Cos Nustr

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Cos Nustr is an organisation that seems to have developed over a period of many years and in many places throughout Cambria, as local organisations devoted to protecting the lives, liberty and property of the local residents from the predations of the nobility. These independent and local organisations have evolved into a rather more complex national organisation, as outlined below.

Cos Nustr is the Brithenig form, Chos Nustoer is the Kernu form: both will be hereafter abbreviated "CN".

What CN is

CN is a combination of Cosa Nostra (the primitive origins of the modern Mafia *here*, but without the criminal angle); terrorism a la the IRA ("up the long ladder and down the short rope" sort of thing); pronational/antiforeign politics; and a wee bit of the old time Klan thrown in for measure (no racial overtones, but certainly anti-foreigner in its slant). As the 20th century has progressed, the political arm of CN has grown rather steadily, particularly in the eastern sectors of the country. The use of violence which had declined somewhat in the early and mid 1990s, has increased again to levels higher than before.

What CN is not

CN is not the Mob or the Mafia as seen in popular moving pictures or in novels. The criminal element of CN is generally restricted to high spirited youth members who engage in a little looting during periods of unrest. It's not CN's interest to secretly infiltrate Castrwent or any other sector of Government. On the contrary, their primary aims are to alter the current government's views (by public displays of protest, or by using terrorism and violence when deemed necessary); and to ultimately overturn the government by electing members of associated political parties who are disposed to a similar viewpoint. While the use of violence is not proscribed, it is seen as a temporary measure at best by most members.


The earliest manifestations of CN type organisations are lost in the mists of time. Very likely, they were of a Robin Hoodish nature, determined to protect the powerless against the predations of the native aristocracy, nobility and the Church. Their primary aims were to protect the common folk from excessive tax and tithe burdens and to eliminate injustice wherever possible.

Later, by the late 13th century, a renewed interest in reclaiming the whole of Britain for the British spurred certain members of the aristocracy and nobility, such as Owain Glyndwr, into leading invasion parties across the border. Since there was no national military effort behind these raids, their effects were quite limited.

As warfare with England became less and less a popular idea, as the aristocracy steadily lost its powers, and as the government became more reformed respecting the rights of the common folk; CN turned its attentions more towards the foreigners living within Cambria and especially along the borderlands: Ill Paes, Brechelch and eastern Kernow. The English living in these areas became the focus of CN's interest. Though accounts of excess violence are rare, there are not a few stories of less intense violence.

As time progressed, immigrants arrived in greater numbers and from more varied places. The English continued to move into the border lands, Gypsies spread out thoughout the country, Castilians sailors continually migrated to the port towns of Kernow and even Greeks and Italians have been known to immigrate, especially to the area around Castreleon. CN, now a recognised and named organisation by the early 18th century, as well as other anti-foreigner groups, grew increasingly alarmed at the rate of immigration from the latter half of the 19th century onwards. Several backlashes occured in the years following both the Great Wars in Europe, the refugees of which fled from German might and the aftermath of the wars. The ideal of Britain for the British became popular again and rather widespread, but in the form of Cambria for the Comro. This slight change would be the cause of a majour rift within the organisation.

The National Front (a pro-Comro political organisation aimed at "making Cambria a safe place for the Comro"; they were anti-English, anti-immigrant, and anti-Kernow), originally organised in the 1970s, joined with Cos Nutr. NF had long sought increased Comroig hegemony in the south and in the 19th century were responsible for the Language Laws imposed primarily on Dunein. CN's adoption of the NF's anti Kernow sentiments created a great rift between the northern branch of CN in northern Cambria and the southern branch of CN in the Province of Dunein; and CN of Kernow became increasingly anti Comro in its own outlook and policies.

