Treaty of MR Independence

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  • His Imperial Majesty, Abd-ul Aziz, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, and the Holy Synod of the Monastic Republic, desiring to end amicably the state of armed tension between their respective nations and considering that the interests of the Monastic Republic are necessarily linked, by reason of its geographical situation, to those of the Ottoman Empire, have accordingly decided to conclude a treaty and have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries:
    • For His Imperial Majesty, Abd-ul Aziz, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire: His Imperial Highness Sehzade Ahmed Kemaleddin,
    • For The Holy Synod of the Monastic Republic: His Serene Grace Demetrios of St. Athanasios
  • Who, being duly authorized, have agreed on the following provisions:
  • Article 1. The Government of His Imperial Majesty assures to the Monastic Republic its independence and its sovereignty and guarantees the integrity of its territory as if that territory were part of the Ottoman Empire. The Holy Synod undertakes, for its part, to exercise its rights of sovereignty in complete conformity with the sovereign interests of the Ottoman Empire.
  • Article 2. The Government of His Imperial Majesty most willingly assumes the commitment to indemnify the Monastic Republic for war and occupation damage to movable and immovable property of the Monastic Republic, whether within the territorial boundaries of the Monastic Republic or in any of the parts of the Ottoman Empire. If, in the course of the present war and by reason of the relations that exist between His Imperial Majesty and the Holy Synod, those which are enemies of the Ottoman Empire should engage in acts of destruction or depredation against the property of the Holy Synod either in the territory of the Monastic Republic or in imperial territory, the Government of His Imperial Majesty declares its readiness to consider the ways in which it can render assistance to the Holy Synod with a view to reparation for the damage caused.
  • Article 3. In addition to acknowledging the sovereign territory of the Monastic Republic as it has existed since the time of the Byzantine Empire, the Government of His Imperial Majesty, in partial compensation, cedes to the Monastic Republic additional territory up to the town of Ierissos. A straight line south-southwest from Latitude 40°23.7' North, Longitude 23°53.3' East to Latitude 40°21.7' North, Longitude 23°53.1' East shall be the new frontier between the Monastic Republic and the Ottoman Empire.
  • Article 4. The Government of His Imperial Majesty may, in case of emergency, and only at the request of the Holy Synod, cause such naval forces as are necessary for the maintenance of the security of the two countries to enter and remain in the territorial waters of the Monastic Republic for as long as deemed necessary by the Holy Synod.
  • Article 5. Special agreements shall establish the provisions relating, in particular, to the organization of joint public services, the treatment of aliens, and the co-ordination of frontier surveillance, it being understood that it shall be solely the concern of the Holy Synod to enact provisions concerning the internal public order of the Monastic Republic.
  • Article 6. This Treaty shall, as soon as circumstances permit, be brought to the notice of the Powers by the Government of His Imperial Majesty, that all nations may acknowledge the sovereign independence of the Serene Monastic Republic of the Holy Mountain.
  • In witness whereof the Plenipotentiaries have signed this Treaty and have thereto affixed their seals.
  • Done in duplicate, at Karyes, on 11 October 1878.
    • [Sehzade Ahmed Kemaleddin]
    • [Demetrios of St. Athanasios]