Preludes to GWII
Prussia systematically invaded, coerced and strong-armed the various germanic states into union. Lead by Adolf Hessler with the full support of Kaiser Wilhelm II, each of the German states was systematically unified with Prussia between 1920 and 1933.
Koenigreich Wuerttemberg
Grossherzogtum Baden
Freie Hansestadt Bremen
Herzogtum Braunschweig
Freie & Hansestadt Hamburg
Hessler insinuated agents provocateurs into the populace, causing rampant mob violance until the Hansa saw the effective writing on the wall and agreed an alliance between Hamburg and Prussia's grand designs.
Koenigreich Hannover
Fuerstentum Lippe
Freie Hansestadt Luebeck
Großherzogtum Luxemburg
The Grand Duke Nikolaus, who came to the throne the same year as the Austrian Anschluß, was an ally of Hessler and the pro-imperial party in Luxemburg. The governments of this period, supported by Prussia, were uniformly pro-Imperialist. Dissenters were silenced, occasionally with violent means. But until the later part of the war, the Imperialists had broad popular support. Luxemburg had hosted several Prussian military bases for decades; during this period, their size was increased to levels similar to during the time of the First Great War.
Grossherzogtum Mecklenburg
It was not uncovered until after 1950 that Hessler had masterminded the assassination of the Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, and further had used the assassination of the duke and his heir to co-opt the cooperation of the former Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, now Duke of Mecklenburg in the Diet. The Scandinavian Queen Alexandrine was enraged by this and wished to declare immediate war against Hessler, as the duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin was her father and his heir her brother.
Herzogtum Oldenburg
Herzogtum Preimern
Koenigreich Sachsen
Sachsen, like the other major powers of pre-Second Great War Germany were more than eager to follow the Prussian lead, eagerly joining the bandwagon for the larger "Reich."