ISO Codes
This article is source material
Presumably, the ISO Codeset consists of two and three letter combinations, usually based on some kind of abbreviation of the country or organisation involved.
- NOTA BENE: The "real" ISO might have a problem our use of "ISO". Perhaps before this gets out of hand, IB's "ISO" should be changed to "OIS" or "IOS" (International Organisation of Standards) sort of thing.
These lists of ISO Codes for IB countries are quite old (19/20.06.2003, msg#10968, 10998) and is probably in need of update and or refurbishment. Kindly check your areas of interest and amend as needed! ISO Codes are intended for _national_ entities, more than they are for provinces and ridings.
QUESTION: What exactly are the ISO codes used for, apart from top-level domains for our non-existent internet? What makes them so important that would warrant a 100 message stampede on this list? (Christian Thalmann)
ANSWER: Well, for our purposes they serve as an index for the flags.
Within Ill Bethisad itself, they have many purposes: they are used on international post, by agreement between ISO and UPU, the Union Postale Universelle; they are entered on passports, by informal international agreement; they appear on vehicular license plates. (*Our* benighted civilization uses three different codesets for these three purposes.) In international currency trading, the standard label for each currency is its ISO country code plus a letter or symbol signifying the currency, typically the initial of its local name. (John Cowan, msg#11212)
Not to mention that the many often nearly identical currencies can be segregated by the ISO code found in the "check block" on a banknote (a small series of numbers used for internal QC). This is particularly useful in the FK, whose notes are identical regardless of which member state has issued them; and in the NAL. (Padraic Brown, msg#11226)
This list was prepared by Frank:
aa* Austro-Dalmatia
ac Alta California
ad Andorra
ae United Arab Emirates
al Albania
am Armorica
an Anhalt
ao Monastic Republic
ap Araucania & Patagonia
ar Aragon
at Austria
au Australasia
ax Aaland
aw Awadh
ay Alyeska
az Azerbaijan
ba Batavia
bd Baden
be Belarus
bf Bedouin Free State
bg Bulgaria
bh Bahia
bo Bohemia
br Brittany
bs al-Basra
bu Bhutan
bw Brunswick
by Bavarian Soviet Republic
bz Brazil
ca Central America
cd Community of Dalmatophone States
ce Ceuta
cg Cambrian Guyana
ch Charcas
ci Chile
cl Castile & Leon
cn Castillian Commonwealth of Nations
cr Crimea
cs* CSDS
cv Croatia
cx Canary Islands
cz Cruzan Islands
dc* Danubian Confederation
de Holy Roman Empire (Deutschland/Germany)
dg Danzig
dh* Dalmatian Hercegovina
dk Denmark
dl Dalmatia
dn Sikkim (Denzong)
du Dunein
dz Algeria
ea Chinese East Africa
ee Estonia
eg English Guyana
ei Ireland
en England
eq Equador
er Eritrea
et Ethiopia
fc Florida-Caribbea
fg French Guyana
fk Federated Kingdom
fo Faroe Islands
