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Are we going to see some of the effects of "the different waves of immigration and native speakers" on Louisiannais lexis and/or grammar? Elemtilas 19:24, 3 March 2006 (PST)

Well, the Lexicon of Louisiannais is different from Francien, at some points, and the grammar, well, I'm no grammatician, so I would take any help there at all. I'll note to myself to talk about the different waves of immigrants that have come to Louisianne.
I don't know if you're on Conlang, but that's part of why I was looking for a Tunica/Tonica vocabulary. I'm planning on having a lot of native input regarding the native flora and fauna, at least initially as each area is settled.
As for the others, I'm going to have to do a review of that; I'm planning on making a Louisiannan Dictionary so that we can see the words that are different from Francien.BoArthur 19:47, 3 March 2006 (PST)
I doubt louisiannese would have any gramatical difference. From what you described in the past (and considering louisianna was not cut of from France), the difference would probably be more a matter of accent and vocabulary.
I not sure I understand your comments about the dialect being classified as langue d'oil with langue d'oua and langue d'oc influence. Despiste some linguists in the past refering to all as "dialects", something like Norman (langue d'oil) is as different from Gascon (langue d'oc) as spanish would be when compared with italian since these are only dialects when looked at within the same continuum. In other words, if it truly were a mix of these, it wouldn't be francian anymore
What could be possible though is for louisiannese to have inherited some "vocabulary" from some Langue d'oua or d'oil dialects if it had enough immigration comming from there in colonial time. In this case, it would still be considered only a Langue d'oil. --Marc Pasquin 07:24, 4 March 2006 (PST)

Borrowings Suggestions

Does anyone have any suggestions as to words that Louisiannais might've borrowed from other languages, esp. IB-specific languages? BoArthur 19:54, 3 March 2006 (PST)

Some of the computer related terms used by them could come from irish. --Marc Pasquin 07:49, 4 March 2006 (PST)


Something that just hit me. Since acadians *here* as *there* moved to louisianna, their dialect could have had an influence (on the "working" sociolect anyway). Assuming it is the same *there* as *here* (apart from post-conquest english borrowing), maybe you can draw some inspiration from this:

Note: A few of these are also words that were used in Quebec which mean that they are part of (the eventualy finished language of ) Laurentian. Considering some cultural link would have been kept, this would make it even more possible that some commonality exist in franco-north-american groups that make them different from their european counterparts. --Marc Pasquin 07:49, 4 March 2006 (PST)

That's an interesting point, and that's true...I'll have to "see" how much Acadian influenced Louisiannan French. I know that there would've been some real influence, since the region down there was so largely settled by Louisiannans...I guess I'll also have to work up my "immigration" timeline. BoArthur 10:18, 4 March 2006 (PST)

holding tank

|[ɡɛ̃] |gain |'gain' |- |/f/ |[fu] |fou |'crazy' |/v/ |[vu] |vous |'you' |- |/s/ |[su] |sous |'under' |/z/ |[zɛ̃] |zain |'whole-colored' |- |/ʃ/ |[ʃu] |chou |'cabbage' |/ʒ/ |[ʒu] |joue |'cheek' |- |/l/ |[lu] |loup |'wolf' |/ʁ/ |[ʁu] |roue |'wheel' |}


Although double consonant letters appear in the orthographic form of many French words, geminate consonants are relatively rare in the pronunciation of such words. The following cases can be identified.<ref>Template:Harvcoltxt</ref>

The pronunciation [ʁʁ] is found in the future and conditional forms of the verbs courir ('to run') and mourir ('to die'). The conditional form il mourrait [ilmuʁʁɛ] ('he would die'), for example, contrasts with the imperfect form il mourait [ilmuʁɛ] ('he was dying'). Other verbs that have a double <rr> orthographically in the future and conditional are pronounced with a simple [ʁ]: il pourra ('he will be able to'), il verra ('he will see').

When the prefix in- combines with a base that begins with n, the resulting word can optionally be pronounced with a geminate [nn], and similarly for the variants of the same prefix im-, il-, ir-:

  • inné [in(n)e] ('innate')
  • immortel [im(m)ɔʁtɛl] ('immortal')
  • illisible [il(l)izibl] ('illegible')
  • irresponsable [iʁ(ʁ)ɛspɔ̃sabl] ('irresponsible')

Other cases of optional gemination can be found in words like syllabe ('syllable'), grammaire ('grammar'), and illusion ('illusion'). The pronunciation of such words, in many cases due to orthographic influence (see Spelling pronunciation), is subject to speaker variation, and gives rise to widely varying stylistic effects.<ref>Template:Harvcoltxt, cited in Template:Harvcoltxt</ref> In particular, the gemination of consonants other than the liquids and nasals /m n l r/ is "generally considered affected or pedantic".<ref>Template:Harvcoltxt</ref> Examples of stylistically marked pronunciations include addition [addisjɔ̃] ('addition') and intelligence [ɛ̃tɛlliʒɑ̃s] ('intelligence').

A few cases of gemination do not correspond to double consonant letters in the orthography.<ref>Template:Harvcoltxt</ref> The deletion of word-internal schwas (see below), for example, can give rise to sequences of identical consonants, e.g. là-dedans [laddɑ̃] ('inside'), l'honnêteté [lɔnɛtte] ('honesty'). Gemination is obligatory in such contexts. The elided form of the object pronoun l' ('him/her/it') can optionally be realized as a geminate [ll] when it appears after a vowel:

  • Je l'ai vu [ʒœl(l)ɛvy] ('I saw it')
  • Il faut l'attraper [ilfol(l)atrape] ('it must be caught')

Finally, a word pronounced with emphatic stress can exhibit gemination of its first syllable-initial consonant:

  • formidable [ffɔrmidabl] ('terrible')
  • épouvantable [eppuvɑ̃tabl] ('horrible')
