Breathanach Dictionary

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     This page was copied from and serves primarily as a notebook for it.     

Aideicht proisceamh: 23 Iúil 2004

Last update: 23 July 2004

Words are indexed here by their most usual LN forms; LF forms, where they differ, are given in [square brackets]. Nouns are preceded by the article to show their gender; note that the initial letters of feminine nouns are therefore lenited. Articles, numbers, names of months and days, and comparitive forms are omitted.

Mutations are indicated by -h for lenition, -n for eclipsis, and -* for non-mutation.


a-h to, towards
eall acal eagle
aibhéir to have (past obhuí [úthuí])
ill aichir maple
airteasc artificial
eall airghill clay
eall airéanath mortar
eall ainceall maid [aigeall]
albh white
alt high, tall
amháir to like, love


bas low
beall beautiful
eall bhéathal birch [béal]
bein well
boireáil north
bon good


ca-n that (conjunction)
ill cabhall horse [cóll]
caidhéir to fall [caéir]
ill cain dog
ill camp field [cab]
cantáir to sing [cadáir]
ill caol sky
caorail blue
eall chaos cheese
ill caph head [cóth]
eall chás box
eall chas house
eall chastain chestnut
codh because
coimpréindir to understand
comúin common
confaindir [cobhainnir] to confuse (past confuidhí [cobhuí])
ill corn horn
créidhéir [créir] to believe (past créidhí [crí])
cu-n with
ill cuas thing (masc in some dialects, fem in others)
cucáir to cook
curt short


de from, of
déisir to desert, forsake (past déisearuí)
ill Dia God
díchir to say (past díscí)
dispirghir to spread (past dispisí)
doirmhír to sleep
ill dors back
dúichir to lead (past dúiscí)
dumh while
ill dúmh bramble
dúr hard (fem dór)


eannáir swim
eall eibh fir
éificheáir to build
eil other; saoi-eile each other
eilean foreign, strange
éiséir to be (past faí)
eith and [e]
ill eoch game
eall eóghlan walnut [eólan]
Eóinn John


eall fhac cow
eall fháich face, surface
faichir to make, do (past féichí)
fáidhir [faéir] to go (past ibhí)
eall fháigh beech [féith]
ill feann wind
ill fearbh word (plural eall fhearbh)
eall fheast feast
eall fhéath life
feathal [féal] old
eall fhéil cat
féilisc happy
eall fhéimhean woman
feinír to come (past féiní)
feispir evening
eall fhidh faith [fíth]
fidhéir to see (past fídhí; LF fír)
ill fin end
ill fior man
firidh green
flábh yellow [flóth]
eall fhlóir flower
eall fhoil page, leaf
fóiléir to want
foirt strong
folgáir common, vulgar
fusc brown (fem fosc)


eall gheil helmet
eall gheineast broom, gorse
ill gleidh sword [gléith]
grand large, big


ibh there
eall ílisc holly
impoisibh impossible [iboisibh]
i-n in
infeinír to find (past inféiní) [ibheinír]
ill inith start


labháir to wash
labhóráir to work [lóráir]
ill laicht milk
ill laiph stone
eall lairisc larch
ill laithir brick [láir]
láth broad, wide
ill leaph hare (plural leiph)
leann slow
léibh light (opposite of heavy)
leighír to read (past léighí, léiscí)
líbhir free
ill libhir book
eall liong language, tongue


ma-* but
maith-* more
mann great, large
mal bad
meirídh south [meiríth]
mion-* less
mitir to send, to put
ill moinn mountain
eall mhór mulberry
mótháir to change
moinéir to remind (past munuí)
ill mund world [mun]


ill nás nose
neighlighir to neglect [néilír]
níl nothing
nioghr black [níorr]
nobh new [núth]
nóibhil noble
ill nóimh name
eall nusc nut


eall oc water
oichidheann west [oichíonn]
oidh today
oirinn east
eall oistír hop-hornbeam (from ostrya)
eall ond wave
ill ór gold
ill ort garden
ósáir to use
oth or [o]


ill páin bread
eall phaoll girl
eall phaon guilt
parbh small
peascáir to fish
ill peathr stone [péarr]
peirdhir to lose
piasáir to think
eall phíon pine
ill plán plain
pléan full (fem plian)
póch small
póiphir poor
poithéir to be able, can (past puthuí [puí])
ill pophal people
eall phóphúl poplar [pól]
por for
porcha in order to
príomh first
ill punn fist
purphair purple


eall róbh oak [rúth]
eall roth wheel
ruimpir to break [ruibir] (past part rucht)
ruibhir red


eall shailisc willow
saiphéir to know (past sophuí [súthuí]
scríbhir to write (past scrísí)
seachand second [scunn]
seidh but
sich thus, therefore
sinn sign
so on
sól only (fem sual)
eall shorbh rowan
steithir to set down (past steathuí)
striocht narrow, slender
subh under [súth]
suibhir on, upon, above


taingir to touch (past tíghí)
teinéir to hold
eall thil lime, linden
tirt third
tóth all (fem tuath)
eall thuirr tower


uaráith speech
ill úbh egg [óth] (plural eall uabh [óth])
eall ulmh elm
ill urbh city