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edit IBAP — 20.02.2004 30 (Pluviôse CCXII)

Young calls for peace
PARIS-SUR-MIZOURI, Osage, Louisianne — In a special news conference, President Jean-François Young plead for peace in the escalating situation between the Cruzan Islands and Florida-Caribbea. "We must all take a step back." He said. "We must reconsider what this action will do to the lives of all our peoples."  Read More...
Response from the Office of the Foreign Ministry:
The Nation appreciates the concerns of the Louisianan government and people, and heartily welcomes the opportunity to enter arbitration over the unfortunate matter of the Cruzan rebellion. It must be most strongly affirmed from the outset that the rebellious secession movement in the Province of the Cruzan Islands is illegal and has no basis in fact or Law.  Read More...