lusoamerican Union nations and Rio de la Plata would have no oposition to join.

--If Hayti, Venezola and the Guyanas join, we will have practically every nation in North and South America except for Florida-Caribbea.

--Now we will have to tune the details, including the charter and history of this Organization of American States.

--A little history of the Castilian Commonwealth and the CELCAGOM is as following:

--In 1946, a first cultural organization was founded: the Castilo-American Organization for Culture and Science (OCCC) under the protection of Queen Maria Luisa. New Andalusia and Central America joined as separate members and the other founding members where Venezuela, Cuba and Chile. Soon, Peru, Alta California and Mejico joined as well.

By 1951 the OCCC changed into the "Mancomunidad Castellanoamericana" (Castilo-American Commonwealth - MC), and the goals included also a common market and further integration, easing migration barriers between member states, and pursuing pacific conflict resolution. The Canary Islands and Tejas joined the MC in 1952 and Florida-Caribbea asked for integration too.

The Cuban revolution in 1953, followed by the anexation to Florida-Caribbea stopped the process and lesended the relationships between FC and the MC. Florida-Caribbea decided to found their own organization. Tejas soon left the MC as the war between Tejas and Alta California heatened again. In 1961, Florida-Caribea and Tejas formed the Gulf Alliance (AGM), with similar goals to the MC, and they begun an intensive diplomatic campaign to get more MC nations into their side.

Venezola in 1964 and Mejico in 1969 retired from the MC joined the AGM which became the CELCAGOM (Community of Independent States of the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico).

In 1967, after Tascon died, the monarchy was restored in Iberian Castile, and Maria Luisa's son Eduardo waw crowned King, acording to the testament of Tascon who wanted to prevent liberal Maria Luisa to rule again in Iberia.

Eduardo wanted, however, a tighter integration between the two Castiles and the first attempt came through the MC. Iberian Castile joined the MC as a new state member in 1969, and the union was renamed as "Mancomunidad Castellana de Naciones" (MCN - Castilian Commonwealth of Nations).

--So, either the OAS was formed before 1953 including Florida-Caribbea, or after 1953, excluding either F-C or the Kingdom of C-L.

[CTh., PB]