File talk:World trade towers.jpg

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The one on the left seems to be tipping...and would there be a shadow from the right onto the left? (Don't know, just asking to make sure it's as real as possible.) What did the original picture look like? BoArthur

I simply used the "clone" tool in photoshop to create a second tower. They should be all but identical. Zahir 10:34, 5 Oct 2005 (PDT)
I like these! Nik 11:50, 5 Oct 2005 (PDT)
They're OK, but if the images are parallel (and they should be, if the clone tool was used) they'll seem divergent to the eye. For the towers to look parallel in a photo taken from the bottom up, their images should converge a bit towards the top (like this: / \, pardoning the exaggeration). Perspective, you know. Kyrmse 12:35, 5 Oct 2005 (PDT)
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