Talk:History of France

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i finaly decided to patch a few holes. If someone can contact Christophe, please ask him to have a look over--Marc Pasquin 17:38, 29 Sep 2005 (PDT)

--- Follows a few explanations:--Marc Pasquin 17:38, 29 Sep 2005 (PDT)

the Middle Ages

Apart from the mention of Cambria, this is exactly the same timeline of events as *here*. I simply put the emphasis on the north-south dynamic since a country divided as IB france is now would more then probably see their history that way.

The franco-cambrian "treaty of friendship" is based on 2 entries in Kemr's timeline:

1401 Prince Ewein leads a series of raids on England. (during the 100 years war) 1536 Kemrese troops support Francis I of France against Holy Roman Empire

There would have probably been a few more times over the years when Cambria would have looked for a catholic ally and France would have appreciated an ally next to England.

Marc, would Jervaine and La Jelbatz have played some sort of role and effected minor fluxes in history (fluxes that didn't really change anything but the immediately surrounding events.) BoArthur 19:26, 20 July 2006 (PDT)
Since Jervaine has some territory which *here* is part of Alsace-Lorraine, they would have either been conquered repeatedly by france and Germany or they would have served as a buffer zone in which battle took place. Since the begining or the end of a few war involved it, it might be safe to say that there allegiance switched a few times. --Marc Pasquin 20:06, 20 July 2006 (PDT)

The rennaissance

Mostly as *here* except for a few place names and the huguenot`s colony. this was mentioned on the list before as a way of explaining how the acadian would have been displaced but the scots without a war.

How would this have changed with a stronger presence of Huguenots in the south as I suggested on the France page? BoArthur 19:26, 20 July 2006 (PDT)
As I mentioned before, a lot about France's history deals with the fact that it is a staunchly catholic country with a overwelming majority of them. Increasing the numbers a bit doesn't realy matter as long as they remain overall a minority. A quarter of the population is a bit much in my mind (*here* its 2%). With a greater number of them, you would expect they would have done better during the war of religion.
That being said, the huguenots that flew away might have simply belonged to a protestant sect that for one reason or another were ostracised even by other huguenots. For example, they could be episcopalian-type (not big within the huguenot) and have wanted to keep a reformed version of most catholic rituals and sacrements. Another option is to have them being Ménnistes (menonite) and their refusal to take arm in the defence of their faith would have lead them to be rejected by others. Would be interesting to try and find an actual sect from that period *here* that fizzled out and use it for *our* acadians. --Marc Pasquin 20:06, 20 July 2006 (PDT)
The more I think about it, the more the idea doesn't fit to have them be more numerous down in Gaul. Maybe they were encouraged and went to the new world. What do you think? BoArthur

The french revolution

A few IB caretakers might want to embelish here. For one thing, the batavian republic would date from then.

The napoleonic Wars

Because it was napoleon was said to have reigned longer on IB, I made it so his reign cover both his one *here* and the one of the first monarch (Louis XVIII) during the restoration who reign would fit with the style adopted in later by napoleon *there*.

The regency period of Napoleon II correspond to the reign of Charles X *here*. He was an unpopular autocrat who tried to roll back the years.

The July monarchy & second empire

The period of Louis-Philippe I is the same as *here* and he was chosen for the same reason in both timeline: the "legitimate" line didn`t want to play along.

  • here*, between the july monarchy and the second empire there was a second republic which lasted for about 4 and half years. I have decided to skip over it since, in any case, the president for the entire time was Louis Napoleon (Napoleon III) who then became emperor after a coup d`état. Since policies adopted during that period were not notably different from the emprial era, I have simply made them overlap.

The Restored Republic

While this could be called the second republic *there*, it take place during what was *here* the third republic (1870-1940). I didn`t want it to lead to confusion hence the different name. That being said, in all other aspect, it is meant to be the same as the third one *here*.

In addition, the period covered *here* by the fourth and fifth republic (post WWII) would *there* be covered by the system invented by Christophe (the republic divided into the 2 communities) so I thought that could be the "New Republic" (in the same way that you had the "New Franc" replacing the old one).

The Second Great War

Bordeaux is where the french government *here* before the armistice and the move to vichy.

Hicken's Comments

I like it; fitting. But yes, I think this should be passed off to Christophe, since he just said he'd be incommunicado, but not relinquishing his claims to it. I think however, that if you and I are both in agreement and there are no violations of QSS, it should stand, barring major issues brought up by Christophe.

QSS Error!?

Marc, on the Napoleon article, it says that he adopted his heir, like the can we resolve this? I think we should correlate the Napoleon article to the France History Article. BoArthur

unless his family life was different, he *had* and heir and I`m pretty sure that was discussed on the list at least once. Who came up with the adoption (not meant as an attack, just wondering if it was Christophe idea or a suggestion made by someone else)?--Marc Pasquin 16:09, 30 October 2005 (PST)
Couldn't tell you. Do you want to e-mail Christophe and see if you can get a response out of him on the subject? Maybe Jan can give us a clue? BoArthur
I would like to know, too. This article says that his son was 13, yet, *here*, at least, his son would've been only 10 in 1821. And who is his uncle who became Napoleon III? *Here*'s Napoleon III was the cousin of Napoleon II Nik 21:20, 31 October 2005 (PST)

Pierre Goubert's The Course of French History

I'm reading that now, checked out from the local bibliothèque. I'll be embelishing appending changes to the history page as I run across them. I fully expect your comments, questions and criticisms, Marc. :) This shall be fun! BoArthur 19:29, 20 July 2006 (PDT)

Minor error: mind if I correct?

In the section on the Second Great War, it says that France declared war on Germany in 1939 because Germany had invaded the RTC. All the evidance I've seen suggests that Poland and Lithuania were seperate at that point. Might I correct this? Or would you prefer to do it yourself? Or am I just plain missing something? Schlock Junkie 21:05, 6th August 2007 (BST)

Jan, did we err? BoArthur 17:45, 6 August 2007 (PDT)
Hehe, you actually did! :) The RTC did not exist before 1949. Before that, Veneda and Lithuania were seperate states (since 1918). Before 1918 is was technically called "Republic of Both Nations" (RBN), although it was commonly known as "Veneda" anyway. I'll make the corrections... —IJzeren Jan Uszkiełtu? 00:43, 7 August 2007 (PDT)