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Jump to navigationJump to searchDeism is an actual church *there*? Nik 19:06, 18 January 2006 (PST)
Sure, why not? Could have evolved into one during the first and second quarters of the XIX century. I'm sure it helped to give rise to Rationalism. It might have faded again, back into the other Protestant denominations (mostly I think Presbyterian) that its membership seem to have come from. Whatever happens to it, I can't see that it would gain more than a very small following, almost entirely among the intelligensia. It's probably quite reduced in the XX century, as its basic tenets have given way to the advances of science in the XIX and XX centuries. Elemtilas 21:09, 18 January 2006 (PST)Incorporated by Elemtilas 17:14, 2 March 2006 (PST)- Looks somewhat like the Unitarian Universalists. Hmm... Is it possible the UU's, either together or separately, have developed? As in, are their Unitarian churches and Universalist churches? (FYI: I'm a UU) Seth 09:06, 5 November 2009 (UTC)
- Unitarianism began as a (somewhat fringe) movement within Christianity - originally it simply meant accepting a lot of Christianity but rejecting the Trinity - correct? So it could definitely have had a separate lineage than Deism. Maybe *there* they're the Unitarian-Deists? Benkarnell 23:45, 5 November 2009 (UTC)
- Unitarianism is the rejection of the Trinity, yes. And it wasn't a fringe group: The Arians (not Aryans) were followers of Unitarianism, as well as the, I believe, Anomoeanists. However, Unitarianism in the US *here* is now tied almost completely with Universalism, the belief that God is benevolent and would not condemn any person to Hell forever, but that all souls were savable, even those who are not Christian. "UUism" has liberalized to being, *here*, a creedless faith focusing on developing "a free and responsible search for truth and meaning." This has allowed us to adopt many non-Christians, and even atheists. UUism allows a forum for people to learn and develop their own set of personal beliefs and spirituality. What I think would be a good idea for *there* would be the two churches not merging, but working together with Deistic churches to voice their faith. They probably have something like an "Assembly of Reason and Understanding," where they, and other minority religions, can come together every few years and discuss in a peaceable manner their faiths and personal spirituality, as well as learn from other, listen to seminars, etc.
- You know what, an organized Humanist faith is known to exist in Jervaine. They can be involved with this as well. Benkarnell 11:52, 7 November 2009 (UTC)
- PS - I hope I didn't offend you by using the word 'finge' - in retrospect it sounds very rude. By fringe I didn't mean to suggest that unitarianism, early or modern, was extremist or wacky or even unpopular. I just meant that in terms of the history of Christian doctrine & creeds, it was a fairly radical departure from the orthodox/catholic ideas about God that have formed / still form such an important part of the faith of most Christians since late antiquity. I'm afraid I stepped over the line, so I apologize.
- No, you are all right. I freaked all on my own. But I'll look into that Humanist organization in Jervaine, so thank you for that info. Seth 18:56, 9 November 2009 (UTC)
- OK, thanks. I think all we know about it is the blurb at Jervaine#Religions. Benkarnell
- Looks somewhat like the Unitarian Universalists. Hmm... Is it possible the UU's, either together or separately, have developed? As in, are their Unitarian churches and Universalist churches? (FYI: I'm a UU) Seth 09:06, 5 November 2009 (UTC)