Dalmatian/for Travellers

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     This page was copied from https://geocities.ws/dalmatesku/l3.html?redirect=no and serves primarily as a notebook for it.     


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Hello!, Goodbye! - Servus!

Good morning! - Buanmacena!

Good day! - Buanxea!

Good evening! - Buanveczer!

Good night! - Buannuapta!

How are you? - Kema yes? / Kema mea? / Cze fasze?

Well, thanks. - Bian, gracie.

Do you speak English/Brithenig/German? - Dal vakerasz angleszte/briteneszte/nemaceszte?

I don't speak much Dalmatian. - Go ne vakera mult dalmateszte.

What time is it? - Cze ora ye?

Where is the railway station? - Unde ye szpurodvorul?

How do I go there? - Kema mea yuk?

How much is a ticket to Agram? - Kolka ye un biyet a Agram?

When does the train leave? - Kadu aeta trenul?

I love you. - Go ama tai!

Look! - Dik!