Talk:Página Principal
Thanks, Jan!!! Kyrmse 16:23, 12 Jul 2005 (PDT)
A "correction" to my text
I was astonished to see that an anonymous contributor had changed my bottom-of-page translation of Ridentem dicere verum quid vetat? (Horace) to O que empede um de falar a verdade enquanto rindo?. I hate to resort to authority, but if you consult the Dicionário de Sentenças Latinas e Gregas (Renzo Tosi, transl. Ivone Castilho Benedetti (published in 2000 by the renowned house of Martins Fontes), you will find the phrase translated as O que impede de, rindo, dizer a verdade?. Furthermore empede is wrong for impede "hinders", and use of um for the impersonal pronoun "one" is véry idiomatic, to say the least, and to me it smacks of analogy with other European languages. In Portuguese the impersonal is signalled by a gente [diz, etc.] "people [say, etc.]" or by the enclitical pronoun -se, for instance diz-se "it is said". Suffice it to say that, as a native of Paraná *here*, I have been a Portuguese speaker (and writer) for the last 45 years at least.
Yes, this is an outburst. I do nót mind anyone correcting my errors - if errors are to be found - even on the Xliponian pages etc., but dó invoke QSS even for this quotation.
Enough of this matter. Kyrmse 14:00, 14 Jul 2005 (PDT)
I think that part of the issue is that the person (a co-worker of mine) served his LDS Mission in Brasil, and thus was influenced by Brazilian Portuguese. On top of it, as you well know, non-native speakers who learn solely from speaking do not often have good grammer/lexical knowledge of a language. Not knowing Portuguese myself, I suggested he make the minor correction. Since you have an "authority" (I presume a book by Horacio himself, and the fact you're native...) we defer to it. BoArthur
- Thanks for explaining - no hurt feelings on either side, I hope. "Horácio", by the way, is our good friend Horace the Roman. Cheers! Kyrmse 15:03, 14 Jul 2005 (PDT)
Pronoun Change
I am getting rid of the 2nd-person pronouns on this Página Principal, replacing the archaic-sounding tu, originally included to go with the archaic spelling (which stays!) with more informal você. Kyrmse 11:50, 10 March 2008 (PDT)