fr France
gf Grand Fenwick
gl Greenland
gr Greece
gz Guangzhou
ha Hannover
hb Bremen
hh Hamburg
hi Haiti
hj Hijaaz
hl Luebeck
hn Hunan
hu Hungary
hv Helvetia
hy Armenia
iq Iraaq
is Iceland
it Italy
jm Jammu
jp Japan
jr Jervaine
ju Judea
ka Gold Coast
ke Kemr
ki Kashmir
km Kamerun
kn Kenya
ko Kongo
ks Saudi Arabia
ku Kurdistan
kw Kuwayt
kz kwaZulu
lb Lebanon
ld Ladakh
li Lippe
lo Louisiana
lu Luxembourg
lv Latvia
ly Libya
ma Mali
mc Monaco
md Moldova
me Melilla
mh Maghreb
mi Egypt
mj Mejico
mk Mecklenburg
ml Malta
mn Mongolia
mr Montrei
ms Mueva Sefarad
mt Monthang (Lo)
mu Muntenia
na Nauru
nd New Dalmatia
nf Nouvelle France
ng New Granada
ni New Iceland
nl North American League/Solemn League & Covenant
no Norway
np Nepal
nv Nasesk Vesemir
nx Nicobar Islands
ob Oldenburg
ol Oltenia
on Oran
or Oregon
pa Parana
pe Peru
pg Paraguai
pr Prussia
ps Patrimony of Saint Peter (Pontifical States)
pt Portugal
rf Romanian Federation
rh Rheinland-Pfalz
rl (Rajadom of) Lo
rp Rio de la Plata
ru Russia
sa South Africa
sc Scotland
sd Somaliland
se* Slovenia
sf Finland
sh Shetland
si Saugeais
sj Sanjak
sk* Serb Kozara (1993-1997)
sl Slevania
sm San Marino
so Western Sahara
sp Sapme
sr Serbia
ss* Serb Slavonia (1995-1998)
su Suriname
sv Georgia
sw Sweden
sx Saxony
sy Syria
sz* Slavonic Union
tc Republic of the Two Crowns
tf Tranquebar-Frederiksnagore
tg Tanganyika
th Thuringia
ti Tibet
tj Tejas
to Togo
tr Turkey
ts Two Sicilies
tu Tunisia
tw Tawantinsuyu
ua Ukraine
un Unguja
ur Uruguay
us United Kingdom of Scandinavia
uy Uyguristan
ve Upper Volta
vh Hessen
vz Venezuela
wi Wight [Should not have one, since it's but an English county.]
wp Waldeck-Pyrmont
wu Wuerttemberg
ye Yemen
This list was prepared by Carlos the next day (msg#10998):
International Standard Codes in Ill Bethisad
AA Aaland (SR)
AC Alta California
AD Austro-Dalmatia*
AE United Arab Emirates
AF Afghanopakistan
AH Anhalt (DE)
AK Arakan
AL Alyeska
AM Armorica
AO Monastic Republic
AR Aragon
AT Austria
AU Australesia
AW Awadh
AZ Azerbaijan
BA Batavia
BD Baden
BG Bulgaria
BF Beduin Free State
BH Bahia
- BH China (Beihanguo)
BN ! Bengal
BO Bohemia
BR Brasil
BS Al-Basra
BT Britany
BU Bhutan
BW Brunsweig
- BW Bahawalpur
BY Bavarian Soviet Republic
CC Central America Community
CE Ceuta (CL)
CG Montenegro
CH Charcas
CI Chile
CK Cham Kingdom
CL Castile & Leon
CR Crimea
- CS Circars
CU Chukotka
CV Croatia
CX Castillian Territories (CL)
CY Ceylon
CZ Cruzan Islands (FC#SR)
DC Danubian Confederation*
DE Holy Roman Empire (Deutschland/Germany)
DH Dalmatian Herzegovina*
DK Denmark (SR)
DL Dalmatia
DN Sikkim (Denzong)
DU Dunein
DZ Danzig
EA Chinese East Africa
EG English Guyana
EI Ireland
EL Greece
EN England
EQ Equador
ER Eritrea
ET Ethiopia
FC Florida-Caribbea
FJ Fujian, Taiwan & Hainan
FK Federated Kingdoms
FO Faroe Islands (SR)
FR France
GA Galicia (TC)
GB Gabon
GC Cambrian Guyana
GF Grand Fenwick
GK Moi Gok
GL Greenland
GU Guinea
GZ Guangzhou
