File talk:Flag egypt.jpg

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This is based upon the Egyptian flag *here* but with the Eye of Horus instead of the Eagle of the Republic. I thought perhaps the growing interest in Egyptology might be used by the newly-independent state to grab some prestige via its symbols. Zahir 11:20, 15 November 2005 (PST)

But would muslim use such a blatently pagan symbol on their national flag ?--Marc Pasquin 15:49, 15 November 2005 (PST)
Technically the flag in use *Here* is a pagan symbol and specifically violates Mehmed's prohibition against realistic portrayals of living things (i.e. the eagle). But, like Christianity and its absolute prohibition against divorce or charging interest on loans, Islam in practice is rather flexible. Zahir 16:07, 15 November 2005 (PST)
I have to say that I quite fancy the Eye of Horus. It's nothing uncommon for a country to use a symbol from its own glorious past, after all, even if it perhaps doesn't fit current religious convictions.
Another possibility could be provided by the Scots of Egypt (who, as I just wrote on Talk:Egypt, should IMO not be discarded. Perhaps they adopted the symbol? Or alternatively, maybe they brought in some Celtic symbol? --IJzeren Jan 16:12, 15 November 2005 (PST)
The prohibition only apply to realistic portrayal used as object of devotion. Thats why you will sometime see pictures depicting moments of the life of the prophet but while you can see part of his body, the face is absent. In any case, thats the eagle of Saladin (and so quite linked with arab-muslim history). the eye is the symbol of a *pagan god*.--Marc Pasquin 16:14, 15 November 2005 (PST)
A symbol means what the viewer says it means. The Eye of Horus would be an issue if any Egyptians actually worshipped Horus (or in any great numbers beyond a few New Age Zonies) but the idea herein is to remind everyone of a great and glorious past, as well as (maybe) a slight warning about just how efficient the secret police might be. Zahir 16:21, 15 November 2005 (PST)
If you want something like that, you could instead take some non-religious symbol: a pharaoh's scepter, etc...--Marc Pasquin 16:30, 15 November 2005 (PST)
Couldn't it be that the Egyptians at some point turned the Eye of Horus into the "Eye of Allah" or something? Let's face it: that's exactly what the Christians have been doing *here* all the time. And besides, given the higher religious variety in IB... --IJzeren Jan 16:17, 15 November 2005 (PST)
Muslim reject *any* visual representation of God as being imperfect (and thus blasphemous). Its a very basic thing to islam as a whole so changing that would be like deciding that all christians wear nails around their necks as symbol of devotion.--Marc Pasquin 16:30, 15 November 2005 (PST)
Although, Marc, the idea of Christians doing nails instead of the cross is not so far-fetched. BoArthur
Heck, I used to own a cross pedant made from nails Nik 19:53, 15 November 2005 (PST)
My point was that if we decided that on IB christians did that, it would be quite a change (and so would IB muslims having no problem with having a symbol of God).--Marc Pasquin 16:49, 15 November 2005 (PST)
And I agree. And as you see, Zahir's made a change to it. What do you think of it? Better? BoArthur

New Version

looks good but you might want to make it monochrome. I guess if it presented as an "ancient egyptian style" eagle, no one in the religious community would have any issues.

Do I sound like nag ? no seriously, I always seem to find fault when I write. --Marc Pasquin 16:55, 15 November 2005 (PST)

*shrugs* Maybe a little bit. But that is not necessarily a bad thing in a project such as this. I've uploaded a new version. I tried to make it monochrome and the whole thing was just too dreary. So this time I've made it look Gold--to represecnt (1) The ancient treasures of Egypt (2) The current resources such as the tombs, the Suez Canal, etc. (3) The royal house, more-or-less in imitation of Europe's various eagles from Rome to Russia, and (4) The rich cultural past and present of the nation. Zahir 17:11, 15 November 2005 (PST)

Aside making the eagle more "flaggy" I think it's great. BoArthur

Gold look good. "Flaggy" ? --Marc Pasquin 02:41, 16 November 2005 (PST)
Great job. But I still have to say that I personally prefer the Eye of Horus version, although I understand the reasons for not using it. --IJzeren Jan 05:50, 16 November 2005 (PST)
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