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Number: 235,000
Place of origin: Alyaska, northern NAL, Greenland, eastern Chukotka
Places inhabitted: Greenland (52% of population), NAL (northern Unincorporated Territory, Nunavik), Alyaska, Chukotka (eastern part)
Formed at: 10th-13th centuries (national revival - 19th century)
Race: Asian subrace
Culture: Inuit
Language: Inuit dialects
Religion: Paganism (~30%), Christianity (~65%)

Inuit are an ethnicity from the northernmost part of North America. They originated in Asia, from where they moved through the Bering straight to what is now Alyaska and from there inhabitted the area. In the second millenium AD they continued the migration eastwards and reached Greenland. The Inuits were hunters, and although the numbers of them were scarce, due to the fact that these territories were almost uninhabitted previously, the Inuits became the main nationality in the area.

The Inuit national revival happened in the 18th-19th centuries, mostly in the American mainland. Several travellers interested in the Inuit culture helped to promote education in the area and the Inuit interest in their own culture and language. It was then the time when the Inuits started to regard themselves as a single nation fo the first time. Several Inuit figures were able to live in the cities of NAL and thus get university education; they later continued the work of promoting the Inuit national identity.

The Inuit area was, however, overtaken by foreign powers without resistance - the nomad Inuits continued their lifestyle afterwards, while some of the Inuits established villages and towns. Many of those Inuits adopted Christianity as the Christianity was heavily promoted by their leaders with NAL education as a more modern religion.

In the early 20th century the Inuits from NAL promoted their ideas among the Greenland Inuits as well despite of the pressure from the Greenlander-dominated local elite. It was then when the standard Inuit language was developed, based largely on NAL dialects, although as well incorporating Greenland Inuit vocabularity and some grammar as well. This standard language, however, never became popular and has been used only by the promoters of it, while in public life the Inuits continued to use their own dialects.

The idea of Great Inuit State, encompassing parts of Alyaska, NAL, Chukotka and whole Greenland, first arose in 19th century and continued into 20th century. The most prominent supporters of the idea now are the Inuits from Greenland, who feel oppressed in their country, while the Inuits from NAL are currently more content with their current situation and instead prefers more cultural ties with other Inuits, but less actual political attempts to establish a single state. They were able to reach some recognition from the NAL government lately, as the Inuit state of Nunavik was established.

Inuit community is currently largely politically and culturally divided between the more numerous settled down Inuits (especially Nunavik), that mostly live in America, and the largely pagan nomads; as well among the different dialectal groups and different countries. Aleuts are generally considered to be Inuits as well since the 19th century.

This page was created by Abdul-aziz.