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Brehun is located on the Armorican Peninsula in the northwest of France. It is composed of several départments that are administered separately from the rest of France. Ethnically and culturally, most of the people are British and speak Brehonecq, a language akin to the Kerno language of southern Kemr. In the northeast of the province, there are some Aemyladaeth, ethnic Armoricans. The territory is known as Bretagne or Cournouaille in Francien.


Bretagne in close-up.

Bretagne is composed of Léon, Cornouaille, Domnonia, Vannetais (Bro Erech), Ille-et-Vilaine. Léon, Cornouaille, Domnonia and Vannetais (Bro Erech) are all based upon the royal divisions and not the Revolution. Under French law, Brehun is not a part of Metropolitan France as are all the other départments. Brehun is, under the law, technically a possession of the King of France, due to the the Duchess of Brehun marrying the Dauphin of France, who then claimed the region as his own, leading to the precarious situation that presents us today.

Grandsire Administration

Brehun is not an independent country, and since the French Revolution, has been variously a fief under the control of the French President or King or Emperor of the day, that is, whoever happens to be the de facto successor to the old Kings of France. It is customary, in the present day, for the President of France to select an envoy to act as his administrator, making public appearances, signing laws and other important civil events, as the President is ex officio the Duc de Bretagne. In late 2002, President Jacques Chirac recalled the then Administrator, one Jean-Marc Grandsire, causing a furor in the government.

The Parliament threatened impeachment procedings should Chirac not return Grandsire to his post. Chirac was implacable for two very tense weeks, and only relented with conditions. Grandsire would be returned to his post for another two years but be accompanied by an observateur, one André Bullant who would report on the situation in the duchy and give his advice on how to best stabilize the region. Grandsire would remain until his normal term is ended, at which point Chirac would appoint a replacement. This happened in 2004.

Brehun also is home to the anti-France Front de Libération de la Bretagne, with a political party that is claimed (but not proven) to have ties to the Front, the Parti pour l'Organisation d'une Bretagne Libre.

After Grandsire was evicted from his post in 2004 and replaced, there has been increased discontent in the province. It is currently unknown what exactly this portends. While the Administrator serves as figurehead, the Observateur post filled by André Bullant was granted some interesting powers by Chirac and belatedly supported by the Parliament.

The Observateur is supposed to have access to all archives, be allowed to enter all administrations, whether official or not, and observe how they work. he has no power to force people to do anything unless they refuse his presence. Bullant's original term was to expire in 2004, but that has been prolonged until June of 2006. Because of his ancestry, Bullant has been well received, overall.

The years between 2002 and 2007 have been marked by sporadic but increasingly frequent protests within the province. Traditionally, Brehonecq protests consist largely of shredding official French government documents, papers, forms and literature and throwing them out of upper story windows as French officials and functionaries arrive for work in the morning or leave for home in the afternoon to the accompaniment of much hullabaloo and shouting. In the French press, this is called a "British Tickertape Parade".

Bullant Administration

In late 2007, André Bullant was declared to be the envoy of newly elected President Nicolas Sarkozy, and Jean-Marc Grandsire was recalled to Paris.

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It has not been adapted to the world of Ill Bethisad. Anyone feel free to edit it. QSS and QAA are held in abeyance.


Brehun is part of France, politically. Most of the people would rather be part of Kemr, of which it was long a part; naturally the French would not allow a long land border with Britain.

Question: I know Brittany has its own language, alive and kicking, but is it an independent nation? If it's not, it would then be part of France, which is not as liberal in the north about linguistic problems as in the south.

Such a situation would not be tolerated. Paris can say what it likes! Administrative papers would either have to be illicitly translated, or else they'd all be shredded and thrown out into the streets in protest of foreign hegemony (see above, "British Tickertape Parade"). And then let the French speaking bureaucrats come and sweep it all up! Even if there were Brehonecq translations of the official French papers, they'd probably end up throwing the lot out the window in general protest anyway.

Hehe, I said it would *officially* be so. I never said that all provinces would accept it that way. After all, what would Brittany be without a Front de Libération Breton? I'd very well see Brittany having a behaviour like Corsica *here*, since *there* Corsica has the autonomy it wanted and doesn't speak much about independance anymore.

This puts the knickers that bind Brehun and France into quite a twist. I would say that Brittany is a rebellious province of France (happily aided in every mostly covert way possible by Kemr).

And by the understanding of Gaulhe, making the federal government unable to try anything too strong against Bretagne (in my understanding, for stability reasons it's the federal government which has to take measures against a particular province, wherever it is. Local governments aren't allowed to do it by themselves if they don't get the approval of the federal government.

Then France is holding the badger by the tail as it were - it can not overcome Brehun by force without doing some serious damage to itself...

And without getting really in trouble with Gaulhe and the federal government.

and it can't easily let it go for fear of it's allying or incorporating with Kemr; and that the situation regularly boils over in the form of riots, protests, and general unrest. Probably if France let them go (or even held a more liberal sort of arrangement, like those found in Gaulhe) their problems would all dissolve - if for no other reason than that the Bretons wouldn't have much to protest.

Indeed. But the French *there* are like the French *here*: they will never let go. The linguistic separation of France (into northern Francie and southern Gaulhe) was already a bit much to cope with, and they are not ready to do it again in what they think is their own territory.

Keep in mind that Brehun was long a part of the Kingdom of Dumnonia (which itself would later become a province of Kemr), and many still feel a particular kinship with Dumnonia and Kemr that they don't feel with France. That union made the situation of Brehun a little dicey: it was still part of Dumnonia, but was it part of Kemr, part of the Frankish Kingdoms or independant? It is still a right of Dumnonian high kings to be crowned in both Exeter and Brest; but none have done so in a good long while, until only recently. And then the French president went all apopleptic and the French parliament about had a collective stroke. The press naturally had a field-day and the Breton people naturally shredded all the official French papers they could find in an effort to give their new High King a proper Tickertape Parade!
Of course, the language, culture and political ideals are only a little different; and I don't think the above issues were ever satisfactorily resolved. Probably because both France and Kemr would be surprised by the outcome.

LOL. And as I said, the influence of Gaulhe on the federal government probably helps keeping the status quo, at least until the local government of Francie agrees to get more decentralised, like in Gaulhe.

Like that will ever happen!