HA Hannover (DE)
HB Bremen (DE)
HH Hamburg (DE)
HI Haiti
HJ Hijaaz
HL Luebeck (DE)
HN Hunan
HU Hungary
HV Helvetia
HY Armenia
- HY Hyderabad
IC Canary Islands (CL)
IQ Iraaq
IS Iceland
IT Italy
JM Jammu
JP Japan
JR Jervaine
JU Judea
JZ Algeria
KA Golden Coast
KE Kemr
KH Khmer
KI Kashmir
KM Kamerun
KN Kenya
KO Kongo
KR Korea
KS Saudi Kingdom
KT Kamatacha
KU Kurdistan
KW Kuwayt
KZ KwaZulu
LB Lebanon
LD Ladakh
LH Lao-Hmong Union
LI Lippe (DE)
LK Maluku
LT Lithuania (TC)
LU Luxemburg
LV Latvia
MA Mali
MC Monaco
MD Moldova (RF)
ME Mejico
MH Maghreb
MI Egypt
MJ Majapahit
MK Mecklemburg (DE)
ML Malta
MM Burma
MN Mongolia
MO Monland
MP Araucania & Patagonia
MR Montrei
MS Mueva Sefarad (NL)
MT Monthang (Lo)
MU Mutenia (RF)
MV Maldives
MX Melilla
MY Mysore
NA Nauru
NC Nanchang
ND New Dalmatia
NF New Francy
NG New Granada (CL)
NI New Iceland (NL,SR)
NL North American Leage
NO Norway (SR)
NP Nepal
NV Nasesk Vesemir
NX Nikobar Islands
OB Oldemburg (DE,SR)
OL Oltenia (RF)
ON Oran
OR Oregon
PA Parana
PE Peru
PG Paraguai
PJ Panjab
PO Portugal
PP Pilipinas
PR Prussia (DE)
PS Patrimony of Saint Peter (Pontifical States)
RF Romanian Federation
RH Rheinland-Pfalz
RJ Rajputania
RL (Rajadom of) Lo
RP Rio de La Plata
RU Russia
SA South Africa
SB Serbia
SC Scotland
SD Somaliland
SE Slovenia*
SF Finland
SH Shetland
- SH Shanghai
SI Saugeais
- SI Sind
SJ Sanjak
- SJ Samraj
SK Serb Kozara*
SL Slevania
SM San Marino
SO Western Sahara (CL)
SP Sapme
SQ Albania
SR Scandinavia
SS Serb Slavonia*
SU Suriname
SV Georgia
SW Sweden
SX Saxony (DE)
- SX Spratley Islands
SY Syria
- SY Srivijaya
SZ Slavonic Union*
TA Tai Republic
TC Republic of Two Crowns
TE Tejas
TF Tranquebar-Frederiksnagore
TG Tanganyika
TH Thuringia (DE)
TI Tibet
TM Tenaserim
TN Turkestan
TO Togo
TS Two Sicilies
TU Tunisia
TV Travancore
TW Tawantinsuyu
UK Ucraine
UN Unguja
UR Uruguay
UY Uyguristan
VE Venezuela
VH Hessen (DE)
VO Volta Eszcelza
VT Nam Viet
WI Wight
WN Veneda (TC)
WP Waldeck-Pyrmont (DE)
WU Wuerttemberg (DE)
YE Yemen
ZH Zhuanguo
BAL Baltic League
KDS Community of Dalmotophone States
LAR Aragonese League
MCN Castilian Commonwealth of Nations
PAN Andean Pact
ULA Lusoamerican Union
BH Bahia
- BH China (Beihanguo)
Free is BI for wither BahIa or BeIganguo. Or maybe RB for Republica da Bahia.
BW Brunsweig
- BW Bahawalpur
Probably BP for Bahawalpur?
- CS Circars
As a current entity, I would give Circars preference. CSDS might take CD.
HY Armenia
- HY Hyderabad
Probably HD for Hyderabad...
SH Shetland
- SH Shanghai
As Shetland is not souvereign, Shanghai should have precedence. [Agreed -- Shetland is a county of Scotland. Elemtilas 07:47, 6 Jun 2005 (PDT)] I am not sure however the better solution for Shetland. SG is one of
the few free S* combinations. [As a subnational entity, I don't think it needs one. Elemtilas]
SI Saugeais
- SI Sind
Where is Saugerais? [Somewhere in France. Elemtilas]
SN is free too, probably for Sind.
