File talk:Mapofislam.png

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Guess the darker green means a larger number of Muslim, right? If so I think countries such as Saudi Arabia (which only admits Muslim foreign immigrants) and the Hijaz should be coloured darker. On the other hand perhaps the different shades of green mean the different denominations of Islam. Definetly this great map needs a bit more explaination. Anyway, good job!--Pedromoderno 18:06, 10 August 2018 (PDT)

The latter. The absolute darkest green is Kharijite Islam, which has the Ibadi (Oman, Algeria & Tunisia) and the Sufri (Morocco/the non coastal Maghreb) branches. The emerald green is Sunni Islam, which is still probably the largest branch, although it's much more evenly matched it seems in IB. Jade green is Shia Islam, which has spread across the globe. There's an intermittent shade of green between the latter two for non-denominational Muslims, which are found in Turkestan, where Muslims are more likely to just say they're Muslims and leave it at that, and the non-Turkic Balkans, where the Sufi orders distanced themselves from the Sunni caliphate-in-exile in Gordion after decolonization, GWI, & the Ottomans' loss of Constantinople. I figured the Ahmadi sect never came to be in IB, its closest equivalent is the ghulat post-Shia sect in the Mughal National Realm that the rest of the Muslim world call Alawiyya, despite having no connection to the Alawites whatsoever in your jurisdiction of Syria, whose own sects of the Alewites and Kurdish Alevis I just colored Shia jade-green for the sake of clarity. Misterxeight 09:56, 11 August 2018 (PDT)

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