National Holidays of Awadh
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Public holidays
- Because the Islamic and Hindu calendars are lunar calendars, the months advance 11 days each year. When a religious festival falls on a civil legal holiday, the latter is transferred to the following Monday.
- The standard work week in Awadh begins on Monday and ends on Saturday. The work schedule is 48 hours per week, Sunday being a rest day.
- Fixed holidays which fall on a Sunday are transferred to the following Monday.
Name | Date | Notes |
Civil New Year | 1 January | |
Independence Day | 1 February | Commemorates Independence from the Moghul National Realm in 1722. |
Gudi Padwa | 15 March 2018 | Commemorates the crowning of Rama in Ayodhya after his victory over Ravana. |
Coronation Day | 2 April | Commemorates the coronation of Shah Anjum Quder. |
Constitution Day | 11 May | Commemorates the proclamation of the constitution in 1981. |
Eid al-Fitr | 15 June 2018 (1 Shawwāl) | Marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. |
Shah Anjum Quder's birthday | 8 July | |
Eid al-Adha| | 22 August 2018 (10-13 Dhū al-Ḥijjah) | Honors the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son as an act of submission to God's command. Only the 13th is a legal holiday. |
Islamic New Year | 11 September 2018 (1 Muḥarram) | Spring festival of thanksgiving. |
Diwali | 7 November 2018 | This festival of light celebrates the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, knowledge over ignorance, and hope over despair. |
Chhath | 13 November 2018 | Celebration to thank Surya, the sun god, for the bounties of life on earth and to request the granting of certain wishes. |
Mawlid | 25 November 2018 (17 Rabī‘ al-awwal) | The observance of the birthday of Muhammad. |