SJ Sanjak
- SJ Samraj
SK Serb Kozara*
SX Saxony (DE)
- SX Spratley Islands
SY Syria
- SY Srivijaya
SZ Slavonic Union*
How about ST for Spratley Islands?
Another posibility, make South Afrika ZA and move Saxony to SA
Or move some of this entities to RS (some Republic)
-- Carlos Th
- I have taken the liberty of creating a list of ICSC code abbreviations. If it does not meet with the approval of the membership it can simply be deleted.
- I have placed it at the end of the lists on the "ISO Codes" page. If this new list is accepted it should be placed at the beginning of the page as being the most recent.
- These are all of the nations listed on the page "Nations of Ill Bethisad".
- Because of the creation of new nations in recent months I use a three-letter code.
- I have eliminated codes for nations on Frank's and Carlos' lists that are no longer in existence or for any entity that is not an independent nation.
- I have not created codes for provinces, colonies or autonomous regions. The caretakers can create these if they want these regions to have codes for radio, aviation, etc., having received approval from the ICSC, of course.
- The abbreviations are for the English names. I know that there's no international language in IB, but English is the easiest to work with. If any caretaker prefers the code of his nation to be in a language other than English, he is free to change it, providing the abbreviation is not already assigned to another nation. It would be a help if such a caretaker would notify the membership via Facebook of any such change.
- I used a descriptor only once, for the Rajadom of Lo (RLO), because I needed three letters.
- There is no system to the creation of the abbreviations, just whatever seemed the most logical to me.
- Let me know if I've omitted any nations.
- There is a page entitled "ISO Codes/Temp". If this proposal is accepted, that page should be deleted.
- If this proposal is accepted I think that the presentation would be more appealing in several columns rather than in one long column. I don't know how to do this, so if anyone can help me, I'd appreciate it.
- International Standard Codes in Ill Bethisad
- ABS Al-Basra
- ADM Andaman Islands
- ADN Aden
- ADP Antarctic Dependency
- ALG Algeria
- ALT Alta California
- ALY Alyaska
- AND Andorra
- ANG Anguila
- ANH Anhalt
- ANT Antigua
- AOT Aotearoa
- APT Araucania and Patagonia
- AQU Aquanishuonigy
- ARG Aragon
- ARK Arakan
- ASC Ascension Island
- ATJ Atjeh
- AUS Australasia
- AWA Awadh
- AZN Azande Chiefdoms
- AZO The Azores
- AZR Azerbaijan
- BAD Baden
- BAH Bahia
- BAL Bulgaria (Bălgariya)
- BAN Banaba
- BAR Barbuda
- BAT Batavia
- BAV Bavaria
- BBD Barbados
- BEI China (Beihanguo)
- BEL Belarus
- BEN Bengal
- BFP Bornei-Filipinas
- BGY Batavian Guyana
- BHB Bedouin Free State (Al-Balad Al-Hurr Al-Badawii)
