Dandy magazine is a very popular monthly publication that highlights current news, sports and entertainment on full-color glossy paper. But it is probably best known for publishing high quality nude photographs of women, sometimes celebrities.
First published in 1975, Dandy has always presented itself as a magazine for the sophisticated (especially male) audience. Not surprisingly, it has consistently drawn the condemnation of the Alliance for Public Decency which calls it "pornographic." Some local courts initially agreed and in several cities sale of Dandy was illegal for a time. There are still parts of the NAL where obtaining a copy is difficult. Possession of it by minors is against the law in many places.
Yet by any measure the magazine is a success. Although originally printed only in English, by 2002 it was published in over thirty languages all over the world. Since the fall of the SNOR regime in Russia, it has become popular in the former Russian Empire. Despite protests, it sells well also in Italy and even Judea. For a time, Jorge Bush evidently considered banning the publication in Tejas but never actually did so.
Dandy also publishes original fiction and is known to be among the best-paying such for short stories in the NAL. One of its regular features is to interview prominent persons, usually hiring respected free-lance journalists to do so, although sometimes pairing up an unusual interviewer (the rock star Pavel Argyle of NoMoreEagleZ, for example, asking questions of APD leader Gwillim Buchanan). Its journalistic reputation is unsullied, but considered minor league outside coverage of the entertainment industry.
Originally headquartered in Chicago, the magazine moved its corporate offices to Atlanta in 1998.
Within the last dozen years, a market has sprung up for old issues of Dandy which often sell for many times the original purchase price, even adjusted for inflation.
Some covers of the magazine through the years...