Birko Lundgren

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Birko Lundgren
Publication Information
Publisher Three Rivers / Deuterium Studios
First Appearance August, 2010
Creator(s) Dewidd Ceisicum, Mors Hemiker
In-story Information
Birth August 5, 2185
Birthplace Nystad, Nyasverige
Death Place
Rank Director
Promotion Date 15 January 2230
Assignment Lundgren Institute of Hoppas VII

Doctor Birko Lundgren is the current director of the Lundgren Institute on Hoppas VII. Under his leadership the Institute has continued its extensive research into the uses of Phlogiston.


Shortly after his birth in Nystad, Nyasverige, his father Karl Lundgren and his mother Elisa Alström-Lundgren relocated to the newly established colony on Hoppas VII. At the insistence of his fellow scientists on Hoppas VII Birko's father founded the Lundgren Institute. His father continued his research in Phlogiston, and it was his work that lead to the understanding of the use for Red Phlogiston. Following this discovery many researchers in Phlogiston and other fields relocated and the Lundgren Institute was established as the premier research center into Phlogiston Physics.

Birko followed his father's lead and studied science extensively. He was one of the earliest entrants to Scandia-Uppsala University, and graduated a mere 8 years later with his Doctorate degree, and went on to study Post-Doctorate Physics at the Rigsuniversitätet in Christiania, Norway.


Birko spent much of his career working quietly with the scientific community of Earth. At the age of thirty, he returned to Hoppas VII with his own coterie of scientists and founded his own experimental wing of the Lundgren Institute with his father's blessing. Since that time, Birko has worked on the discoveries that lead to the understanding of green and purple phlogiston, and continues his research for white phlogiston.

Throughout the course of his career he has been known to take sabbaticals that amount to nearly a year as Hoppas VII reckons time, serving aboard various Starmada vessels and at various scientific institutes around human space.

His most recent tour has taken him around Starmada space to personally train and transmit the current findings in Phlogistics to Starmada engineers, thus allowing earlier implementation of the findings of the Phlogisitics Division of the Lundgren Institute.