- BHR Bháraþíj Sámrázj
- BHV Bhávalpúr
- BOH Bohemia
- BOT Tibet
- BRA Brasil
- BRM Bremen
- BRN Braunschweig
- BRT Brittany
- BUG Buganda
- BUR Burma
- BVO Black Volta
- BVR Beaver Island
- BWA Batavian West Africa
- CAO Cambrian Arctic Ocean Territory
- CEU Ceuta
- CEY Ceylon
- CGY Cambrian Guyana
- CHB Chelyabinsk
- CHD Chad
- CHK Chukotka
- CHL Chile
- CHT Chittagong
- CIO Cambrian Indian Ocean Territory
- CNT Connecticut
- COR Korea
- CRC Costa Rica
- CRZ Cruzan Islands
- CRL Carolina
- CRM Crimea
- CSL Castile and Leon
- CUB Cuba
- CYP Cyprus
- DAL Dalmatia
- DAO Monastic Republic of the Holy Mountain (Dimokratí Agi Orou)
- DNM Denmark (Danmark)
- DNZ Sikkim (Denzong)
- DOM Dominica
- DRK Bhutan (Druk Ghal Khab)
- DWG Jammu (Dwigart Desh)
- DZG Danzig
- ECA Empire Centrafricain
- EES Estonia (Eesti)
- EFL East Florida
- EGY English Guyana
- EIR Ireland (Éire)
- ELN Elaeneth
- ENG England
- EQU Equador
- ERT Eritrea
- ETH Ethiopia
- EZO Ezo
- FGY French Guyana
- FNG Frederiksnagore
- FNP Fernando Poo
- FOR Faeroe Islands (Føroyar)
- FRG French Guinea
- FRL Free Lithuania
- FRN France
- FTH Fujian, Taiwan and Hainan
- GAB Gabon
- GAI Outer Manchuria (Gaimanxú)
- GAL Galicia
- GDG Gadangmeland
- GDL Guadaloupe
- GEB Gebaland
- GFN Grand Fenwick
- GIB Gibraltar
- GMB The Gambia
- GND Grenada
- GRN Greenland
- GTM Guatemala
- GUE Guereintia
- GUI Guinea
- GZH Guangzhou (Canton)
- HAI Hyderabad (Haidarabad)
- HAM Hamburg
- HAN Hannover
- HAU Hausaland
- HAY Armenia (Hayastan)
- HEL Helvetia
- HEN Henua
- HES Hessen
- HJZ Hijaaz
- HKG Hong Kong
- HNN Hunan
- HON Honduras
- HRV Croatia (Hrvatska)
- IBU Indo-British Union
- IRA Persia (Īrān)
- IRQ Iraaq
- ISC Canary Islands (Islas Canarias)
- ISL Iceland (Ísland)
- ITL Italy
- JAM Jamaica
- JCB Jacobia
- JER Jervaine
- JUD Judea
- KAL Kalinga
- KAM Kambuzá
- KAN Kanawiki
- KAR Karnataka
- KAS Kasai
- KAT Katanga
- KEM Kemr
- KEN Kenya
- KIR Kiripati
- KLM Kalmykia
- KMN Kamerun
- KNG Kingsland
- KNT Kent
- KOM Komi Republic
- KON Kongo
- KOS Gold Coast (Kostaya da Aurul)
- KOX Koxae
- KSM Kashmir
- KUR Kurdistan
- KUW Kuwayt
- KWZ KwaZulu
- LAD Ladakh
- LAT Latvia
- LBK Lübeck
- LEB Lebanon
- LET Luxemburg (Lëtzebuerg)
- LIB Libya
- LIP Lippe
- LOG Logone
- LOM Lo (Lo Manthang)
- LPL Les Plaines
- LUB Luba
- LUN Lunda
- LUQ Lùquiù
- MAA Maasai
- MAD Madagascar
- MAG Maghreb
- MAI Maisúr
- MAL Mali
- MAR Martinique
- MAS Mascoutensi
- MDJ Meidji-dò
- MDV Malediven
- MEI Meizhou
- MEJ Mejico
- MEK Mecklenburg
- MGY Hungary (Magyarország)
- MIA Miami
- MKG Mongo-Kongo
- MLC Malucos
- MLT Malta
- MLW Malawi
- MNG Mongolia
- MNL Monland
- MNS Monserrat
- MOG Moghul National Realm
- MOL Moldova
- MON Monaco
- MOR Moresnet
- MOZ Mozambique
- MRL Maryland
- MRT Mauritius
- MSB Massachusetts Bay
- MSC Monastery of St. Catherine
