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- 21 March, 1912 King Ghazi I is born in Mecca, the Hijaaz
- 16 March, 1919 General Moderator James Wainwright is born in Peachtree, Jacobia
- 31 March, 1948 General Moderator Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. is born in Georgetown, Ter Mair
- 10 March, 1957 Osama BinLadin is born in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
- 22 March 1973 - Alternate history writer Adolf Hitler dies in New Amsterdam.
- 11 March 2006 - The retired Emperor Saisei of Japan dies.
- 22 March 1949 The Treaty of Alexandria is signed establishing the Arab Community.
- 27 March 1957 Kamerun becomes independent from CSDS.
- 3 March 2009 Constitution ratified in Four Palms, South Florida.