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edit WRW 1 — ECHO DZEI — 2.NOV.2007

"It is 22:05, outside it is 10°R, and this is the Echo of the Day. Good evening, dear listeners. International controversy is growing over the Republic's policies in Southeast Florida, especially when it comes to the situation in the camps, built over three years ago for the victims of several subsequent furacanoes. Our government is under heavy attack from the international press after the BBC World Service published some alarming news regarding the life conditions in those camps. Earlier today, Jewan Sobociny had an interview about the matter with Paweł Bościciału, minister of colonies."
JS: "Mr. Minister, the Caribbean Desk of the BBC has released some quite alarming news about the situation in Southeast Florida, and the world press seems to be picking it up. Is our government going to issue an official response yet?"
PB: "For now, I don't believe these rumours deserve our government's attention. We honestly have better things to do."   Read More...