- MSF Mueva Sefarad
- MSN Manila
- MSQ Mosquito Coast
- MTP Mutapa
- MSR Egypt (Mişr, Maşr)
- MTR Montrei
- MUS Muscovy
- MUT Mutenia
- MYQ Myqan Daij
- NAD North Atlantic Dependency
- NAL North American League
- NAM Nam Viet
- NAN Nanchang
- NAS Nassland
- NCB Nicobar Islands
- NCF North Caucasian Federation
- NCL New Castreleon
- NCR Nicaragua
- NEN New England
- NEP Nepal
- NFR New Francy
- NGR New Granada
- NIG Nigeria
- NIL New Hellenicia (Nea Illenicia)
- NKO New Kemr di'll Ostr
- NNH Nanhanguo
- NOR Norway
- NSC New Scotland
- NSW New Sweden
- NTT Nittatò
- NUN Nunavik
- OLD Oldenburg
- OLT Oltenia
- OMN Oman
- ORG Oregon
- OST Austria (Österreich)
- OUI Ouisconsin
- OXB Oxbridge
- PAP Papua-New Guinea
- PAR Paraná
- PMR Preimern
- PNN Pennsylvania
- PNV Petrograd and Novograd
- PON Pònpei
- POR Portugal
- PPL Papal States
- PRG Paraguai
- PRS Prussia
- PRU Peru
- PRY Primorye
- QAZ Qazaqstan
- RAS Rasputhana
- RCK Rickerman Island
- RDK Republic of Two Crowns (Rzejpybiełka Dwar Korunar)
- RHI Rhode Island
- RIO Rio Muni
- RIU Riu de L'Argent
- ROA Greece (Romaïkí Autokratoría)
- ROZ Rozwi
- RPL Rheinland-Palatinate
- RRK Ralik-Ratak
- RVO Red Volta
- RWA Rwanda
- RYG Rygen
- SAA Saarland
- SAD South Atlantic Dependency
- SAF South Africa
- SAK Georgia (Sakartvelo)
- SAM Samrazj
- SAN Sanjak
- SAU Saugeais
- SAX Saxony
- SCO Scotland
- SDA Saudi Arabia
- SDM Santo Domingo
- SEY The Seychelles
- SFL South Florida
- SHG Shanghai
- SHL Schleswig-Holstein
- SHO Western Sahara (Sahara Occidental)
- SHQ Albania (Shqipëria)
- SHT Shetland Island
- SIC Two Sicilies
- SIK Sikh Confederacy
- SIN Sind
- SKD Skuodia
- SKN St. Kitts and Nevis
- SLM Saloman Islands
- SLO Slovenia
- SLU Saint Lucia
- SLV Slevania
- SMM Samme
- SMN Samonios Islands
- SMR Somer Islands
- SNM San Marino
- SOC Socotra
- SPS Sipsaqanbanna
- SRB Serbia (Srbija)
- STP St. Thomas and Prince
- SUO Finland (Suomi)
- SVG Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- SWA Southwest Africa
- SWE Sweden
- SYR Syria
- TAN Tanganyika
- TAW Tawantinsuyu
- TEJ Tejas
- TEM Thousand Emirates
- TGA Toga
- TGO Togo
- THR Thiruvithankur
- THT Tahiti
- TKB Tranquebar (Trankebar)
- TNS Tenasserim
- TOC Tocharstan
- TOK Tokelau
- TOR Tortuga Islands
- TRC Tearnas Ceasaer
- TRG Thuringia
- TRS Tearnas Saern
- TSH Trucial Sheikhdoms
- TSJ Chinsurah (Tsjinzoerah)
- TTG Trinidad and Tobago
- TRK Turkestan
- TUR Turkey
- UAW Uawia
- UBU Burundi (Uburundi)
- UKR Ukraine
- UNT Unincorporated Territories
- URL Ural Republic
- URU Uruguay
- UYG Uyguristan
- VEN Venezôla
- VOZ Vozgian Republic
- VRG Virginia
- WAA Wa'ab
- WAL Waldeck-Pyrmont
- WCP West Caribbean Province
- WES Westphalia
- WLC Wallace Cay
- WUR Württemberg
- WVO White Volta
- XLI Xliponia
- XRV Xrivizaja
- YAK Yakutia
- YAM Yamato
- YEM Yemen
- ZAN Zanzibar
- ZHU Zhuang