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To my knowledge Aotearoa originally meant the North Island and the Maoris had no name for New Zealand as we know it. The usage of Aotearoa for the whole country started in mid-20th century (in the real world). Therefore if in IB Maori culture and language was less "opressed" than in the real world (prior to the developments of 20th century) perhaps another name would have developed for whole country, while Aotearoa would refer to the northern island only? Maybe something like "Maori State", "South Polynesia", "New Polynesia" or something else? Abdul-aziz 03:04, 22 June 2006 (PDT)

The name is already established as QSS so changing it is not an option. In any case, having the name of one entity spreading to others is not that unsual ("canada" used to refer only to a small part of the modern day country for example). The northern island might have been the political center and slowly ended up swalowing the rest.--Marc Pasquin 05:16, 22 June 2006 (PDT)
As is written in the policy, what is QSS might be changed if there is sufficient prove that the change is logical and it is accepted by the other contributors (for example in the way you suggest that Cape Green and some other territories wouldn't be a part of Commonwealth). This, of course, cannot be my own decition. "Aotearoa" could indeed be used as a short term to refer to whole country similarly as Holland frequently refers to the whole Netherlands in the real world. The long name and the official name however might be different as it seems it is not established anywhere. Abdul-aziz 06:23, 22 June 2006 (PDT)
Cape Green and the others (ad far as I know) were never discussed so my comment was that they status was *not* QSS, this one is. As for the name, if you want to suggest something, go for it.--Marc Pasquin 09:11, 23 June 2006 (PDT)
Perhaps the full formal name could be The State (Realm? Principality?) of Aotearoa and Wai Pounamu? Nik 23:23, 13 November 2006 (PST)


The reason why I tagged it as a proposal is that I'm still working on it so some small elements might change (thought not the gist of it). I also of course welcome suggestion.

Regarding some specific elements:

- The reason some of the other islands are part of Aotearoa but not the commonwealth is that while *here* Queen Elisabeth is their official head of state, she is not so (as in other commonwealth countries) as queen of these islands but in her quality of Queen of New Zealand (even though the inhabitant and not legaly new-zelanders). The head of State of these islands is not a specific personor dinasty but defined as being "the sovereign in right of New Zealand".

The reason why samoa is included is due to its link *here* with New Zealand (it was under a League of Nations mandate by it) in addition to which one of its island (Swains Island) is claimed by Tokelau (with which it share both a culture and historical link). I have also assume that the split (which *here* occured between the US and Germany, the later being "liberated" by New Zealand) wouldn't have happened *there*.

- There was indeed an attempted french settlement *here* which directly lead to the annexion (or protectorate) of New Zealand by the UK.

- The concessions are meant to be similar to the British presence in part of India until independence.

- The treaty of Waitangi (Wayne-haki's counterpart *here*) is just as debated *here*

--Marc Pasquin 18:54, 4 September 2006 (PDT)


Are there very many Europeans/pakeha in Aotearoa? Or not really? Juan Martin Velez Linares 09:17, 30 Oct 2015 (CDT)

I would imagine that QAA applies and that similar numbers came over, depending on the treaties. BoArthur 10:30, 30 October 2015 (PDT)
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