Talk:Sign Language

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It has not been adapted to the world of Ill Bethisad. Anyone feel free to edit it. QSS and QAA are held in abeyance.

Nik made the following proposal about sign languages *there* in March of 2008.

Given overall attitudes *there*, I'm going to propose that oralism was not as strong *there* as *here*. Either the Milan Conference never occurred *there*, or it came to a different conclusion, or it simply didn't have the same influence. At any rate, oralism, though it did exist *there*, was not as dominant as *here*, and manualist schools continued to operate in large numbers in many nations.

As *here*, Gallaudet and LeClerc brought Old French Sign Language over to America when they founded the Hartford School for the Deaf and Dumb, and thus, League Sign Language (LSL) is related to French Sign Language *there* as well. Not all of the NAL uses the same sign language. Mueva Sepharid (sp?) may have developed their own sign language prior to admission into the NAL, for example.

Florida-Caribbea had a somewhat more complex situation. The first schools for the Deaf in Florida were founded by teachers from the NAL, and thus, Floridian Sign Language was based on League Sign Language. Cuba (and perhaps Porto Rico and Hispaniola) developed their own sign languages. Initially, FlSL was the prestige sign language of FC, but later, Cuban Sign Language came to the fore, in part due to hostility towards the NAL.

Louisianne and New Francy both use dialects of LSL. I'm not sure about the rest of North America. Plains Indian Sign Language may still survive in northern Louisianne, and perhaps have had an influence on Lousiaianne Sign Language.

The Federated Kingdoms each developed their own sign language, the English variety probably very similar to *here*'s British Sign Language, if not identical. I imagine that Australasia probably followed the FK *there* as *here*.

Because of the greater status of manualism, the Deaf community *there* was more connected. Televised interpreters have been around a lot longer, and some form of writing for sign language, possibly similar to *here*'s Sign Writing or Stokoe Notation ( and have been around longer, and in common use. This has tended to create greater standardization in sign languages.