Uploads by Kgaughan

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This special page shows all uploaded files.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
12:23, 11 January 2006 Arc-med.png (file) 31 KB Temporary version of the Project: Arc logo. The typeface used for the word ''Project'' will be changed to match that of the main part of the logo once I've all the letterforms. 2
11:15, 5 January 2006 Oliweir gwilelm.jpg (file) 50 KB Public Domain image of Oliver Cromwell pulled from Wikipedia here. 1
22:24, 29 December 2005 George bernard shaw.jpg (file) 7 KB GBS himself. 1
11:01, 15 December 2005 Oscar.jpg (file) 47 KB Oscar Mac an Bhílde. 1
10:36, 1 December 2005 Solas-teoranta.png (file) 4 KB The Solas Teoranta Logo 1
17:47, 23 October 2005 Anti snor symbol 4.png (file) 628 bytes Yet another variation on the CX anti-SNOR symbol. This one's a highly stylised version. 1
17:50, 22 October 2005 Ib-britain-ireland-linguas.png (file) 23 KB Language family distributions in Britain and Ireland. 1
11:05, 22 October 2005 Ireland coa.png (file) 7 KB Coat of Arms of Ireland. Uploaded under fair use as a cultural artifact. 1
09:44, 24 August 2005 Ae-political-map.png (file) 36 KB The Territories, Provinces, and Primary Cities of Ireland. Uploaded by creator. 1
08:48, 24 August 2005 Ie sunburst med.png (file) 2 KB Flag of An tAonstát Éireann. Uploaded by creator. 1