In 1986, CN of Kernow absorbed the old National Party (a very old pro-Cambria party originally formed in the late 18th century to foment sentiment against the Act of Federation of 1805. When this campaign failed, they focused on what they called the "Irish Question"; setting themselves against Irish liberation in any form, working against Daniel Ui Conell's campaign of the 1820s and later working against Irish nationalism in the 1910s. A large faction of the party became set against colonialism (apart from that in Ireland), reasoning that colonials were not true Cambrian patriots (really they were traitors fleeing the Struggles at home) and celebrated great victories as colonies became independent members of the Commonwealth. By the 1970s, they had turned their attention towards the increase of immigration and the predations of Castrwent). In 1988, they absorbed the Labour Party (proTrade Union and proProfessional Guild, both of which were dead set against immigrants taking jobs and resources from natives) as well. Locally, CN of Kernow has set itself up as a watchdog against Castrwent, particularly in the matter of the many ethnic Comro living in Kernow, whom CN feel are gaining special treatment and protection from Castrwent.

What CN does

As a political movement, CN (both north and south) has retained its ultimate core ideology of guarding their constituents from the predations of others. These predations and their constituency have changed and developped considerably over the centuries from a general anti- aristocratic stance to much more refined international and domestic policies. The majority of the political works have shifted from CN proper to their various associated political parties, especially National Front and National Party. The more radical terror and violence wings of CN are what have been most active in the past century and especially in the last few years of the 20th century. Several large scale bombings have been conducted, often at politically tense moments: 1910, with economic disaster imminent and Parliament not prepared to take any action, CN staged nationwide strikes and protests, the one in Glastein resulting in the bombing of the headquarters of the Royal Bank of Dunnow; 1922, several incidents of arson and bombings in no fewer than twelve Irishtowns within Cambria, as well as an attempt to destroy the building housing the Irish election returns in Dublin, thwarted eventually by a Catholic priest; majour campaigns after both Great Wars aimed at recent immigrants, hundreds of immigrants killed during an attack on the Customs House outside of Castreleon; 1982, anti-English sentiment reached a fever pitch caused by certain English immigrant "Protectionary Laws", culminating with the Victoria Station bombing in London, killing several hundred, the first large scale attack on England since the days of Owain Glyndwr; 1988, general unrest throughout Cambria resulting from further pro-English and pro-immigrant laws, culminating in large protests throughout the country and several bombings in prominent cities: Castreleon, Esca, Glastein, Dui, etc. Since 1988, CN has been relatively quiet, except along the Fence, as the border with England is called, where at least three English families are burned out of their houses in a given year. In the last year, several people have also been lynched in Kernow, though whether they were English or some other group is not known.


The vast majority of CN members live in the Hundreds along the Fence in the provinces of Ill Paes, Brechelch and Dunein. Anyone of reasonable age, willing to serve the Cause of Cambrian freedom and willing to protect Cambrian interests is welcome. The majority of CN members throughout the country are rather peaceful people who simply don't want to be shafted; they participate in the rallies and in elections, but tend to leave off violence unless unavoidable. The rather more hardened CN members readily make use of all the weapons at their disposal.

The Enemy

The enemies of CN, in general, are as follows;

  1. The English
  2. Other immigrants
  3. Resident aliens
  4. The Gypsies and other minour groups.

In Kernow, the particulars are somewhat different:

  1. The English
  2. Resident aliens (here a derogatory term for the Comro living in Dunein)
  3. Other immigrants
  4. Castrwent
  5. The native Royal Houses, who are not always up to defending their people's rights.

Organisational hierarchy

CN is somewhat loosely organised at the national level. The head of CN of Comro is styled "ill don", or Lord; while the head of CN of Kernow is styled "il Maystoers", or Master. In Comro, the various cells are lead by "padr/madr lla ffefil", i.e., father or mother of the family. In Kernow, four "Rheys" or kings (one in each kingdom) answer to the Master, while each cell is governed by a "Tiernos", or lord. CN as a whole or cells thereof in Kernow are often refered to as "collegi" or guilds.

Cos Nustr makes for popular fiction the sort of short story one finds in glossy covered magazines that feature the writing of unknown or budding authors, science fiction articles, conspiracy theories, articles on mysticism and the like. They're usually illustrated and printed on cheap newsprint; but are inexpensive at six pence, or so.