Jowcko map Jowcko

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Jowcko map Jowcko
Order: 20th General Moderator
Term of Office: 25 March, 1961 - 5 January, 1968
Predecessor: Juanita Edith Baker-Stuart
Successor: Edward Moore O'Kinneide
Date of birth: 8 June, 1924
Date of death: 5 January, 1968
Place of birth: Georgetown, Ter Mair
Profession: undefined
Political Party: Progressive Conservative
Religious Affiliation: undefined

Jowcko map Jowcko (1924-1968) was General Moderator of the North American League from 1961 to 1968. He was the son of a Dumnonian immigrant and was born at Georgetown, Ter Mair. A tiny, fierce debator who was widely regarded as one of the best-dressed men in American politics, Jowco was a sometimes-ally/sometimes rival of his predecessor. It says something of his style and abilities that he took her groomed successor and turned him into his own.

His most notable achievement in office was to mediate the return of the Khedive to Egypt, thus avoiding a civil war. For this he received the Nobel Peace Prize.

Jowcko died suddenly from a cerebral heomorage in 1968.

Jowcko map Jowcko

Preceded by:
Juanita Edith Baker-Stuart
General Moderatorship
of the NAL-SLC
Succeeded by:
Edward Moore O'Kinneide